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Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 09:42 AM CST
I have a few problems with town locksmiths that I feel should be addressed:

1. They are faster than a player locksmith - Town locksmiths need to stop opening everything instantly. One should have to hand a box directly to them and they should take an appropriate amount of time to pick it. If there is a trap they should remark on that and take even longer. I'm thinking like 30 seconds to pick and an additional 30 if there's a trap.

2. The cost seems to be based on what's in the box - Base the price off the difficulty of the lock. If, upon inspection, the locksmith finds a trap then tack on an additional fee based off the difficulty of the trap. Sometimes the box would pay out significantly less than it cost and other times significantly more.

3. Town locksmiths are always available - While I think the cost of the service makes up for this to some degree, I wouldn't be opposed to the locksmiths taking a break sometimes. As it stands they are only going to be able to work with one customer based off the suggestion in #2 above. Perhaps a customer rings the bell to engage the locksmith. If they are already working with another customer they are told they have to wait in line. Every so often the locksmith will take a break after a customer. I would say not while another one is waiting in line.

It would be really cool if there were several other places in town they could possibly go (Landing example: Larton could be at Helgas getting an ale, the grocers buying something, the blacksmith checking on some metal he's got coming in, etc). Then if you went and found them you could possibly bribe them into going back to work. Maybe for a citizen they would go back as a favor, free of bribe. Oh Brinret good to see you, you've got some boxes for me? I'll meet you back in my shop in a minute.

4. Fused and plated boxes - I think the locksmith should hand these back and say they can't help you. They're a locksmith and there's no lock for them here. These would have to be opened by a player in some way.


Be nice to Wyrom or I will cut you!
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 10:31 AM CST

>2. The cost seems to be based on what's in the box - Base the price off the difficulty of the lock. If, upon inspection, the locksmith finds a trap then tack on an additional fee based off the difficulty of the trap. Sometimes the box would pay out significantly less than it cost and other times significantly more.

I always thought it was the lock/trap difficulty, that's why people lose money
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 10:53 AM CST
I like the NPC locksmith system just fine as is.

Chad, player of a few
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 11:38 AM CST
I always thought it was the lock/trap difficulty, that's why people lose money

I am under the impression that the value of the contents of the box is factored in somehow. I might be totally wrong.


Be nice to Wyrom or I will cut you!
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 11:52 AM CST
> I like the NPC locksmith system just fine as is.

Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 12:00 PM CST
I would like to see a drop-off service for boxes.
You drop off the boxes at the locksmith, then player locksmiths can grab an allotment and pick them and return them.
You return later and pick up unlocked boxes.

Anyways, its an idea.

Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 12:17 PM CST
>> >2. The cost seems to be based on what's in the box - Base the price off the difficulty of the lock. If, upon inspection, the locksmith finds a trap then tack on an additional fee based off the difficulty of the trap. Sometimes the box would pay out significantly less than it cost and other times significantly more.

>> I always thought it was the lock/trap difficulty, that's why people lose money

I can generally tell when a box will have something nicer than normal in it based on the fact that the box suddenly costs me more to have it opened by the town locksmith. Under the current system, If I spent some time analyzing it, I could probably stop paying to have 'cheaper' boxes opened at a net gain in silver without any real risk of missing out on unusual treasure.

>> 1. They are faster than a player locksmith - Town locksmiths need to stop opening everything instantly. One should have to hand a box directly to them and they should take an appropriate amount of time to pick it. If there is a trap they should remark on that and take even longer. I'm thinking like 30 seconds to pick and an additional 30 if there's a trap.

I think I would instead prefer to see a compromise where the PC locksmith time is reduced and the NPC locksmith time is increased to bring them both in line at about 5 minutes to open 14 or so boxes. I'm generally not happy spending 40% or so of my hunting time with a PC locksmith and I wouldn't be happy spending that much of my available hunting time with an NPC locksmith either. Just bringing the NPC locksmith up to 'standard' would probably motivate me to do some actual analysis on NPC picking costs and start throwing cheaper boxes down the lava tube or dropping them in a community pile someplace for underprivileged PC locksmiths.

RPing with a locksmith can be a fun time, but at the current box opening times it is generally more time than I want to invest for the RP (and silver) return.

-- Robert

"Wyrom isn't interacting with me, I think he is AFK scripting."
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 12:36 PM CST
I have to be honest Robert. Locksmithing is the one system in game I know basically nothing about. I'm all for anything that gets people to the player locksmiths instead of the NPCs and making it easier for the PC locksmiths is certainly one of the ways.


Be nice to Wyrom or I will cut you!
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 01:10 PM CST
My statement about liking the NPC locksmiths wasn't very constructive. I'm from the East Tower days where there was a line, then you hand your box to a smith, wait, get the box back, hand over the next box, empty the previous box, and so on. From my standpoint while the NPC locksmith costs a set amount it is a convenient time saver for someone like myself. I don't mind spending the extra silver for that.

For those who want the most silver out of it and don't mind the wait, and want that interaction, there are PC locksmiths.

I understand the desire behind the suggestions made here. More PC interaction. But it seems to me that if someone wants more PC interaction they will take it upon themselves to find it. The avenues for PC interaction are out there. I'm not sure that it should be forced.

The suggestions made aren't without merit in their desire to create a more role play rich environment so I appreciate the effort. Perhaps there are other ways to achieve it than changing a system that seems to work as intended.

There are many tools already for us to encourage role play as an option to our day to day. MHOs and CHEs are set up for just that. Events, whether spontaneous or ticketed, encourage more interaction and role play. When I am bored of the hunting grind I just head to the town center of any town and usually can find someone to RP with.

Chad, player of a few
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 01:13 PM CST
I actually run two locksmith characters, one which has even (finally) mastered lock mastery. Neither of them are skilled enough to open capped boxes yet though. Locksmithing in general is a very fun and rewarding aspect of the game for me. I've spent time in the landing tower, at the well in Icemule, and other places and while I think the experience earned for opening boxes is actually very good (and should not be increased) there just aren't enough customers to make sitting around waiting for boxes worth it (it's way too boring). I think this is the primary reason you don't see a lot of PC locksmiths focused on opening boxes any more, myself included.

On the flip side, as a client with boxes to be opened, I don't generally enjoy spending the amount of time it takes for a PC locksmith to open my boxes even when they available and ready to go (which is infrequent). Time is my primary complaint, the risk from locksmiths that push their limits too far is another. I can mitigate the risk by working with locksmiths that I know but we still have PC locksmith availability and box opening times to contend with. The NPC locksmith wins hands down here.

Making the NPC locksmith take as long as the PC locksmith will likely send more boxes to PC locksmiths but at the expense of players enjoyment of the game in general (with the possible exception of PC locksmiths).

Making the NPC locksmith take a little bit of time, and allowing PC locksmiths to open boxes faster seems like a potential compromise solution that might help the profession without detracting too much from general enjoyment of the game.

For what its worth, a rogue with Lock Mastery can open boxes pretty darned efficiently but still not efficiently as the NPC locksmith. Ideally I would like to see a PC locksmith with Lock Mastery able to open boxes as fast, if not faster, than the NPC. Just not at the expense of everyone by slowing the NPC down to current PC box opening times.

An alternative idea that has been proposed ad nauseam (and one that I am not a fan of) would be to reduce the number of boxes generated in general - less boxes, more loot per box - thus decreasing the time sink that is getting boxes opened today.

-- Robert

"Wyrom isn't interacting with me, I think he is AFK scripting."
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 02:26 PM CST

>I always thought it was the lock/trap difficulty, that's why people lose money

Its both, with a roughly equal contribution..
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 02:29 PM CST
Its both (lock/trap difficulty and box value), with a roughly equal contribution..

I would like to see contents value removed from the formula. Just use lock/trap difficulty. Maybe a small bump from those unscrupulous locksmiths based on the weight.


Be nice to Wyrom or I will cut you!
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 02:55 PM CST
>I would like to see contents value removed from the formula. Just use lock/trap difficulty. Maybe a small bump from those unscrupulous locksmiths based on the weight.

You'd like to see people losing 5k instead of 1k on a low treasure capped box? Because thats what a purely difficulty based formula would do.
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 03:00 PM CST
You'd like to see people losing 5k instead of 1k on a low treasure capped box? Because thats what a purely difficulty based formula would do.

C'mon now Rath, that's a bit of a stretch based on what I said. No one is suggesting we just strip out the value part of the formula and leave the numbers exactly as they are otherwise. Obviously numbers would have to be tweaked to account for the change. Let's put Chicken Little back in the coop for right now please.


Be nice to Wyrom or I will cut you!
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 03:13 PM CST

>You'd like to see people losing 5k instead of 1k on a low treasure capped box? Because thats what a purely difficulty based formula would do.

that would be hilarious. make it so
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 08:43 PM CST

Make it based on % of content value and the % scale with lock difficulty
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/14/2014 09:08 PM CST
>Make it based on % of content value and the % scale with lock difficulty

And no longer have the total cost be 90 - 110% of the value of the box contents. It's ridiculous to grab silver from the bank so you have at least 5k to start paying Larton's fees with, sell the box contents, and only have 3 or 4k to put back in the bank when your done so often.

Tanivar Somakre

Retired 'vulture'
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/15/2014 12:26 PM CST
Can someone explain to me what IC sense it makes to have the contents of the box factor in at all when the NPC locksmith doesn't know what's in it?

You pay him before the box is picked, and he hands it back to you unopened, so how would be know what to charge based on the contents?

~ Methais
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/15/2014 12:29 PM CST
IC, we have no idea that the contents are a factor in his fee.
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/15/2014 01:29 PM CST
"Hey Larton, why does it seem like anytime I find something good in a box, you're charging me a lot more than normal?

~ Methais
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/15/2014 01:32 PM CST

The issue is it is based on difficuilty. 99% it eats up most profit when its a poor but hard box. Basing it on box value would increase value imo
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/15/2014 04:02 PM CST
<"Hey Larton, why does it seem like anytime I find something good in a box, you're charging me a lot more than normal?

~ Methais>

Slaps Larton and leaves him gutted in the alley for one too many overcharges.
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/17/2014 01:27 PM CST
>Slaps Larton and leaves him gutted in the alley for one too many overcharges.

Cheers as Larton takes two months off to recover.
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/17/2014 01:52 PM CST
>Slaps Larton and leaves him gutted in the alley for one too many overcharges.

This might explain his only wanting 6290 silver to open a 132 pound chest this afternoon, he took the hint. <g>

Tanivar Somakre

Retired 'vulture'
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/19/2014 09:24 PM CST
>I have a few problems with town locksmiths that I feel should be addressed:

I'd be fine with axing the entire system. It's more or less okay it is, but it's also a piece of crap.

>An officer of the Sorcerer Guild arrives and glances around. "Ah, there you are, Vathon!" he says in a slightly agitated tone. "I have come to formally declare that your membership privileges have been revoked."
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/20/2014 01:08 AM CST
Thought about this a little more, and probably a better solution is something completely different, which is an in-game delivery system.

Let's suppose there are several different types of delivery services. One is like a letter. One is like money (silvers or notes). One is an individual item. And one is a crate type.

For this case, let's explore the crate type option. Imagine something like a small locker, which can be delivered to another character. Perhaps within a given town, it's nearly free, and some shipping charges between towns perhaps. You have to send the crate upon loading it up, and perhaps include a letter or a cover memo. "To Rlen; Boxes from the Bowels." The person receiving the crate should need to receive it within a fixed time, and unload it somewhat promptly on their accepting the package (but perhaps not immediately, since the encumbrance could be large). It can be automatically returned on failure to deliver within a week, say. Supposing in this instance shipping boxes to pick, once the locksmith picks all the locks, they can return the contents. Maybe they empty the boxes into the crate to reduce the shipping cost. Maybe they tip themselves, or maybe the original person, upon getting the loot back, sends a tip via the money delivery option. Obviously, some trust between the two characters/players is required, since the work is being done remotely.

There are certainly other components of a delivery system of interest, like an EXCHANGE type option, allowing a loresong to be affixed to the item, etc, for general merchant business. But I definitely like the sort of crate-shipping option for a method of lockpicking.

As far as versus the NPC case, the job is basically instantaneous for the person with locked boxes. There's time for the shipping, and to have the work done, but unless you're really in a rush to get the treasure out of the box in real time, you just send the package and go about your business, and wait until a crate is returned.

The coding for this kind of system would be utterly non-trivial, but it's definitely the kind of system with lots of uses where I think the dev time would be really well spent to add a spectacular feature to the game.

And anyone who doesn't like PCs smiths can still use the NPC smiths if they want. They have different pros and cons, which is why I don't think there is a real need to change the NPC system (if you don't like it, get a PC smith).

>An officer of the Sorcerer Guild arrives and glances around. "Ah, there you are, Vathon!" he says in a slightly agitated tone. "I have come to formally declare that your membership privileges have been revoked."
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/20/2014 01:12 AM CST
As to the topics suggested in the original post:

>4. Fused and plated boxes - I think the locksmith should hand these back and say they can't help you. They're a locksmith and there's no lock for them here. These would have to be opened by a player in some way.

Presently, about the only time I use the NPC smith is for plated mithril/enruned boxes. It's because I can't extract acid vials myself as a non-rogue to get past the plate. Sell me your acid vials, please!

>An officer of the Sorcerer Guild arrives and glances around. "Ah, there you are, Vathon!" he says in a slightly agitated tone. "I have come to formally declare that your membership privileges have been revoked."
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/20/2014 07:16 AM CST

I liked the idea someone posted about being able to drop my boxes off somewhere and allowing player locksmiths a chance to open them at their discression. Maybe there could still be a loot reduction rate and an exp reduction for trap opening to the locksmith. Or maybe while "on duty" a player locksmith has access to unlimited picks based on their level and ability.

Either the treasure can then be deposited automatically into my bank, or I can stop in later to pick up my cache of loot. Player locksmiths get to keep scarabs and the sort like the NPC ones do as well. Could even be a little note in the box I'd pick up stating who picked it for me so I could find them out later and give a tip.

I'd love to have more ability to allow players to be locksmiths but would also hate to lose the NPC option because there are times when there just isn't a smith available.
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/22/2014 10:27 PM CST
I got it! No really, I got it.

Sell aprons full lockpicks to PC lockpickers. They enable the picker to step in on the NPC and declare "I got it!" without risking a pick of their own. The PC picker must pay for any pick he destroys plus a modest amount for the apron. Damaged counts as destroyed. The PC picker can use his own picks, but that is his choice.

The NPC gets first crack at naming a price. This gives the picker a "silent" queue as to how difficult the box is. If the box is in the realm of possibility for the PC, then he can take a shot. If not, the NPC kicks in and refuses to hand it over.

When both the NPC and PC can pick a box, a second check goes into effect. The PC must pre-declare his prices and policies, for example Lockpicker Bob will charge 20% of the coins in the box, he won't pick for dark elves or rangers and he keeps all the scarabs. If the player isn't a ranger or a dark elf, he can chose between the NPC and PC. Since the NPC's are kind of jerks about pricing, the PC is almost always the better deal, but could take longer.

At no point should gems or items be value-ated for the PC picker, except perhaps a token 500 silver per item. Actual valuation could reveal orbs or enhansive items. A bent spoon, a diamond and a pendant of Discipline +10 is exactly the same as far as the system goes.

If there is more than one PC picker on duty, the NPC still checks to see which one is "better" and makes a suggestion as to who can get it.

This is kind of the best of both worlds and abandons the idea of tipping. The picker is declaring the price up front.

Magarven the Mad
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/23/2014 10:22 PM CST
That sounds like a very complicated system. I'd like to propose something a bit easier....

Make the town locksmiths less desirable to use and let us remember how to talk to each other without an automated system doing it for us.


Be nice to Wyrom or I will cut you!
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/23/2014 10:48 PM CST

>>Make the town locksmiths less desirable to use and let us remember how to talk to each other without an automated system doing it for us.

I suspect this would result in even more boxes left in the wilds, to be scavenged, for lack of readily available locksmiths to open them. It is already a rare occasion for me to pick one up, given the state of treasure post cap.

Making it more difficult to find somehow to open them is not a boon, as the population grows more skilled.

~The red-robed summoner steps forward, bows respectfully, then steps back. His hood falls back slightly and his dark sea blue eyes stare out from the shadows. He grins wickedly, then steps into the shadows.
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/24/2014 01:19 PM CST
>Make the town locksmiths less desirable to use and let us remember how to talk to each other without an automated system doing it for us.

I think what you meant to say was, "Give locksmiths more incentive to train in picking so there will be more of them to open our boxes."

~ Methais
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/25/2014 07:14 AM CST
I think what you meant to say was, "Give locksmiths more incentive to train in picking so there will be more of them to open our boxes."
~ Methais

Oh I think that's a wonderful idea too but it seems like dev that makes classes better regularly takes a back seat to dev that makes the game more tedious. I was hedging my bets here.


Be nice to Wyrom or I will cut you!
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/25/2014 07:26 AM CST
>Oh I think that's a wonderful idea too but it seems like dev that makes classes better regularly takes a back seat to dev that makes the game more tedious. I was hedging my bets here.

What in the last year or two are you referring to here? Or are you living in gemstone from a decade or two ago? 319, paladin spell revamping hardly seems to make the game more tedious. I understand being bitter and wishing they would work on the stuff that you'd prefer but it's clouding your opinions.
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/25/2014 09:05 AM CST
>319, paladin spell revamping hardly seems to make the game more tedious

They do if you are a class that gets outcompeted by them. 319 is great for sorcerers, but its a pain for the ambusher watching them poach with impunity using tactics that wouldn't be viable without 319.
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/25/2014 09:34 AM CST
We aren't going to talk about the paladin spell revamp. I love that a class that a new semi gets created AND gets a full spell circle revamp while NOTHING gets done for the other two semis.


Be nice to Wyrom or I will cut you!
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/25/2014 10:31 AM CST
>while NOTHING gets done for the other two semis.

Bards and rangers? Two of the most powerful professions in the entire game? Those two? My only response would be three dots.
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/25/2014 10:48 AM CST
Bards who haven't had any significant dev in over a decade. Who suffer from cripplingly bad spiritual TD? Who's spell list has been badly in need a revamp since GS3? That profession?


Rangers who have not had any significant dev since Mestys took over for Warden. Who's companions are horribly buggy and near useless. With a 50th rank spell that is bar none the WORST amongst it's peers. Who lack any sort of viable escape mechanism when they get in a tough spot.


Paladins who were a brand new profession introduced after either of the other semis got any dev. Who, while still being semis get CMans, shield mans, armor mans like a square. Have the most overpowered defensive spell in the game in 1635. Have one of the most powerful self buffs in 1625. That's the profession that needed it's spell circle revamped first? That's the semi that was most in need?

You know where you can stick those three dots.


Be nice to Wyrom or I will cut you!
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/25/2014 11:01 AM CST
Yeah, those bards, the ones who have access to one of the most deadly spells in the game 1030 and yet have higher AS than warriors. Those are the ones Im referring to.


Yep, those rangers too! The ones who have companions who actually can attack and have other utility usefulness more than familiars, demons, spirits. The ones who have access to 130 which will let them and their whole group escape. The ones who are famous for their DS spells. Also the ones who have spike thorn and nature's fury which are pretty boss.


Paladins, who like 8 people played and they were pretty much crappy warriors who could give a raise once in a blue moon who only the most desperate would accept. Seriously, look on any scale you want, how many bards and rangers were there before the pally spell review compared to paladins? How many bards and rangers are on the Sunfist parchment compared to paladins? In my opinion the only profession worse off than them before the review were monks. Now they're respectable.

Once again, three dots.
Re: Updating Town Locksmiths 11/25/2014 11:09 AM CST
>>Oh I think that's a wonderful idea too but it seems like dev that makes classes better regularly takes a back seat to dev that >>makes the game more tedious. I was hedging my bets here.

>What in the last year or two are you referring to here? Or are you living in gemstone from a decade or two ago?


That screwed up priority was around back then and is still going strong today. Wonder how many less players would have left over all those years if the devs priority was making the game more fun than making it more generally tedious and irritating?

Want specifics? Just read these forums or play the game.

Tanivar Somakre

Retired 'vulture'
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