Pricing and Selection 05/11/2018 11:40 PM CDT
First, I understand that this event is meant to be high-end and meant to be a silver-drain and meant for the truly wealthy among us. I get it. I do. It's for the hardcore of the hardcore.

However, the pricing for some services and the selection method seem absolutely ridiculous.

The event began with permabless for 200m and, of course, the first few people spun either a) did not want the service or b) could not afford it or c) both. It was switched to auction and each slot went for less than half of that sum.

DB items are extraordinarily rare and in order to be considered for DB enchant, you have to already have one, yet it's okay to swap. If you have a DB item, you can either try your luck in a room of 50+ or you can, as most seemed to do, swap with someone else for the spot. Why was this done by spinner? Why not only select among those that already have DB items? I understand that the swapping rule is controversial, but when you're talking about something that's already obscenely rare and you do it this way, you're encouraging the sale of spots. At least in the case of the DB items, the pricing seemed fairly reasonable (10m for 2x? Sure!)

Voln Armor. If you are fortunate enough to have Tier 3 Voln Armor, which is already extraordinarily rare, you will pay 100m (assuming selected) for the privilege of upgrading it to Tier 4. A service that was given via raffle among Voln Members (and separately among non-Voln members) at Ebon Gate. You need to be one of the extraordinarily few people that already have Tier 3 Armor, be here, and feel that the mechanical upgrade from 3-4 is worth 100m silvers, and have said 100 million silvers.

I understand the need for a silver drain, but it's tough to wrap my head around what I've seen so far.