Farmer thoughts 05/23/2010 04:07 PM CDT
I'll start off saying that I didn't have as much time to spend during the event as I would have liked. A lot of times I wasn't able to pop in for more than a few minutes, say 'Howdy' and then log out. With that said..

I thoroughly enjoyed the times I was able to be there. I found the room painting to be excellent (I spent several hours just wandering rooms), the shops fun (new l33t RP propz), and the cast, so to speak, well done.

Merchanting services were plentiful, from what little I was around for and heard of, and did a great job of churning out tons of work and especially creating farm stuff, usually from scratch. Special thanks to Leanney, Teekhum, and Bartlebee for helping create some new RP props (not every GM can roll with, "u can make farmerz stuffz 4 me?") for the farmer, and Wynterr's player for causing it to happen.

The storyline finale was probably the most amusing I've been around for. Really, how can you top, "He ran away with the pie... and the goat?". Again, I wasn't able to be much of a part of the buildup, but even still the end was worth it.

My only disappointment (excluding the unfortunate antics of someone) was I was unable to corner the Mayor and demand him sell me property, and of course not being lucky enough to win the seed pouch.

Even if this wasn't the 'farmer fest', the way this was handled and run by everyone should be a future example of what events should be.

So.. Thanks fellers and gals.


That's just what we want, criss-crossing furrows all over the town streets from someone wandering through with their animated plow super buddy.
