Who is the Sharpest Captain and Crew in the Realm? Iskandr Run IV (Saturday, November 13th at 11:30 pm EST, WL Docks, #29631) 11/12/2021 10:57 AM CST
Brave sailors have struck out across the realms and expanded our knowledge of the seas, but which crew maintains the sharpest knowledge of this ever-expanding realm? What teams are quickest to find their way through a gale, which ones know the best means of filling their sales with a bit of extra bluster, and which know a port's location no matter how turned around they get?

Let us find out who reigns as Captain and Crew supreme!

Iskandr would like to invite you to another Gentleman and Gentlewoman's race this Feastday (Saturday, November 13th) night at 11:30 EST. This race will NOT be a pure speed run, though being quick is always useful. You'll need to also rely on your grey matter. Those who raced previously said that they didn't need to use their grey matter enough, so I will work on assuring you don't feel belittled by easy riddles.

This event will be as follows:

1. Sailors will gather at the Landing Dock Handler at the above time and date.
2. Iskandr will offer a riddle indicating the next destination and an item to pick up at said destination.
3. Sailors will ship out at full sail, avoid pirate death, and consult with their crew or own mental faculties as to where they are going and what they need to find.
4. There will be an assistant at the dock handler of the next destination. Head past him and into whatever town to search for the item indicated in the riddle.
5. Upon finding it, race back to the assistant at that city's port dock handler and hand the player character the item.
6. That player character (or at further destinations, other assistant PCs) will offer you a riddle on your next destination/item.
7. Sailors will sail off again to the next destination and repeat 3-7.

I will make the item you must find to cost from free to as cheap as possible, so do bring along a little bit of coin (nothing to significantly weight you down, but enough to buy simple things). There is a point where the assistants might likely help you on your way if you're completely confounded and if you find yourself at a port without a handler, you have likely errored, but use the ESP channel 'shipraces' if any issues arise (and also to talk yourself up a bit when you're in the lead or psych out your opponents)

Pure speed runs will return at a future race, as it seems we'll be able to cross some extreme distances soon enough, though whether next time or some time after that, who knows!

So let the best Lord or Lady win!
