Relic level casting gloves 12/21/2016 06:50 PM CST
I'm inventing a new thing, relic level. Something to never to duplicated, only one of.

Fire Casting Gloves
-1 RT for casting fire spells and custom spell prep
+10 fire lore enhancive
Adds additional random fire flare when used in conjunction with a runestaff
Can be turned on and off with a verb trap, when turned on the gloves as a physical item disappear and instead a feature line is added to the bearer saying his "hands are wreathed in flame."
Able to light things on fire (webs, etc) with a simple touch.

Earth Casting Gloves
-1 RT for casting earth spells and custom spell prep
+10 earth lore enhancive
Adds additional random earth flare when used in conjunction with a runestaff
Can be turned on and off with a verb trap, when turned on the gloves as a physical item disappear and instead a feature line is added to the bearer saying his "hands are like crusted stone"
Small bonus to disarm, anything grip related

Cold Casting Gloves
-1 RT for casting cold spells and custom spell prep
+10 water lore enhancive
Adds additional random cold flare when used in conjunction with a runestaff
Can be turned on and off with a verb trap, when turned on the gloves as a physical item disappear and instead a feature line is added to the bearer saying his "hands are blue and covered with frost"
Able to touch pools/water/puddles in the room to create an ice patch effect

Electricity Casting Gloves
-1 RT for casting lightning spells and custom spell prep
+10 water lore enhancive
+10 air lore enhancive
Adds additional random lightning flare when used in conjunction with a runestaff
Can be turned on and off with a verb trap, when turned on the gloves as a physical item disappear and instead a feature line is added to the bearer saying his "hands crackle and spark with electrical energy"
When using a metal weapon or staff and parrying a melee attack, chance for a reactive weapon-fire style electrical flare to hit the attacking person.

Necromancy Casting Gloves
-1 RT for casting necromancy modified spells and custom spell prep
+10 necro lore enhancive
Adds Rot Flares when used in conjunction with a runestaff
Can be turned on and off with a verb trap, when turned on the gloves as a physical item disappear and instead a feature line is added to the bearer saying his "flesh withers at the wrist and skeletal hands are all that remains"
Has a label that says "Property of Virilneus, please return if found."
Permanent self 716 effect - or no extra jazz because flare is better

Demonology Casting Gloves
-1 RT for casting demonology modified spells and custom spell prep
+10 demon lore enhancive
Adds balefire flare when used in conjunction with a runestaff
Can be turned on and off with a verb trap, when turned on the gloves as a physical item disappear and instead a feature line is added to the bearer saying his "hands are scaled black grasping talons"
Can touch webs to demonify them, pickup cursed items, and will put a short curse on anything touched

Summoning Casting Gloves
-1 RT for casting summoning modified spells and custom spell prep
+10 summoning lore enhancive
Adds web flare when used in conjunction with a runestaff
Can be turned on and off with a verb trap, when turned on the gloves as a physical item disappear and instead a feature line is added to the bearer saying his "hands are covered in cobwebs"
Can touch webs to hijack and restore them in size, permanent untrammel effect

Blessing Casting Gloves
-1 RT for casting blessing modified spells and custom spell prep
+10 blessing lore enhancive
Adds defensive bonus flare (sorta like banshee, but from a good place) when used in conjunction with a runestaff
Can be turned on and off with a verb trap, when turned on the gloves as a physical item disappear and instead a feature line is added to the bearer saying his "hands are shining like the sun"
Uncurse anything through touch, mana breads automatically purified by touch

Religion Casting Gloves
-1 RT for casting religion modified spells and custom spell prep
+10 religion lore enhancive
Adds holy water flare when used in conjunction with a runestaff
Can be turned on and off with a verb trap, when turned on the gloves as a physical item disappear and instead a feature line is added to the bearer saying his "hands... I don't know - hard to think of something that isn't exclusive to liabo or lornon"
Having a hard time also thinking about a bonus effect.

I also can't think of good ideas for the mental lores, but you get the idea.
