Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/08/2016 05:27 PM CDT

Out of curiosity, if gwethsmashing gets revised to gweth thumping (with the occasional gwethsmasher still lingering around), will the contest change to thump's current method, or kept the way that it is now, or a whole new contest all together?
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/08/2016 05:29 PM CDT
>>Out of curiosity, if gwethsmashing gets revised to gweth thumping (with the occasional gwethsmasher still lingering around), will the contest change to thump's current method, or kept the way that it is now, or a whole new contest all together?

That's another issue I'm not fully certain of yet.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/08/2016 06:48 PM CDT
My issue really is I just think gweths / smashers is a MM thing. A product of our use of psychic projection magics. Now apparently the GM's seem to think otherwise since its been talked about being opened to the general population for enchanting. I understand the reason why, so other guilds can make them since they are a pretty high demand item. However I don't think mental thumping should be opened to the general public and would rather just have the ability go away entirely than to have some barb mentally thump me, with no understanding whatsoever of telepathy. The use of a gwethsmasher is basically a stored mental assault, and i'm not understanding the process unless their is another item that needs to be created to use the ability. I don't know it just really clashes with me and goes against the lore to much for me to get on board with.

I just want to clarify that I don't sell smashers, nor have I ever even used one to smash somebody on my MM. I don't sell gweths either, so really its nothing to do with money or being greedy. Just the overall principle of it, and how the process works.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/08/2016 06:58 PM CDT
will one haveto be in same room as someone to do this?.. issue i see is by time you find the person, get to them (if theyre not hiding in a locked room).. timer is up.(if its like the timer on smashers).

Will someone be able to just powergrind to 181 and not be able to get smashed by say.. someone thats 200 (ie: thump) or a stat contest?

While i think it would be dumb to just turn them off, you may as well just do that and not even waste your time and anyone elses in the hoop jumping to change it into this if its going to be implimented that way. cause it will just be a dead system that never gets used.

Sorry, all in all i see this as being just way too much work for something that isnt even really being abused.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/08/2016 07:10 PM CDT
>Will someone be able to just powergrind to 181 and

If this person is exclusively 'powergrind'ing to level 181 to avoid thump and gweth thump, and they're able to do it in a timespan of less than a year, screw it. Let them do it.

Otherwise this is a goofy concern.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/08/2016 07:51 PM CDT
I would hope the smasher contest remains. I'd also really like to see thump become a stat contest and lock users open.

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/08/2016 08:19 PM CDT
Can we change THUMP to a brawling combat maneuver.

::whistles low::

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/08/2016 08:57 PM CDT


So the snarking at each other for people being upset about being smashed needs to go to the conflicts folder.

While the subject line did not change, the discussion is now on a proposed change from Gweth Smash to Gweth Thump. Let's keep the feedback constructive and please try to stay on topic.

Message Board Supervisor

If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing me at
::Posts Hidden:: 04/08/2016 08:58 PM CDT

And some posts were removed.

Message Board Supervisor

If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing me at
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 08:51 AM CDT

I also recommend keeping gwethsmashing available against people below 20th circle & F2P but only useable by Mentors and GMs. On the otherhand, I also recommend making people below 20th circle immune from gweth THUMP. The way it stands now ALL(that's right I'm not even adding a conditional to that, I mean ALL) the troublemakers are HLC's.

As I'm watching now; blatant OOC is rampant amongst HLCs but due to the "good ole' boy" club mentality and "oh Bob that was a good one! hahahaha" are protected from Gwethsmashing(I know him so I'm not gonna Gwethsmash him). The one's getting gwethsmashed seem to be new players or heaven forbid an invested(read as, I just bought 100 dollars in Simucoins) F2P who just saved up for 2 months+ trying to get all three gwething items.(pshh! some F2P nobody knows trying out the game; time to get my epeen up for the day!)
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 09:25 AM CDT

<<I also recommend keeping gwethsmashing available against people below 20th circle & F2P but only useable by Mentors and GMs. On the otherhand, I also recommend making people below 20th circle immune from gweth THUMP. The way it stands now ALL(that's right I'm not even adding a conditional to that, I mean ALL) the troublemakers are HLC's. >>

All it will do is make people roll up F2P trolls knowing they can't be smashed or gweth thumped. If gweth thump doesn't apply to chatter they can still get help there, so maybe that's the bright spot in this post is to bring up the point that those abilities shouldn't affect that.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 09:42 AM CDT

Please re-read what I wrote.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 09:47 AM CDT
I'm not going to get into a conflict with you as this isn't the place. I read what you wrote several times. Please point out which part of what you wrote applies to my response. If you think giving more work to the mentors and the GMs to police what would become the bigger share of the problem, I think that is a poor idea, they do enough work as it is.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 10:33 AM CDT
Same here. What I'm trying to get at is that protection works both ways and the most vulnerable amongst us is new players both by how the gweth mechanics works and by the nature of them being so new.

This arguement that "ZOMG?! F2Ps will troll the world!" has never come to fruition on any level including gweths. In fact, the only instances of trolling has been the other way around, HLCs bullying new players for their personal amusement because they're easy targets
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 10:44 AM CDT

Actually, I came up with a pretty good compromise. We should distinquish between those F2Ps who are truly new (and most likely would be impossible for them to get a gweth anyway). And those that are 'invested' F2Ps who spent RL dollars purchasing Simucoins. This will eliminate any potential 'throwaway account' syndrome issues and the trolling; at the same time, it would give protection for new players (who are serious about the game and are now paying customers) from the depraved antics of the 100+ circle of hell mess.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 10:57 AM CDT
So you mean upgrade the F2P system to match what literally every other game uses, instead of this bizarre...whatever...we have?

For those not in the know: F2P games typically use a 3-tier structure. Free: Never spent $ on the game. 'Premium': spent cash on the game, either in the cash shop or by having a month of subscription. Subscriber: currently paid up.

Any cash bumps you from Free to premium, and premium still plays for free. If you stop subscribing you drop to premium, rather than being forced to either continue paying or stop playing.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 11:22 AM CDT
>>This arguement that "ZOMG?! F2Ps will troll the world!" has never come to fruition on any level including gweths.

You are quite wrong. I've seen F2P accounts used to troll in many different ways including on the gweth.

The majority of gwethsmashing isn't just HLCs being bullies to new players, and they don't just ignore other HLCs being a problem on the gweths either. I've never smashed anyone under 100th circle the many times that I have done it for example. A lot of the "bullies" get smashed plenty, too.

I think you are pretty far off base with your assessment of gwethsmashing and the suggestions you are making about it, and labeling everyone over 100th circle that uses a gwethsmasher a "bully" doesn't help your argument either.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 11:51 AM CDT

Just calling it like I see it especially since the argument in here seemed pretty one-sided from the get go. (not a whole lot of F2P new guys even know about these archaic forums). The game always had a very high barrier to entry for new players whether it takes on the form of USD or social aspects inside the game. I'm just trying to protect what I see as the last vestige of salvation for the game's longevity (move to F2P).

And yes, I think there should be a middle tier of account that is called B2P accounts or whatever. F2P (completely free) -> B2P (Purchased Simucoins) -> Sub (monthly subscriber) -> Premium (super monthly subscriber). Not only can staff and SIMU be able to tell between the "serious" accounts and the "throwaway troll" accounts but the level of attention to people who spend probably as much as a basic subber should not be ignored and thrown in with the completely free crowd. Simply put, if you're spending 200 bucks a year on the game buying all sorts of stuff off the SIMUSTORE, you're a pretty serious customer regardless of your designation. There should be a category to reflect that.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 12:05 PM CDT
>>Just calling it like I see it...

Judging by the recent threads you've started, and the posts you've made in them, it's pretty clear you're seeing very little of the bigger picture.

>>...especially since the argument in here seemed pretty one-sided from the get go. (not a whole lot of F2P new guys even know about these archaic forums).

I don't think this argument has ever been about F2P. It's been about how some people feel about gwethsmashing as a whole, and about making it less punishing for everyone. Nobody should have, or need, protection from gwethsmashing/thumping because if you act in a polite manner no one is going to do those things to you. Handing out blanket protection for F2P accounts just encourages trolling. Saying that F2P are targeted as prey by everyone over 100th circle with a gwethsmasher is just plain wrong.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 12:09 PM CDT
>> Nobody should have, or need, protection from gwethsmashing/thumping because if you act in a polite manner no one is going to do those things to you.

While gwethsmashing is almost never for no reason, it also is not universally done because someone isn't polite. Sometimes someone is just beefing and the smash is completely unrelated to what was actually gwethed. And that's fine, but simply being nice on the gweth isn't a shield against smashing either.

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 12:15 PM CDT
>>Nobody should have, or need, protection from gwethsmashing/thumping because if you act in a polite manner no one is going to do those things to you.

This places a lot of confidence in the general playerbase that I feel they have not yet to earn and, instead, continually lost.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 01:15 PM CDT
>Smashing as it currently functions is dumb and oddly/incorrectly punishes people who have "good" (aka: multi charge) gweths. It's unrelated to the issue of people not understanding how or why gweth smashing works as it does.

I've never been on the against side of smashing, but this is a very good argument against current smashing and it's changed my mind in some ways. If smashers survive, I think it makes more sense that they function like THAYET and TEVESHSZAT mentioned, where they burns charges and prevents use for a time rather than outright destroying the items.

As far as smashing versus gweth thump goes, assuming mutual exclusivity, I'm not really that invested either way. However, part of me would probably be a little sad to see smashers go because I like the RP opportunity it affords. Like, if I felt I were wrongfully smashed, I'd probably talk to people to gain intel on the smasher and look for help getting revenge. There are far fewer things like that in current DR, so I'll blame it on nostalgia from back when graverobbing and PC stealing and death were a big deal and people banded together more to get revenge. Still, I'm not convinced smashing is abused as much as some (vocal minority?) claim. I mean, I see a lot of smashworthy things on gweths without gwethers getting smashed. Hell, I've gwethed smashworthy stuff on different characters and I've never been smashed.

I guess I'd rather see smashers simply become rarer. I do like the idea of a gweth thump option, but I'm not looking forward to the gweth thump "abuse" posts.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 01:41 PM CDT
Please, I invite you to re-read what I wrote. If anything I'm actually increasing punishment on F2P which would be the only class of account susceptible to gweth-smashing after it gets removed for gweth THUMP. Getting a gweth smashed for a newbie F2P is serious business, that's equivalent to 2 months of daily hunting a few hours a day in ship rats or gobs.

It's difficult for people to see arguments on both sides when one is so deeply into a particular side. I'm on constantly for these past couple of months due to an injury and I've not yet seen a F2P newb do anything on thought nets except ask questions (albeit some a bit silly). The others have been between HLCs (just messing around with each other) and newbies who've decided to make a decent attempt at RP but was given 1 star by a HLC critic.(and summarily gwethsmashed). Therefore, I'm a bit curious as to the alterior motives HLCs may have for leaving this form of potential harassment open against vulnerable F2P newbies who should be encouraged to interact with the playerbase.

If, however, the worry is a HLC will on a whim create a F2P account (and give said 'throw-away' character a gweth) to troll the thoughtnets without any worry of social repercussions, then that "newbie" character should be gwethsmashed into oblivion (as per my setup this would be possible by anyone EVEN AFTER gweth THUMP gets implemented and smashing gets removed). Note, when I say HLC I'm not talking about people with X circles per se (since many HLCs are apparently bought now-a-days) but rather HLPs ("high level players")who've played DR before some of us here were even alive. I've met quite a few who are on F2P accounts but who've been playing in and out under various names since the launch of the game.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 01:41 PM CDT
I think it's actually okay for "high level players" or whatever euphemism we want to use to set the culture of the game.

Now, there's certainly a question of if they'll do a good job at it, and to who's measure of goodness they'll do it by, but that's part of the roleplaying game aspect of a roleplaying game that is with distressing frequency becoming less about roleplaying all the time.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 02:01 PM CDT
>>I think it's actually okay for "high level players" or whatever euphemism we want to use to set the culture of the game.

It's arguably a bit counter-productive toward the stance that DR is trying to frame its culture toward RP, with the driving force being who did the most grinding.

Could probably make the argument that the people who are the most apt to guide the culture of the game are those with the most RPAs and/or GM RP score (if the latter is real and/or not the same as the former).

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 02:04 PM CDT
I have been pretty consistent in my view that the game (the Big Grind) and the roleplaying are not mutually exclusive, and in fact one fuels and gives weight to the other.

I mean, it's just as valid to say that someone with a proven trackrecord of RPing should swing a sword better than someone without one. And for a certain type of RPG you'd be right, but that's a pretty radical departure from how we organize things.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 02:16 PM CDT
>>I think it's actually okay for "high level players" or whatever euphemism we want to use to set the culture of the game.

>It's arguably a bit counter-productive toward the stance that DR is trying to frame its culture toward RP, with the driving force being who did the most grinding.

SUMMERSON defined "high level players" as those who have played the game for a long time, not necessarily those who are high in skill/circle. Since the same word choice was by Armifer in his post, I'm assuming, perhaps incorrectly, he was referring to those folks. I think that defines most people who post here, including you, although I wish there were more DR newbie posters for that perspective.

I will say I prefer F2P Chatter to gweths, so I don't know if F2P players lose out too much if they're smashed. I've also seen a lot of people and Orders give away free gweths, so the noobs suffer worse argument doesn't sway my my opinion much.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 02:20 PM CDT
>>I mean, it's just as valid to say that someone with a proven trackrecord of RPing should swing a sword better than someone without one. And for a certain type of RPG you'd be right, but that's a pretty radical departure from how we organize things.

Definitely agreed, but I was thinking more in the scope of which people would be the "best" at figuring out what is good/bad gweth activity and thus shaping the game's roleplay-specific culture. I'd personally have more faith in someone with a strong roleplay record (or at least the best way the game provides a metric for that) as opposed to circle.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 02:30 PM CDT
Adventurers use an enchanted item to communicate telepathically. It makes sense you'd need to use another enchanted item to strike against telepathic communication. I would be sorry to see the gwethsmasher enchantment go.

Thump as it exists currently and the hypothetical Thump Gweth seem extraordinarily OOC to me. A non-damaging Thump Gweth command would be tolerable for gweth silencing without destroying charges, if the cooldown on use were longer than a gwethsmasher cooldown.

Full Disclosure:
Either way it doesn't affect me financially.
I don't make gweths because I am annoyed that the only way to reliably get a gwethdesuan stone supply is to buy stolen goods from a museum. I've made less than 5 gwethsmashers.

Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 02:41 PM CDT

I don't think he meant circle, as circle now-a-days is an almost meaningless construct which could be A.) done by mindlessly grinding for a year or two with little care or interaction with other players in the game or B.) just bought off "that market that I still refuse to say because it disgusts me so." for X dollars. There are 150+ circle HLCs running around who don't know how to use their most basic spells or abilities.

Again, he means those players with the longest proven track record and interaction with the game. Grind =/= does not equal RP. If I'am mistaken about this then I've come back to DR for entirely the wrong reasons (as the strength of a text based MMO is the level/depth of RP that it can bring due to the nature of words/language vs. graphics) Trust me, there is an ENORMOUS slection of MMOs (a heavily saturated market) that takes grinding into the level of a divine art form, if I wanted an 'excellent grind' for a game then DR would be one of the last on that particular list.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 02:44 PM CDT
I'm not saying grind = RP, but I am saying that grind is a portion of the roleplaying. That your character actually does go out and slaughter Goblins and this is a thing that is happening in the narrative of the game. Likewise, the idea that some characters are stronger than others is a thing that is true and functions as part of the roleplaying environment.

The idea of using RPAs as a modifier for some activities intrigues me, but if I'm being honest with you I'm not sure how far that'd fly.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 05:12 PM CDT

As long as I've been playing [I made this particular account the end of 2001 but had others prior], my mains are still much more subject to being smashed than being able to smash. If the system went by RPAs instead of skills, yeah I'd be in much better shape.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 05:21 PM CDT
>>DR-Armifer: The idea of using RPAs as a modifier for some activities intrigues me, but if I'm being honest with you I'm not sure how far that'd fly.

It sounds good on paper, but its validity as a measure of RP history is undermined by the fact that RPA/PIRP histories are not wiped when characters change hands. (I am sure there are PIRP characters being used as mules or plat farmers.)

As a mere aside, I think PIRP status should be reset when characters are transferred (or when the billing information changes to another player).

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory:

armor and shields:
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. ::Nudge:: 04/10/2016 05:57 PM CDT

The bickering needs to not be happening in this discussion. If you really must, take that to the conflict folder.

Message Board Supervisor

If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing me at
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 06:02 PM CDT
It would also penalize people who couldn't or don't want to attend large mainstream events where RPAs happen (such as Necromancers). Not every good, solid roleplayer is rolling in RPAs. RPAs are a measure of who showed up, not who is a good roleplayer.

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 08:24 PM CDT
<<Not every good, solid roleplayer is rolling in RPAs. RPAs are a measure of who showed up, not who is a good roleplayer.

This. I'm rolling in RPAs and only really make the effort to not be ooc. Heck, I've even received one pirp. I'm still not entirely sure why for that one.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/10/2016 09:51 PM CDT
>>It sounds good on paper, but its validity as a measure of RP history is undermined by the fact that RPA/PIRP histories are not wiped when characters change hands. (I am sure there are PIRP characters being used as mules or plat farmers.)

>>It would also penalize people who couldn't or don't want to attend large mainstream events where RPAs happen (such as Necromancers). Not every good, solid roleplayer is rolling in RPAs. RPAs are a measure of who showed up, not who is a good roleplayer.

Agreed that it's a flawed metric for both reasons, but it's still one I would trust more than circle.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/11/2016 07:17 AM CDT

On the otherhand, would someone like a necro or a person playing a "conflict" character be the best judge for determining who gets gweth-smashed? I'm not saying Necromancers don't RP, on the contrary I think whoever invented that guild is a genius just due to the depth of gameplay and lore it provides, but if we were to go by the premise that Gweths are 'in-game' tools of communication and thus monitored by 'in-game' means why would a criminal and arch-enemy #1 of the gods be deserving of administering justice on the gweths? It doesn't make sense.
Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/11/2016 07:36 AM CDT
>>...let's assume for a moment we actually do move to a "gweth thump" model. What kind of silence period do you think is appropriate?<<

I think a good compromise would be to

1) Set gweths to listen only.
2) Permit albredine ring use.
3) Have short duration - like 10 minutes.

Re: This Gweth smashing has gone too far. 04/11/2016 07:42 AM CDT
>why would a criminal and arch-enemy #1 of the gods be deserving of administering justice on the gweths? It doesn't make sense.

Just because someone is a 'criminal' and 'arch-enemy #1 of the gods' or otherwise 'bad element' does mean they're incapable of 'administering justice'

I mean, really, let's not kid ourselves, we're not talking about what is actually just or right. This is a punishment meted out for a subjective and sometimes arbitrary threshold of behavior.