Cobbling: Convert to UAC? 04/29/2018 08:47 PM CDT
I feel like this has been suggested or at least discussed in the past, but I'm not sure if it was just ruminations overheard in a chat room or a formal request, and I don't recall hearing any 'no, go away' recently. So, formal request: can we get a merchant, or an automated method, to convert cobbled boots to UAC boots?

I feel like this would open up some customizability and joy for those of us who are die-hard UACers. Even if it's only for a certain subset of nouns and they all convert at 0x.

I mean, bonus points if you want to add to the cobbling system a way for the cobbler themselves to turn their decorative boots into UAC gear and it uses the enchant of the decorative metal as the enchant of the boots, buuuut I know better than to ask for the moon. ;)

Walsor Gryhm says, "Hmm, a most impressive weapon of note. I'll give you 16 silver coins for it."
You think to yourself, "This deal is getting worse all the time."