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Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 02:42 AM CDT
>>I'm not so sure that these forums paint an accurate portrait of the actual gaming environment at times.

I am absolutely certain that the vast number number of players who interact with each other day to day do so in good faith.

Sadly, they're not causing issues with the tools currently accessible and the policies that the game currently has.

The actions of the minority of jerks is also going to be highlighted a lot more than the plurality of positive actions that go on every day, because it's rare for people to acknowledge basic decency because it's generally expected.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 04:46 AM CDT
>> I am absolutely certain that the vast number number of players who interact with each other day to day do so in good faith.

In Prime, I feel compelled to tiptoe around conflictual roleplay because a good chunk of the time when I have gotten involved in something, I find out the hard way that the other player is either behaving in a way that is genuinely malicious (as opposed to merely roleplaying in an antagonistic way, such as by bringing in alts or raging in IMs) or due to their own past experiences has assumed the same of me, thereby putting them on the defensive OOCly and tainting the entire scenario. It's silly, I think, to pretend that a large chunk of the community -- not merely a tiny vocal minority -- has not become one that not only isn't really interested in whether their fellow players are enjoying themselves, but frequently has a vested interest in being actively vicious to other people, which manifests as everything from throwing ones' text-weight around in-game to engaging in vicious, evil out-of-character gossip and rumormongering. Smashers are merely one vehicle for this behavior, and from my perspective both the attitudes of "harden up you baby or I'll give you something to cry about" and "you're a snerty griefer for negatively impacting my character in any way" are reflections of the same problem.

This isn't even to say I'm innocent of the tedious and exhausting metagame that is the DragonRealms community, because it's incredibly easy to get swept up in sometimes, but I think the community as a whole would really benefit from taking the time to step back and make a genuine effort at engaging with other players and asking "how can we work together to make playing together enjoyable?" It's not always going to work -- bad eggs do exist -- but the first step has to happen somewhere.

@thayelf // http://thayette.tumblr.com

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 05:29 AM CDT

As long there is one bad egg in the basket this will never work especially with the small tight knit "everyone knows your name" community we have now.

We need some mechanical solution.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 06:08 AM CDT
The problems of Prime are not ubiquitous, neither between instances (TF and Plat do not have these issues) nor between games. I've played PvP+ MUDs with gradual permadeath and the ability to steal items from peoples' corpses with far more respectful communities.

Mechanics are important because you build interactive systems around the lowest common denominator. They can do something to stymie the worst expressions of ugliness within a community, but the ugliness will still be there until you do something about its source. If you do not believe improvement is possible, I question why you are still here. There are other games after all.

@thayelf // http://thayette.tumblr.com

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 06:46 AM CDT

The answer is simple then. Mandatory "fluffy wuffy bunny classes or how to be super nice!". Think we should get Samsaren on this one. I can do etiquette, makeup, and how to wear your bunny ears or BunBun ears. Necros are not invited, sorry Necros.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 07:39 AM CDT
>>That's why these powers should be given to vetted members of the community, honestly, along with decoupling actual smashers or a thump function from OOC policy or RP enforcement. Most Mentors would be well enough suited for it, GHs, board mods, and perhaps community leaders or another selected group of people that can be trusted with the power to shut down people using the gweth to break policy and immersion.<<

Speaking only for myself...

I wouldn't want to be in that position.

Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 09:37 AM CDT
>The answer is simple then. Mandatory "fluffy wuffy bunny classes or how to be super nice!". Think we should get Samsaren on this one. I can do etiquette, makeup, and how to wear your bunny ears or BunBun ears. Necros are not invited, sorry Necros.

And this is why we can't have nice things.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 11:26 AM CDT
> Necros are not invited, sorry Necros.

Fine! I'll hold my own lectures and classes on how to properly accessorize and dress up your zombies.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 11:29 AM CDT

> Fine! I'll hold my own lectures and classes on how to properly accessorize and dress up your zombies.

There's a good chance that I'd roll up a necro just to attend that meeting.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 12:44 PM CDT

The Elpazi Assassin Zombie groans, "Braaaaiiiinnnnnnssss..."
put ears on my zombie

>You put a pair of fluffy pink bunny ears on a Elpazi Assassin Zombie.
A gnome pulls on an Elpazi Assassin Zombie's fluffy pink bunny ears.
A gnome says, "So, cute!"
A tear runs down an Elpazi Assassin Zombie's face.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 01:08 PM CDT

Any chance of tweaking the formula for smashing based on the equipment they are breaking? Person 1 <smasher stats> vs person 2 <smashee stats> contested with modifiers added based the the level of equipment the person is destroying? Basically you get an equipment save modifier based on the level of the equipment. So if your gweths together have 20 charges plus your wearing a ring <base value of x> is factored into the contest. So the more devices you have the more difficult it would be to win the contest. Of course with gweths being used the resistance value would decrease as the number of uses went down. the perm. gweths would have an assigned value for the contest..... Just an idea to factor in the equipment into the check somewhat like armor is factored in for a hit. the better armor you have the less chance of getting hit. the more armor <area covered> the safer you are.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 01:28 PM CDT
>>As long there is one bad egg in the basket this will never work especially with the small tight knit "everyone knows your name" community we have now.

IMO, part of the problem Prime has is that it is not tight knit. Plat and TF are instances that I feel are good at policing themselves (for better or for worse), because they're a size that makes that manageable. For the times where I saw someone was unwanted in TF, they were made sure their ability to script was not possible. In Plat, it amounts to the silent treatment. Once again, this is how they seem to police themselves for better or for worse.

I feel that Prime is just too big (and/or policy-driven, despite the sorta-lax policy) for that to really be possible.

As an aside, the fact that "maybe we as players should be less jerk-like towards one another and make sure we're all actually enjoying the game" tends to get filtered through and translated into "maybe I am a big bubble blowing baby who can't handle things so let's remove all forms of conflict and eat butterscotch and cinnamon pie" is a telling sign of the issues that Prime faces. The outright apathy and/or derision toward the concept of playing the game in a manner that makes it enjoyable for everyone is baffling.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 02:20 PM CDT

It's cool to be badboy, always has been. The problem is the current mechanics allows the badboy to do some serious damage against fellow players on his terms and on a whim.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 02:24 PM CDT
What exactly is meant by "badboy" in this context?

@thayelf // http://thayette.tumblr.com

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 02:36 PM CDT

Seems to be someone who is so powerful they can sneak upon you, bonk you on the head and kill you before the head bonk stun wears off.

or people who want to thug life dragonrealms up. I can frankly do without such.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 02:37 PM CDT
Let me clarify: Are you talking about players or characters right now?

@thayelf // http://thayette.tumblr.com

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 02:42 PM CDT
>>Are you talking about players or characters right now?

Seems like a lot of the angst in this thread is because some people can't tell the difference between the two.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 03:01 PM CDT

>>Seems like a lot of the angst in this thread is because some people can't tell the difference between the two.

Which seems to be on par with the DR community.

My thoughts on it still:
Keep smashers, decrease the cooldown on making smashers, change crafted smashers to only reduce the charges on a gweth (not break them - or introduce a chance for break [~15%]), keep auction/perma gwethsmashers as they are, make it so the people smashed can still listen, send a message around to everyone when someone is smashed via gweth network, and keep this as something kept as moderated by the community with a little bit of economy.

If you feel like you're being harassed by someone (or someones) via gwethsmashing and haven't done anything to provoke it, warn harass them the times that they do it, then assist about it.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 04:28 PM CDT

Or just get rid of gweths altogether; it serves no purpose other then be a conduit for troll farmers. If the intention of gweths is to breed conflict; it has more then served it's purpose (I'm saying that seriously btw, it could exist in order for "drama" to happen, in theory even conflict is part of RP.)
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 04:59 PM CDT
>>Or just get rid of gweths altogether; it serves no purpose other then be a conduit for troll farmers. If the intention of gweths is to breed conflict; it has more then served it's purpose (I'm saying that seriously btw, it could exist in order for "drama" to happen, in theory even conflict is part of RP.)

I find the requests for help, information about invasions and events, item selling and general friendly banter takes up way more of my gweth logs than the troll farming drama does.

I think 'serves no purpose' is a far cry from what I see day to day.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 05:17 PM CDT

> I find the requests for help, information about invasions and events, item selling and general friendly banter takes up way more of my gweth logs than the troll farming drama does.

> I think 'serves no purpose' is a far cry from what I see day to day.

I agree with this. Not all of us are hanging around AIM groups, and this game is a little too big without the gweth system to tie the players together.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 05:25 PM CDT

>>Seems like a lot of the angst in this thread is because some people can't tell the difference between the two.

>>My thoughts on it still:
>>Keep smashers, decrease the cooldown on making smashers, change crafted smashers to only reduce the charges on a gweth (not break them - or introduce a chance for break [~15%]), keep auction/perma gwethsmashers as they are, make it so the people smashed can still listen, send a message around to everyone when someone is smashed via gweth network, and keep this as something kept as moderated by the community with a little bit of economy.

>>If you feel like you're being harassed by someone (or someones) via gwethsmashing and haven't done anything to provoke it, warn harass them the times that they do it, then assist about it.

^best idea yet to keep all sides 'happy'.. (well for now till the wrong two people get smashed again then its the end of the world and those bullies are SO smashing innocent noobs and whatnot that is- and i think i saw one of them gwethsmash a puppy) --> and we haveto listen to this thread reborn and go on and on and on... and on and on and on and on.... and on...
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 05:57 PM CDT

The fact this thread pops up again and again by SEVERAL players going on SEVERAL pages is indicative of a SERIOUS problem. I've never seen so much drama,anger,greed,and emotion on any single topic. It needs to be addressed in one form or another.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 06:05 PM CDT
>The fact this thread pops up

And you have absolutely nothing to do with that, I'm sure.

I'm a badger, I be badgerin'
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 06:19 PM CDT
It is difficult to have an actual discussion with someone when they repeatedly evade questions directed at them.

If you merely want to complain because something bad happened to you, that's well and good, but it would be nice if you wouldn't wave the "we must formulate a SOLUTION!!" flag disingenuously.

@thayelf // http://thayette.tumblr.com

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 06:22 PM CDT
>>The fact this thread pops up again and again by SEVERAL players going on SEVERAL pages is indicative of a SERIOUS problem.

The problem you perceive and the problem that truly exists are two different things.
Re: Gwethsmasher abuse 04/17/2016 06:45 PM CDT

So, how threads end.

1 The Board Moderator shuts you down. 2 People stop posting once they have said what they think needs to be said.

Let's go with option 2, if you have said your piece,stop posting. If there is something absolutely new and not yet been mentioned as it relates to gwethsmashing (unhuh I tied up that loophole there) please feel free to continue. Otherwise we're gona be done.

Message Board Supervisor

If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing me at DR-Annwyl@play.net.
::Post Hidden:: 04/17/2016 06:47 PM CDT

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Message Board Supervisor

If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing me at DR-Annwyl@play.net.
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