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Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/13/2016 05:16 PM CDT

I have had issues with gwethsmashers for a long time. But asking for changes, arguing about them, talking about them or anything does no go.

The policy that GMs stand firmly on is put simply. IF they can smash you, at any time, for any reason at all. No reason is itself a reason, this is why they always say there has never been a issue of smashing someone for no reason.

The GMs don't seem to care that its the little things that add up to kill the gaming experience for players. And having to be afraid to use the gweth is thankfully not at a high level. But when you are not disturbing the public by using the gweth and someone you never met, talked to, interacted with, or even know, smashes you out of the blue. Well that goes a lot farther then some gibberish on the gweth does. You can use the ignore feature for a reason but that simple solution is never advised instead smash.

The game was much better when immature players did not have ability to directly cause problems for other players. But instead had to reply on just being a jerk that other players could just ignore, walk away from, ignore or report if had to.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/13/2016 05:22 PM CDT
<<The game was much better when immature players did not have ability to directly cause problems for other players.

This utopia never existed.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/13/2016 05:28 PM CDT
>>PALLADIUM's post

Please note the many posts by GM Armifer on this topic recently that have specifically stated that we as GMs are in fact looking into potential ways of changing how gweths/gwethsmashing work and/or their continued existence in the game.

Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/13/2016 05:31 PM CDT
>>I have had issues with gwethsmashers for a long time. But asking for changes, arguing about them, talking about them or anything does no go.

When this poster reaches the end of the thread, the results will shock him! /buzzfeeds

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/13/2016 07:22 PM CDT
Thanks for the heads up GM-P. I was not keeping up on the smasher stats. As far as GM you named,all I have heard was 1, They created the smasher enchant system. 2, They saw no neef to change it. 3, huggie smooches on the gweth than any abuse. 4, If I or any one got smashed it was likely we deserved it. 5, Smashing was a non-GM event and so don't report to us, contact feedback.

And thanks Tev, but I'm not the type to hang on to a feed and spout OMG! LOLz! OMB I FAILZ. So no likely chance of me facepalming and other nonsense. Thanks.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/13/2016 07:26 PM CDT
>>1, They created the smasher enchant system.


>>2, They saw no neef to change it.


>>3, huggie smooches on the gweth than any abuse.

This is not a complete thought.

>>4, If I or any one got smashed it was likely we deserved it.


>>5, Smashing was a non-GM event and so don't report to us, contact feedback.

You shouldn't be contacting feedback about it either, really, though you can do it if it makes you feel better.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/13/2016 07:36 PM CDT

I guess you mean my "does no go" ? Type on a cellphone touch screen. Never made a typing error I guess.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/13/2016 07:47 PM CDT
Thank you GM-Amifer. But with good intentions aside and all due respect, you created a system and there is a policy of "do whatever you like, we won't get involved" that leaves a bad taste in some mouths. It often ends up being used as a tool by what appears to be elementary school bullies.

And I still take exception to anyone else breaking items on my character.

And the price of smasher vs gweths? Hello people spend cash for plats, cash for lvl 100+ recycled chacters.

Seriously, I have zero problems ignoring a little window at the top of my game interface. Worse comes to works. Ignore works more to hurt the person then does smashing them. Or just ifnore the silly words on the screen.

That would cause less issue then the current setup does. Because if the system is used against one person in the way it wasn't intended then its broken.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/13/2016 07:51 PM CDT
>>And I still take exception to anyone else breaking items on my character.

So do I. At the risk of echoing previous posts, have you actually read the recent thread on gwethsmasher usage? You seem to be very angry about the opposite of what I've been writing.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/13/2016 08:07 PM CDT
Actually no, like I said in my prior posts. I pretty much gave up beating that dead horse. Instead I have just resorted to having little interactions with other player outside of a very small circle of people I know who aren't jerks and completely having zero to do with all the trouble makers on my red name list. Its limited my enjoyment of the game but I have no other options. I have already had to give up on two characters who I have played for years because of issues. I don't want to have to do so again with this new one. Keeping my head down and staying out of things is the new game.

I have heard some stuff about changing stats that are used in the battle of determining if a smash is successful or what not. But I have not held much hope or belief in such things and don't want to try to calculate out the likely impact it will likely have.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/13/2016 09:11 PM CDT
I always have to wonder when someone claims repeated victimization on the gweths. Actual harassment is one thing, but that never confines itself just to the gweths, almost invariably involves far worse than just gwethsmashing, and none the examples I have seen of people being gwethsmashed have fallen into this category. Someone makes a wise-crack about someone else's character. Someone insults someone's wife. Someone makes an OOC reference. Someone gweths too often or in an annoying fashion. People can and do respond with gwethsmashing.

And if someone does something to your character and you don't want the interaction to continue then just walk away. The drama can end with you. I have lost track of the number of times I've watched an interaction devolve into something that someone inevitably posts, reports, or complains to their friends in game about when all that needed to be done about it is just to stop interacting, and that includes getting your friends, or worse alts, involved.

And on the very off chance someone actually does have someone repeatedly gwethsmashing them just for the heck of it, then nothing will cause them to become bored with that faster than a non-response from you. A literal non-response. Don't diss the person within your group of friends, don't respond on the gweth when you get access back, don't act all huffy at the person with RP verbs if they walk into the same room as you. Don't even tell them or others that you are over it or don't care, because that response indicates otherwise to them. Literally nothing. They'll drop you as a target faster than you will believe.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/13/2016 09:24 PM CDT
>>Actually no, like I said in my prior posts. I pretty much gave up beating that dead horse.

You seem to be making two points:

1) You don't like the way gweth smashing works
2) You don't think GMs will ever change the way gweth smashing works

You keep repeating this in a thread where a GM has repeatedly gone, "You know, gweth smashing has a purpose, but the severity of how it works seems off. it should be more like thump."

I'm at a loss for what you're trying to argue. That the current system is bad, and you remain convinced that GMs wont change it in a thread where they're actively musing over how to change it?

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/13/2016 09:39 PM CDT
<<I'm at a loss for what you're trying to argue.

It's because he hasn't bothered to read anything and so he is still beating the dead horse while everyone else has hitched their wagon to a brand new one already.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/13/2016 09:50 PM CDT
>> They'll drop you as a target faster than you will believe.

While I count myself in the smashers being a net good camp, the old "ignore them and they'll go away" is not actually true. A lot of the time this just makes them double down and find other ways to get at you. In fact all but one of my smashes (not to mention myriad other problems) has come at the hands of the same player across multiple alts over the course of a year, despite repeated attempts to disengage and requests to leave me alone.

I reiterate that I think they're a net good, though I would of course love to see more tools that allowed us to moderate the kinds of interactions we have beyond merely squelching someone (which has its own issues).

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/13/2016 10:41 PM CDT
Your right... why have I not bothered to keep up on something that I have been told ir have the response too that all boil down to this..

There is no policy for the uses of gwethsmasher. Smash whomever you! For whatever reasons you can think of! Have your friends smash them too thats wonder as well!

You most likely deserved being smashed. But with no policy or guide lines for reasons to smash someone how do you know if someone deserved it then? Oh because they can! Thats right simply because is a perfect reason. (Sorry this type of logic is what has lead to the problem and is the major fuel for my detesting of them.)

Gwethamashers were limited for a reason in the past. But when they released into the public for everyone to use they got into the hands of some people who lack the maturity to be allowed access to such things.

The GM who created the smasher enchantment system had said they where happy (at the time in years past) with them being out and used. And saw no reasons to change them.

So after so many years since their release, the default blaiming of victems who have been hit by troublemakers with them. The Creater GM even agreeing that the targets where all at fault and likely deserved it (sounding that there was zero chance of abuse ever happening.)

I gave up on a topic I grew sick of.

Sorry I didnt bother to read up. I assumed the normal non-gm involvement would also mean they would not change it since ... DUH...DERP or whatever sound you make for stupidity.. that would be imvolvement.


Don't like my typing or find a typo... this was posted via a touch screen phone.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/13/2016 11:57 PM CDT
>>Sorry I didnt bother to read up. I assumed the normal non-gm involvement would also mean they would not change it since ... DUH...DERP or whatever sound you make for stupidity.. that would be imvolvement.

It would definitely help to read up, because, as mentioned over and over, the opposite result is happening now.

Is smashing as a concept going away? No.

Is smashing as a concept being reworked to put it better in-line with thump? Yes, or at least GMs are mulling over the idea now, which is appreciated. So I'm not sure why anyone who wants change (for whatever reason, valid or otherwise) would really poo-poo about it.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 12:28 AM CDT
Soon..... in dragonrealms.... has a different time/space reference length.

And sorry the bone of major contention for you and others is I didnt keep up on a topic I stopped focusing on and instead tried to focus on other things.

So until its in testing i hold off getting my hopes up.

Until it is actually live and active in game I will not worry about it.

Been waiting for enchanting since around 1996 on AOL. That is more to keeping my interests.

I would like to meet you in game some time Tev. I like your take on things.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 08:02 AM CDT

I don't think its appropriate to allow 10 percent of a game population to dictate to the other 90 what should or shouldn't be said. Nor do I think its appropriate smashers destroy property, I cringe when I see characters gweth and then beg not to be smashed for it. In a community this small communication is key. Punish them, but don't punish them by destroying items they may be unable to replace.

I would ask that if someone is going to smash someone else, there should be some message over the gweth sent to everyone. If they win or lose, if you use thump in a room everyone knows the victim, everyone knows the target. This would enable us to know how often these are being used and judge for ourselves whether or not it's actually being abused. As it is now we only know if someone crows about it after a success. If all in hearing knew of every smashing it may enable a victim to more readily find someone to help them find retribution.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 08:22 AM CDT

The current gwethsmash policy is rooted in the fiction that high level characters have some kind of 'extra maturity' and/or 'know better' then new or under-circled players(who actually tend to be far better RPers and far more knowledgeable about everything from lore to game policy.) If anything the deciding factor should be based on time played and not circles.

However, I think last night's gweth debacle with a clearly new (never played before) player got me to change my view on gwethsmashing and gweth thump. I say just get rid of gweths altogether, nothing really important gets said on them anyway and frankly it acts only to incubate conflict and poisons the playerbase against each other. Adding the ability to gwethsmash just put fuel onto the fire, now it's not even about words anymore, I can now HURT your character through my gweth over long distances. It's a recipe for disaster and a lot of cancelled accounts.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 08:26 AM CDT
>>And sorry the bone of major contention for you and others is I didnt keep up on a topic I stopped focusing on and instead tried to focus on other things.

I'm just surprised you'll slide into a thread, admit you didn't read anything, then continue to adamantly say you refuse to acknowledge what was discussed.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 08:35 AM CDT
I don't think the problem is gweths or gwethsmashing. I think the problem lies with people who get so upset when another player has a negative impact on them that they come onto the forums to rant and cancel their accounts because of it. If they were truly playing for the RP then they would take any situation and roll with it, even if it doesn't turn out as expected or in their favor, and not let it ruin the game for them to the point that they quit.

That said, I agree that Gweth-thumping (without item destruction) is something that needs to happen, as I'm sure everyone else does.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 08:39 AM CDT
>>I'm just surprised you'll slide into a thread, admit you didn't read anything, then continue to adamantly say you refuse to acknowledge what was discussed.

While also stating that it's a subject that they don't care about/focus on anymore in every single post.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 08:45 AM CDT
Is there noone else who finds it a weird coincidence that this is such a hot topic the past couple of weeks? Moreover, the posters all claim forum ignorance even when the most recent posts here have the words "gweth" and "smash" in the subject.

Either people have been hoarding smashers for the month of April or the poster is Ashton Kutcher. I know, false dichotomy... Right?
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 08:51 AM CDT
>>Is there noone else who finds it a weird coincidence that this is such a hot topic the past couple of weeks? Moreover, the posters all claim forum ignorance even when the most recent posts here have the words "gweth" and "smash" in the subject.

I'm chalking it up to an influx of returning players who haven't played in the last decade because of Reddit/F2P/maybe Simu's recent emails, and friends complaining for friends. Most of the complaints seem to be from people who haven't actually been smashed but know someone who has.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 09:25 AM CDT
>>I don't think the problem is gweths or gwethsmashing. I think the problem lies with people who get so upset when another player has a negative impact on them that they come onto the forums to rant and cancel their accounts because of it. If they were truly playing for the RP then they would take any situation and roll with it, even if it doesn't turn out as expected or in their favor, and not let it ruin the game for them to the point that they quit.<<


Awhile back someone was trying to beef with me. They would smash me during RP events, while I was trying to do Order stuff, pretty much whenever it would be as inconvenient as possible, as part of a pattern of general harassment intended to get me to attack them or otherwise melt down. Being targeted like that was pretty tilting. It's hard to roll with it when "it" is someone trying to ruin your play experience for as long as they're able to get away with doing it. Before it happened to me I would have dismissed the same complaint with a "walk it off", but going through the experience has changed my opinion.

IMO mechanics and policies that can facilitate harassment need to be handled with some sensitivity. Gwethsmashing falls in this category because being smashed imposes a fairly large inconvenience - locking the smashee out of the gweth and ring systems for a couple hours and destroying their devices - and per policy it is usable for essentially any reason. That grants a lot of power to someone with a few smashers to burn to make someone's IG life difficult.

I'm glad the subject is getting recognition and that a new model is being considered. Overall I think a gweth thump model in which many more people can use the tool (because it's not gated by an expensive device), but in which each use only imposes a short period of silence and no item loss, would be as good or better for moderating the tone of the gweth network without a lot of the associated potential for harassment.

Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 10:04 AM CDT

Agreed. I also suggest , if we go down the gweththump route, we completely suspend gweth-smashing devices once gweth-thump goes live. I know for a fact there is a small factory churning out gwethsmashers currently in progress as i write this in anticipation of said changes. Without suspending gweth-smashing completely, you'll be handing more power to the few bad apples that seem to be obssessed with using smashers.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 12:17 PM CDT
>>I think the problem lies with people who get so upset when another player has a negative impact on them that they come onto the forums to rant and cancel their accounts because of it. If they were truly playing for the RP then they would take any situation and roll with it, even if it doesn't turn out as expected or in their favor, and not let it ruin the game for them to the point that they quit.

I'm comfortable saying that, while a minority of players, there are enough of a minority of players who are generally jerks who just enjoy being jerks that I can be annoying. This is not unique to multiplayer games (nor society at large), but I also think "just deal with it, it might be fun" is a bad policy.

In other words, I'm not swayed by the argument that we should give people looking for a fight a fight, especially when I am skeptical that they're looking for a roleplay situation themselves.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 12:58 PM CDT

In simple terms, Gwethsmashing is basically just another form of griefing.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 01:29 PM CDT
I don't think it's fair to say that gwethsmashing is just a form of griefing. Gwethsmashing can happen for many reasons that aren't griefing by a reasonable standard. But Gwethsmashers and Gweth policy as they are today are convenient for griefing in ways we could change.

Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 03:01 PM CDT
>> I don't think its appropriate to allow 10 percent of a game population to dictate to the other 90 what should or shouldn't be said.

Judging by the censuses, it's a lot more than 10%, and honestly, in a roleplaying game I don't really have a problem in the abstract with the stronger person getting to enforce her desires more effectively.

>> If they were truly playing for the RP then they would take any situation and roll with it, even if it doesn't turn out as expected or in their favor, and not let it ruin the game for them to the point that they quit.

If it's once or twice, that's very true and it should be your default stance even if you're reasonably sure the other person isn't acting in good faith, but...

>> It's hard to roll with it when "it" is someone trying to ruin your play experience for as long as they're able to get away with doing it. Before it happened to me I would have dismissed the same complaint with a "walk it off", but going through the experience has changed my opinion.

I have to echo this too. When it turns into weeks or months of behavior, it actually can be really off-putting no matter how seriously you don't take your textmans. But the problem isn't gwethsmashing per se in that situation, it's a frankly weak harassment policy coupled with a culture that treats anyone that reports for any reason whatsoever, even literally months of sustained, targeted, and unprovoked harassment, as worse than Hitler.

Harassment policy stands in stark contrast to PvP policy which is very strict and has ten million niggling little rules attached to it despite the former being for patterns of_ sustained_ abusive behavior and the latter being applied to singular incidents that, frankly, don't really hurt anyone long-term 99% of the time. The game as a whole could stand to back off considerably on enforcing PvP policy in favor of creating and enforcing more robust harassment policies, but this is something I've been saying for literally years and nothing has changed.

Gwethsmashers can stand to be both more balanced and more accessible to people to bring some parity to the system, but mechanics will never be a standing for good policies about this kind of thing. If the true issue people have a problem with is harassment (and mind, I don't think it is for most people who get smashed, and once isn't harassment) then your answer is better policy and improving the culture around dealing with serial abusers, not gutting (insert whatever thing is being used this week to bother people).

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 04:50 PM CDT
Harassment isn't what I meant by my comment. I understand people use gwethsmashing as a means to grief people, but it's a small portion of it's use not the norm as some people are making it out to be.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 05:24 PM CDT
>>Harassment isn't what I meant by my comment. I understand people use gwethsmashing as a means to grief people, but it's a small portion of it's use not the norm as some people are making it out to be.

The sad reality is that a game's policies and systems have to be made to address the lowest common denominator that you allow through the door.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 06:33 PM CDT

This whole situation is reminiscent of God giving free will to humans. You give a human a choice and nine out of ten times he'll make the wrong one. It's just too much power for him to handle.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 06:38 PM CDT
>>This whole situation is reminiscent of God giving free will to humans. You give a human a choice and nine out of ten times he'll make the wrong one. It's just too much power for him to handle.

Your metaphysics are depressing.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 07:08 PM CDT

>nine out of ten times he'll make the wrong one

The vast majority of human history, particularly the salient fact that more of it continues to be made every day, flies in the face of this notion (tabling the dubious invocation of God). If we were such poor decision makers we would have died out long ago. What any of that has to do with gwethsmashing is beyond me though.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/14/2016 08:59 PM CDT
I agree with Summerson. This isn't about survival of the fittest but about ethics and morals. History actually proves him correct.

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/15/2016 06:26 AM CDT
I think what I'm taking with me, walking away from this mindbogglingly crazy thread is this: I don't use my smashers NEARLY enough.

Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/15/2016 07:15 AM CDT

>>I think what I'm taking with me, walking away from this mindbogglingly crazy thread is this: I don't use my smashers NEARLY enough.

Mostly for me as well, although in the realm of harassment with repeated smashes without initiating an aggressive scenario, I think that's something that should be looked at on it's own. I believe that to be less to do about gwethsmashers and more as a review of the harassment policy. In Mazrian's case, if he did not initiate as an aggressor, then what he went through probably should have been reviewed more heavily as harassment.

As being in both situations as being the smasher and the smashee, I can thankfully say that the times I've been smashed it's been pretty well deserved - whether it's because of something I said on the gweth or because of actions I've done prior. I count being annoying, a jerk, etc to someone(s) in person, but then gwething about something entirely different and getting smashed by them for my previous actions well within the realm of gwethsmash appropriate.

I'm personally a little disenchanted by the potential removal of gwethsmashing (in favor of thump) because I am okay with the thought of something losing their gweths for being particularly annoying. Forcing them to lose charges vs breaking them I feel would be more appropriate. I know I go through gweths a lot because of thievery, cyclic aoe debils, and other unsavory stuff such as murder. But mostly the first two.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/15/2016 08:54 AM CDT
>>Harassment policy.

This is an aside, but I think worth talking about here re: why changing gwethsmashing is more desirable than changing harassment policy.

Enforcement of harassment policy basically works like this, as I understand it:

A player gets aggressed on.

If the player responds - fights back, talks smack, etc - there is no harassment. There's an ongoing conflict that is fine under harassment policy and the staff won't get involved unless one of the parties complains about some other policy violation.

If the complaining player removes themself from the situation and avoids the alleged harasser, doesn't antagonize the alleged harasser, etc, and the alleged harasser isn't doing something like acting on consent, there may be justification for the staff to get involved under harassment policy - if the complaining player ASSISTs to complain.

If the ASSIST goes in and the other requirements have been met, the staff will start a log that an instance of aggression happened. After that, the complaining player ASSISTs after each additional instance of aggression(assuming again that the complaining player is not antagonizing the alleged harasser at all, has taken reasonable steps to avoid them, etc). Once a pattern of behavior can be established, a GM can go officially tell the harassing player to knock it off under harassment policy.

The process can be long, and if a player is being harassed they basically have to be patient and wait however long it takes for the wheels to turn. That is not unreasonable. It is extremely frustrating for the complaining player. Unfortunately, I can't think of a better way to do it that wouldn't obligate the staff to get involved whenever someone asks for it without establishing a pattern. And not only is that not feasible, I don't think it's really desirable in an RPG - sometimes bad things are going to happen and that's part of the game.

So harassment policy can't be changed very much. What can be changed are the mechanical ways players can be... I want to use another word but I can't here so I'll just say unpleasant... to eachother so it's just less possible to do harm before policy kicks in. That has been the trend with other things - can't use Tingle or Mental Blast to steal anyone's items, it's harder to graverob than it used to be, strict PvP policy, etc. Changing gweth smashing to a short-duration gweth thump that doesn't destroy items would be another change in the same spirit of moderating the ways we can be unpleasant to eachother. It's sort of the best we can do absent a better way to enforce policy against harassment.

Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/15/2016 09:17 AM CDT

>>Changing gweth smashing to a short-duration gweth thump that doesn't destroy items would be another change in the same spirit of moderating the ways we can be unpleasant to eachother. It's sort of the best we can do absent a better way to enforce policy against harassment.

I disagree. If someone is harassing, you let a GM know. It violates policy. Gwethsmashing serves a purpose and the duration should be increased if anything, not decreased, although the destruction of items might be worth revisiting.
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