Infused Scrolls 04/14/2019 05:49 PM CDT

Now selling infused scrolls at Sammy's Nugatory Notions.

In the Mist Harbor shopping area, the silk-covered white cabana in the Northwest corner.

All spells 215, 219, 307, 319, 606 and 613 are infused and re-infusable.

Also selling cheap and not-so-cheap gems.

Re: Infused Scrolls 04/21/2019 10:59 AM CDT

Restocked again, selling unlocked infused scrolls at Sammy's Nugatory Notions.

Also now on display, a Raise Dead scroll (note 318 scroll is locked, one invoke).

In the Mist Harbor shopping area, the silk-covered white cabana in the Northwest corner.

All spells 215, 219, 307, 319, 513, 606, 613, 618, 712, 913, 1119 and 1604 are infused and re-infusable.

Also selling cheap and not-so-cheap gems. All gems are 10 per jar.
