Hair-Braiding Tool Bug 03/06/2017 05:55 PM CST

I've run into this bug a couple of times now and I want to post it to make sure all the winners of the hair-braiding tools know and we can maybe get this fixed!

When you give yourself a braid, you have a scripted braid "hidden" on you that holds scripts. Weeeeell, if you're like me and changing outfits fairly often you can forget about your braid and maybe... put on a veola over it. Now, really... if you have your hair braided it shouldn't allow you to wear the veola (a number of scripts tell you you can't have more than one hairstyle, etc). But the unfortunate part here is that when you remove the veola, you still have the braid hairstyle but not the scripted braid part.

I've bugged it in game, but thought I'd drop a note here too!

Re: Hair-Braiding Tool Bug 03/06/2017 06:11 PM CST
Hate to intrude but I'm rather curious about these. Does the tool stay on your person, or can it be used on others? If the latter, let me know whether you have any openings for service. :)
Re: Hair-Braiding Tool Bug 03/06/2017 10:30 PM CST
I don't have one but a generous soul let me use theirs :) They are passable (provided the owner feels you're trustworthy!) and then you WAVE them at yourself to style your own hair.

/seo, wheels and skulls department/
Re: Hair-Braiding Tool Bug 03/07/2017 08:43 PM CST
Seo is right, they are usable on others. Flag me down on Riend in game sometime and I'd be happy to do your do!

(Bristenn takes a hold of Riend by the arm and swings her in, pulling her into an armored embrace. And, without further ado, he kisses Riend like he means it. Deffo means it.)