Merchant Questions 05/31/2021 07:44 PM CDT

I am just wondering what the best way is to find out about traveling merchants/festivals? My character resides in Ta'Vaalor. I would like to enchant, flare, lighten equipment, but can't figure out my options besides the Premium services or finding a high-level Wizard (unlikely because I'm post-10, pre-20 level). I check the calendar regularly, but don't see much on festivals or traveling merchants. Does Gemstone list these events in the log-in messages? Are all festivals charged for? I am a Premium subscriber, but paying a ton of money for extras is not my idea of a good time. Can someone give me the basic facts on all of this?

Re: Merchant Questions 06/01/2021 01:37 AM CDT
Enchanting services are not common from GM merchants, you are better off working with a player for them, and the price will vary depending on how challenging your gear is. As long as your gear is not already super high-end, you don't need a super high level wizard (the enchant spell is only level 25 ;), and the prices will be lower.

Flares are also not a common GM offering, but you can get them by winning the monthly premium contest, or at some festivals either at an auto-flarer, or with flare tokens (the latter are usually microtrans based).

Lighten and deepen are common services when merchants do come around, but you can also get them with (color) notes that generally come from some event feeders. You can often purchase them from player shops-- the color varies, be sure to read the notes first so you know exactly what they do :) Sample searches for notes--

Many merchants are calendared, but sometimes they turn up unscheduled (there was an impromptu light/deep session this week in Sylvarraend for example). I see on the calendar in June the pickings on live services are pretty slim (a few visits for WPS service). This is probably because of Rumor Woods occurring soon, which is a microtrans event. Next month the premium festival should have A LOT of merchants and you should be able to get lots of work done. Premium fest does not cost extra money and is always really fun :)

I hope this helps!

/seo, wheels and skulls department/
Re: Merchant Questions 06/01/2021 10:49 AM CDT
And for flaring weapons, sometimes you can find something that catches your eye if you watch the pawnshop.

It's only the first of June, so the merchant calendar is probably not going to get entries on it quite so fast.

And there are usually one or two free festivals during the year. Free meaning ... there is no additional cost to attend or there is nothing to purchase to enter into the games that generate the special currency which is used at some events.

The TownCrier tries to keep on top of calendar additions each day, and when they give us enough notice, we run announcements for merchants for 6 days in advance.

Rely on advice from friends and other players/characters that you respect about upgrading your gear. I'm still amazed at how helpful and knowledgeable everyone is.


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