Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 07:58 PM CDT
Why the worry about passing?

I mean, I get all the input about costs, price lists and attempting to maximize one's ability to acquire whatever is desired by buying up every single silver available on the market. Kind of destroys the spontaneity of the event, in my view, but hey. . .

The whole item passing thing, though, should be gratefully accepted, immediately adopted and welcomed / lived / breathed as 'the way' throughout the course of the event.

After all, without it, people like me, with incredible amounts of gear, liquid assets to apply to that gear, and accounts to drag down the selection process to me, Me, ME get all the wins. So, I guess I'm kind of puzzled about the 'confusion' (ROFL!!) this one restriction that really makes sense here is apparently causing.

Unless you're a 'me' too. ;0

Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 08:02 PM CDT
I think they are trying to strike a middle ground between getting as many different people services as possible, whilst still trying to allow those with silver to burn the chance to get multiple services if they desire it enough.

Im firmly in the camp of leaning towards 'as many different people as possible', for prime anyway.

Berbels shrilly exclaims, "Ise takings hims tos secretses lairses!"

Berbels grabs you and drags you east.
Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 08:08 PM CDT
>>whilst still trying to allow those with silver to burn the chance to get multiple services if they desire it enough.

They should sell a MUL TEEEE PASSSS!

(with apologies to Milla - sometimes it doesn't really sound better in text)

Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 08:16 PM CDT
I think the bigger concern is using 10 services on 1 item to make a super item in one go.
The solution to that concern is limiting the amount of services to that single item.

If friends want to pass wins between themselves, that should be encouraged, and a reasonable fee for doing so seems appropriate to me.

If you limit passing, I'm not going to avoid winning anything. The win may just be applied to a throwaway item for resell rather than an item I actually want it applied to that I would use personally. Either way, that win isn't going to someone else, it's just not going to be put on an object that is the most desired for that service. So don't limit it, just charge a reasonable fee (If the item needs to be passed) to place that win on the desired object so people are actually happy with the results.
Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 08:32 PM CDT
Its just...demoralizing, to say the least, when you are sitting on 0 wins and you see the dude who just won 2 Lambo's win another Lambo because he had a friend who gave him the win.

I am of the opinion that item passing should be discouraged/disallowed, due to the fact that folks shouldnt be penalized for having 'less friends in game'. No one is going to be avoiding winning anything (aside from the major win surcharge factor that may affect them) regardless of item passing being a thing or not. Personally Im a proponent of Character/Account binding more items, but thats just me.

As mentioned, the way they decided to do it is very much a Middle Ground solution between the two points of view here. Which is reasonable.

Berbels shrilly exclaims, "Ise takings hims tos secretses lairses!"

Berbels grabs you and drags you east.
Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 08:43 PM CDT
>Its just...demoralizing, to say the least, when you are sitting on 0 wins and you see the dude who just won 2 Lambo's win another Lambo because he had a friend who gave him the win.

Either way you didn't win. So does it make a difference how that win is used? Also, they probably want to apply all those wins to the same item, so limit the amount of services per item and there's no reason for that pass. You're still not guaranteed to win though. If you want higher chances to win, then you want an event that isn't open to 400 or 500 people, which have all ended and disappeared.

>I am of the opinion that item passing should be discouraged/disallowed, due to the fact that folks shouldnt be penalized for having 'less friends in game'.

Is it because you think your chances increase by not allowing it? Because, they don't. Groups are encouraged in many ways. CHEs/MHOs, Hunting, Treasure. It's also your choice to make friends or not. If you choose to not make friends than you're only penalizing yourself by your own choices.
Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 08:46 PM CDT
Passing allowed, but at triple the regular cost?
Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 08:52 PM CDT
I think these series of questions are the exact reason why we're doing it this way. We could easily say 1 service per account and 1 service per item. We're not saying either, but if you want to try to grab up as much as you can, we're also going to drain a lot of silvers from the game. If your reasoning is to turn around and sell for profit, this really isn't the event for you. Just like the last CCF runs, the service costs are not built on ROI, but are done so to make it where you can make some upper tier items. We're also answering the constant demand for silver-based events. This will give big piles of silvers a reason to exist.

The reason for DQing is the service fee/passing item rule isn't set in stone just yet. We'll make a determination as we get closer to the event. I'm leaning to just surcharges though.

In the example where you're passing silvers off to help a friend pay for their service, there will be the grey area of multi-accounters and service spot sellers doing the same thing. We have to draw the line somewhere. You have 2 weeks to make sure you're locked and loaded with silvers.

Wyrom, PM
Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 08:57 PM CDT
>>Because, they don't.

Oh, yes, they most certainly do. We're not talking about 'grouping', we're talking about 'merchanting'. If it simply were not permitted, many who enter in the hopes of 'selling' the opportunity simply wouldn't. Fewer entries, less competition, better chances, etc. But. . .

>>Prevent/discourage is sort of irrelevant in this model. The idea is both we're trying to allow more people to get services or remove silvers from the game if you want to soak up all the services.

And there we have it. Unfortunately it won't be easy to make friends since the friends also have to pay the surcharge in this model - if I remember right. Kind of puts the bite on the reselling to recoup investments, too - since the surcharge is probably going to be significantly higher than the actual market value of the service in question.

Anyway, it's going to be a riot! See you there!


Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 08:57 PM CDT
I definitely think the no passing rules are a good middle ground for an open event like this. The ability to win multiple Majors is already going to skew the raffles/spinners/etc in favor of those with large resources or multiple accounts even with the surcharges.
Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 09:03 PM CDT
It does make a difference. Watching someone who doesnt have much win? You clap for them. You are like "Good Job man". Its good optics. Local Boy gets lucky, wins the lotto. It plays well. Seeing Dude with Everything Wins More Things? Not so much. Doesnt play as well. Its, as they say, bad optics. No one likes that guy. He is, rightly, mocked and derided. He still has his win. Yay him. Or her. #feminism. #womencanbegreedytoo.

Its a hard problem to solve. Make a Hard Limit on multiple wins? They will open up Multiple accounts. Try to limit item passing? They'll try and weasel there way around that too, and cause as much headaches as possible in order to get the GMs to just give up, say 'screw it', and allow the passing to happen.

You are right, the game DOES encourage group play in many ways. CHEs, Treasure, Hunting, Etc. It doesnt have to encourage it in ALL ways. Seems like you listed a lot of ways that are already built in, I dont think it needs to add any more :)

Will any of these changes increase my chances of winning? No. As you said, without character/account binding an item, folks who havent hit their softcap of Major Wins will try for every item. What it DOES do is act as 'Good Press', so to speak. It shows to folks that the GMs are trying their hardest to give as many people as possible the chance to have a win. This generates good will from the playerbase. Even if it is, alas, just a token gesture.

A lot of the headache could be solved by Bind to Account or Bind to Character (though there are ways around that too, via selling of characters/accounts).

Berbels shrilly exclaims, "Ise takings hims tos secretses lairses!"

Berbels grabs you and drags you east.
Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 09:11 PM CDT

>We could easily say 1 service per account and 1 service per item.

I'm all for that.
Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 09:31 PM CDT
I disagree that someone who has a lot of stuff doesn't deserve more stuff so that the guy with nothing gets something. Every character should have an equal chance to win. If some players have an advantage because they have friends or pay for extra accounts, then so be it. They're either nice and people like them, or they paid an additional cost for an additional benefit. Nothing is stopping anyone from making friends or paying for extra accounts. If there is going to be a trend to now punish people who spend more money, I'd like to know so that I can stop spending more money than necessary. I'd also like to see all the premium raffles/services be limited to 1 player instead of per account, because no player should have an advantage over another player, even if they pay for an advantage, right?

>Its a hard problem to solve. Make a Hard Limit on multiple wins? They will open up Multiple accounts. Try to limit item passing? They'll try and weasel there way around that too, and cause as much headaches as possible in order to get the GMs to just give up, say 'screw it', and allow the passing to happen.

I also disagree that this is a hard problem to solve. Figure out what the goal is, and it's easy to find a solution. Don't want someone to max out a single item in one go? Limit the amount of services on that item. Easy solution for that problem. Want to spread out the wins? 1 Major win per account. Again, simple. If someone has multiple accounts, then they should get an equal chance for every account they have.

At the risk of even more absurd restrictions, I'll detail how I'll get around any restriction put in place just to show how little effect they have.

Limit item passing - I put identical items on every character I bring so that whoever wins, I don't have to worry about it.
Limit silver passing - I put 100m notes on every character I bring.

>>Just so I understand- is the point of the fees for passing items to prevent passing of items? Or is it to discourage it?
To make you pay for it. Prevent/discourage is sort of irrelevant in this model. The idea is both we're trying to allow more people to get services or remove silvers from the game if you want to soak up all the services.
Wyrom, PM

So, we've determined that we're not trying to prevent/discourage passing, only make the person pay for it. Great. We have our first goal.

How do we make a person pay for it? We add passing fees. Great, we've got passing fees established. They scale to be highly punitive, so that should be effective.

>We're trying to allow more people to get services, or remove silvers from the game if one person wants to soak up all the services.

So we have our second goal. How do you allow more people to get services? A 1 service per item sounds like a pretty good place to start. No enchanting, padding, TD, script adding to that single item. They get 1 out of 4, so 3 additional people get a service.

We also have the scaling fee for passing, so the second part seems to be taken care of as well.

So where is the need for any other restrictions? KISS. Keep it simple...

Let people pass items, just charge them for it. Let people pass silvers, because it's only going to hurt poor people. Let people sell spots, just charge the fee and limit the amount of time they have to redeem.
Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 09:42 PM CDT
Disqualifying the passing of silver seems a bit silly to me. You are already dinging people for multiple wins and/or passing so why would there need to be yet another method to stop people from passing things. Let the spots be sold, let the silver be passed, and then the people that just sold off that spot may be able to buy another service later in the fest or some other thing they were hoping to get.

Speaking in Faendryl, Jahosk says, "You will now be known as Blade Durakar, the Palestra."
Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 10:13 PM CDT
I'm not sure if I missed it in some of these walls of text. Is the passing of silvers from character to character not allowed for some reason?

I understand the item passing fee, but silvers is a little confusing. If I have multiple accounts each with an item on it I want worked on I am not going to be passing items but would expect to still pull from one pool of silvers I have avaialable.
Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 10:27 PM CDT
>> Is the passing of silvers from character to character not allowed for some reason?

Wyrom's post 206 (,%20Festivals,%20and%20Storylines/Commencement%20of%20Coraesine%20Forest/view/206 ) is probably the most helpful so far. Relevant paragraphs:

The reason for DQing is the service fee/passing item rule isn't set in stone just yet. We'll make a determination as we get closer to the event. I'm leaning to just surcharges though.
In the example where you're passing silvers off to help a friend pay for their service, there will be the grey area of multi-accounters and service spot sellers doing the same thing. We have to draw the line somewhere. You have 2 weeks to make sure you're locked and loaded with silvers.

Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 10:38 PM CDT
I guess I didn't really read that and would appreciate a clarification by Wyrom on what exactly the rule is on swapping silvers.

I would assume people selling their spots would be hit with the fee of an item swap from whomever they sold to so I still don't understand a fee on silver swapping.
Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 11:24 PM CDT
I'll refine some of the concerns a bit tomorrow or Wednesday. Fear not, I'm listening.

I'm also going to adjust a few of the MAJOR services on the list.

Wyrom, PM
Re: The Service Schedule 04/30/2018 11:28 PM CDT

i dont see any service for deepening pocketed beards . And the merchant wasnt at this past EG . Any chance this could be added to minor services on sunday ---NIGHT please? If possible that would be great . Or if covered on a listed service please point it out


P.S. Also looking to get my beard-clip ghost from Reim altered into a dragon or troll or something , will that be possible under sunday services?
Re: The Service Schedule 05/01/2018 12:20 AM CDT
> I'll refine some of the concerns a bit tomorrow or Wednesday. Fear not, I'm listening.

Wyrom, thanks for setting this up. It's an exciting list. I'm actually not going to lobby for a particular policy, but I do hope the policy will be made super clear when you update tomorrow/Wednesday - what causes event DQ, what causes scaling, who is subject to scaling (passer or passee or both), and if it varies per item, which items will be subject to what.

To that end (clear information and policies for all), I also hope you'll share whatever you can about costs. You mentioned you could share costs about the services that don't depend on item specs, and that's great. Thank you! I'm hoping you can also give a few example costs. For example:

Adding a fusion slot to a 4x 2-slot weapon is 10 million silver
Adding a fusion slot to a 7x 3-slot weapon is 100 million silver
Adding a fusion slot to a 10x T5 ensorcell 4-slot 10x acuity rotflares runestaff is 1 billion silver

Some advance idea of the scaling for multiple major services would be really helpful, too.

It won't cover all the services, or all the possible item configurations, but even having some ballpark idea for some things can help us set expectations.
Re: The Service Schedule 05/01/2018 12:21 AM CDT

Oh and would the creature bane add on to existing creature bane of the same type?
Re: The Service Schedule 05/01/2018 06:56 AM CDT
__I'm also going to adjust
MAJOR services** on the list.

Wyrom, PM__

Does this include potentially adding glamour tattoos and greater moods in?

Re: The Service Schedule 05/01/2018 07:27 AM CDT
Any chance of some rare unlocks? Like say the last tier of the mechanical locksmith bracers, or other items that aren't on Xerria's really rare list?

Thanks for organizing this, I am excited about the offerings.
Re: The Service Schedule 05/01/2018 07:09 PM CDT
Just because I don't want to take this for granted...
Are guild badges eligible for the 5 year (or even 1 year) enhancive charge? - last update: Rise of Rone events and aftermath
Re: The Service Schedule 05/01/2018 09:10 PM CDT
I'll have some updates in the morning/afternoon.

Wyrom, PM
Re: The Service Schedule 05/01/2018 09:32 PM CDT
Thanks for the heads up Wyrom!
Re: The Service Schedule 05/05/2018 05:08 PM CDT
I know everyone focused on the MAJOR services on Friday and Saturday and there is only little mention about the minor services on Sunday. Can you give us just a rundown on what to expect on Sundays minor services schedule? Will it be merchant style services GALD or perhaps some NPC minor services like fusion orb shaman? Minor flare merchant? Silvers for enhancement recharge? Crumbly to perm enhansive merchant? Asking for the 5m and under banking group. Heh
Re: The Service Schedule 05/05/2018 06:18 PM CDT
>>I know everyone focused on the MAJOR services on Friday and Saturday and there is only little mention about the minor services on Sunday. Can you give us just a rundown on what to expect on Sundays minor services schedule? Will it be merchant style services GALD or perhaps some NPC minor services like fusion orb shaman? Minor flare merchant? Silvers for enhancement recharge? Crumbly to perm enhansive merchant? Asking for the 5m and under banking group. Heh

The Sunday rundown is very simple. This isn't an event for GALD. Players have recorded it to the wiki already.

Wyrom, PM
Dwarven Empath tattoo 05/08/2018 08:10 AM CDT
Quick question if I may in regards to the Dwarven Empath tattoo. I have one of Retser's amazing ethereal weapon tattoos and I am wondering if I can stack the Dwarven Empath tattoo as well or if it's one or the other? Thanks in advance for any insight into the question.
Re: Dwarven Empath tattoo 05/08/2018 09:55 AM CDT
Question time in regards to the +AS service for armor.

1. If the +AS bonus is applied, does that make the armor un-echantable by players going forward via 925? If it's still enchantable, does it increase the difficulty?

2. Is the +AS bonus separate from the +DS bonus. Meaning if armor is already 10x for +DS, that would cause the armor to be in-eligible for the service. Effectively making the +AS service work similar to how zelnorn's bonus is applied, which is the item can have a total bonus of +50 split between DS or AS.
Re: The Service Schedule 05/08/2018 10:06 AM CDT

Safe to assume that bows cannot be permablessed or have any flares added to them? Other than WPS it seems there is nothing for archers really.
Re: The Service Schedule 05/08/2018 10:42 AM CDT
In regards to ranged weapons, you could likely do the following services on it. Depending on the current item properties. Least from what I can tell.

* Self-Knowledge Enhancive (probably not best to put on a weapon, but to each their own)
* Full and/or Partial Enchanting
* EZScript Package
* Defender weapons (+5DS)

So correct, not a lot of options to use services on a ranged weapon, but still a few none-the-less.
Re: Dwarven Empath tattoo 05/08/2018 10:56 AM CDT
>>Quick question if I may in regards to the Dwarven Empath tattoo. I have one of Retser's amazing ethereal weapon tattoos and I am wondering if I can stack the Dwarven Empath tattoo as well or if it's one or the other? Thanks in advance for any insight into the question.


>>1. If the +AS bonus is applied, does that make the armor un-echantable by players going forward via 925? If it's still enchantable, does it increase the difficulty?

As of right now, it would make the armor un-enchantable.

>>2. Is the +AS bonus separate from the +DS bonus. Meaning if armor is already 10x for +DS, that would cause the armor to be in-eligible for the service. Effectively making the +AS service work similar to how zelnorn's bonus is applied, which is the item can have a total bonus of +50 split between DS or AS.

It doesn't follow the follow of zelnorn. So it can be 5x/2x or 10x/1x.

Wyrom, PM
Re: Customization Familiar 05/08/2018 12:48 PM CDT
So another question as probably better here than on Discord.

Customization Familiar.

1. Is this for a full auction quality customization. IE custom ambients, custom look (show description too), and talisman permanence.
2. Is this service going to be restricted in any way to only Wizards? Is the talisman given account bound or only bound to the wizard that first uses bind runestone on it, thereby making it a giveable win.

Re: Customization Familiar 05/08/2018 01:57 PM CDT
>>1. Is this for a full auction quality customization. IE custom ambients, custom look (show description too), and talisman permanence.

Yes, full blown. Needs to be within normal familiar limits (i.e. what you can already make).

>>2. Is this service going to be restricted in any way to only Wizards? Is the talisman given account bound or only bound to the wizard that first uses bind runestone on it, thereby making it a giveable win.

We don't have any restrictions on who can win what. This is a delayed service and you'll be coordinating with the GM redeeming this. The work itself goes on an attuned talisman.

Wyrom, PM
Re: The Service Schedule 05/08/2018 03:06 PM CDT
Are the Greater Armor and Weapon Mood Customizations full customizations, or customizations for only one of the verb traps? Can they be applied to any item, or only items that already have the Greater Armor and Weapon Mood script?
Re: The Service Schedule 05/08/2018 03:13 PM CDT

to clarify, the +1 fusion slot is for gear that is already fusion only?
Re: The Service Schedule 05/08/2018 09:16 PM CDT
>>Are the Greater Armor and Weapon Mood Customizations full customizations, or customizations for only one of the verb traps? Can they be applied to any item, or only items that already have the Greater Armor and Weapon Mood script?

Full, RUB, CLENCH, MOOD, and WAVE. The WAVE customization is not the same as the other two. Can't be an item with a script on it already.

>>to clarify, the +1 fusion slot is for gear that is already fusion only?

Yes, it must be fusion.

Wyrom, PM
Re: Dwarven Empath tattoo 05/09/2018 08:40 AM CDT
So with the +AS bonus to armor, you are essentially making an "Attacker" analog [on armor] which follows the same rules as "Defender" does [on weapons], right?
Re: Dwarven Empath tattoo 05/09/2018 03:19 PM CDT
Or TD.