What to get with all the CMan points from stuff thats no longer needed? 12/30/2020 01:23 AM CST
Current training.

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks

Combat Focus focus 5
Bearhug bearhug 3
Feint feint 5
Coup de Grace coupdegrace 3
Combat Mobility mobility 1
Surge of Strength surge 3
Cunning Defense cdefense 1
Burst of Swiftness burst 3
Perfect Self perfectself 5
Internal Power ipower 1
Punch Mastery punchmastery 3
Kick Mastery kmastery 1
Grapple Mastery gmastery 1
Rolling Krynch Stance krynch 3

Available Combat Maneuver Points: 2

The balance of power between square characters and critters has shifted to a huge degree. Feint doesn't look like it needs more than 1 rank any more. Cunning defense looks like it can go too. Coup stays at 3 because of the critter health restriction rather than endroll reasons. Bearhug is a character thing, the pre-monk release version of the character was a warrior based pseudo monk that hunted with bearhug and coup so the 3 ranks might stay for that reason, but could easily drop a rank to free up points.

Kickmastery and burst were trained before mstrike existed and when RTs were longer. They are both a lot more valuable to me now than they were then and the candidates among what I have to add ranks.

Is there anything particularly in the newer monk Cmans that I ought to be thinking of adding?
Re: What to get with all the CMan points from stuff thats no longer needed? 12/31/2020 12:18 AM CST

I'm a fan of Mobility at Rank 2 for the 100% chance and Evade Mastery to Rank 3 if it fits the training path. Rank 2 for the extra 18% evade chance is great but the 27% chance at Rank 3 is awesome.

My philosophy with the monk is to be as evasive and hard to hit as possible while immobilizing as quickly as possible for the easy headshots. Smaller races might benefit from the Leap cman if they can't reach abs at minimum for crit kills.

~ Meureii's Player
Re: What to get with all the CMan points from stuff thats no longer needed? 12/31/2020 01:19 AM CST
>I'm a fan of Mobility at Rank 2 for the 100% chance and Evade Mastery to Rank 3 if it fits the training path. Rank 2 for the extra 18% evade chance is great but the 27% chance at Rank 3 is awesome.

Good points. This is something the calculus has changed on and I need to review. There used to be a lot of scenarios where I was better off staying on the ground than standing up, and the balance has changed.

>My philosophy with the monk is to be as evasive and hard to hit as possible while immobilizing as quickly as possible for the easy headshots. Smaller races might benefit from the Leap cman if they can't reach abs at minimum for crit kills.

Mine used to be that there was no point in evading an attack that was going to miss anyway. Something else that has changed. I'd actually go looking for armor evasion if it improved evasion.

How do you immobilise? I don't think I've got anything that immobilises. I've got immobilisation techniques to use on almost every other profession, but not monk. If a critter doesn't stun, I'm not aware of a way to bind it for me to hit. (bearhug binds it for a partner to hit, but not for me)