Robes 01/30/2020 01:34 PM CST
Just starting to play around with a monk. Apparently, monks are supposed to wear very light armor, and preferably robes? I am probably going to get 7X robes for her
(not a problem, my capped wizard will do it). Would wearing a heavier armor like a wizard does ... full leather perhaps ... have any adverse effects? Would she need any armor training for this? As far as the robes go, when enchanted, would it be worth while to get them padded, or are robes too flimsy to even bother with this? And if it is worth while, which padding
would be better, crit or damage?

"So, what does that green line on the graph represent?"
"Oh, that's the projection of a hypothetical offspring from a union between Sauron and Cruella de Ville;
we use that as a baseline for determining character alignment."
Re: Robes 01/30/2020 03:04 PM CST
The primary benefits of wearing "actual armor" are that you get the CvA [== faux TD], and possibly encumbrance (if your physical armor is substantially lighter than normal).
The primary benefit of wearing Iron Skin/1202 is that you can save the training point costs for Armor Use and repurpose them somewhere else.

By doing nothing more than 'gain levels', by 50th your Monk is in the equivalent of cuirbouilli/AsG10; up to studded/AsG11 from 75th on. Should it come to pass that you train in Lore ranks, a mere 5 ranks can get you +1 AsG, a modest 15 ranks gets you another one [total of +2], and a heavier commitment of 30 total ranks can get you still one more [net +3 AsG].
75th level Monk in the equivalent of double chain/AsG14 [DF, crit divisor] for the cost of learning 2 spells and 30 Lore ranks.
As opposed to 160 ranks of Armor Use to offset RT.
Re: Robes 01/30/2020 08:56 PM CST
I was under the impression that light leather had no effect on anything, not spell failure nor attack RT. Seems to be no reason not to wear this, or am I missing something?
What lores affect Ironskin?

"So, what does that green line on the graph represent?"
"Oh, that's the projection of a hypothetical offspring from a union between Sauron and Cruella de Ville;
we use that as a baseline for determining character alignment."
Re: Robes 01/30/2020 10:02 PM CST
Light leather doesn't have any of the affects you refer to. But it DOES mean that you can't get any benefit from Ironskin.

Ironskin will only work on Robe armor.

What that means is quite simple - if you're in light leather, but if you're in Robes on your first cast you're protected as though you're wearing full leather, right out of the gate. And you're not training in Armor skill at all.

And if you're 5th level in light armor, you're in light armor, but if you're in Robes you are protected as though you're wearing reinforced leather, and you're still not training in Armor skill.

At 15th, as if in double leather (if you're wearing Robes). At 30, leather breastplate. And so on. As long as you're in Robes. (see: )

And for lores, Transformation. The thresholds are also in the wiki link.

So the only real question about a monk in light leather is 'why'? At second level you're automatically in better armor.

Re: Robes 01/30/2020 10:03 PM CST
Unless I'm remembering wrong: Whatever CvA robes give you, that is what you will always have, regardless of whatever AsG ironskin allows your robes to mimic.
Re: Robes 01/30/2020 10:04 PM CST
Nope, you're right about the CvA. That might be a 'why', but it means a significantly altered training path.

Re: Robes 01/31/2020 07:22 AM CST
Both Ironskin and robes fail to support some of the benefits that armor provides. e.g. accessories don't work properly with Ironskin, and you can't put fittings on robes as well as the more often quoted CvA and lightening benefits.

You are almost certainly better off in robes and Ironskin to start with, but if you pick up a nice helm, or start to feel the warding pinch, or cant get enough slash resistance for Plane 4 from meditate, this may eventually change.
Re: Robes 01/31/2020 03:34 PM CST

I started to feel the same TD issue with my 44th level monk. I was wearing a shirt(clothing) and just ironskin spell. I'm trained up in the lore a bit to give him I think AsG12 brig equivalent but I was still seriously feeling the CvA shortcoming. I noted that Dara had a x4 enchanted robe in her Landing shop and snagged it, the change of CvA helped a bit. It really does look like it's a problem though, glad to see that my suspicions have merit by the posts here.
Re: Robes 04/19/2021 02:20 PM CDT
About that Lack of TD: I believe that the flimbo guide focused too much on it. Of course, every monk to be reads it and might think it's an absolute truth. It's not. Mostly, everyone is looking for armors for wrong reasons. If you choose your hunting ground carefully, you don't need so much TD.

It all depends on what you want to do with your monk. I choosed a very physical path .. So did a few other capped monks..

I've been wearring plain 4x robes until my 30/40's , then a friend of mine TOLD me that I HAD to buy a 5x somewhat crit padded set (3 millions, not cheap, but fair). I never had any regret! In my 50/60 a friend of mine pushed it to +33, in my 90's I traded a tattoo for a T3 ensorcellement. Frankly, the +33 is not that usefull compared to +25 (of course it depends on your training path)
I capped with that set of robes and 4x hand wrappers (T3) and 4x foot wrappers .. the T3 handwrappers are fun, but not necessary.

In your late sixties you really want to have 120 and 1220 for TD/DS, after that, depending on your training, you may stop learning spells (better redux)

I focused on defense, instead of attack power: triple in dodging (your DS becomes more and more awsome along the path to cap) , and almost triple in Physical Fitness (doubled until my 40's, then 4x /level).

in your early 80, you will really lack TD, so I got 70 armors ranks .. that's a pusdown to -1 cva (16 better than the robe CvA)

Right now I put my focus in transformation lore to get the plate armor damage factor. that's 105 ranks, 101 + 4 ascension ranks (you get up to 9 'free' ascension ranks all along youryour way to cap), after that I'll spread the xp betwenn swimm and climb (so cheap), Muti Opponent combat, and perception.

My redux is 29.27%, not that bad.

If ever the new PSM system comes out, I'll drop all my armor ranks

I choosed a very physical path .. So did a few other capped monks. (nice echo)

Experience: 8,446,984 (something like 'level 107')

| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 5 1
Armor Use..........................| 170 70
Combat Maneuvers...................| 302 202
Brawling...........................| 302 202
Ambush.............................| 120 30
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 130 35
Physical Fitness...................| 403 303
Dodging............................| 403 303
Harness Power......................| 74 16
Mental Lore - Telepathy............| 50 10
Mental Lore - Transformation.......| 192 92
Perception.........................| 203 103
Climbing...........................| 156 56
Swimming...........................| 160 60

Spell Lists
Minor Spiritual....................| 20

Spell Lists
Minor Mental.......................| 20

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks

Combat Focus focus 4
Feint feint 1
Combat Mobility mobility 2
Surge of Strength surge 3
Cunning Defense cdefense 5
Burst of Swiftness burst 3
Perfect Self perfectself 5
Punch Mastery punchmastery 3
Kick Mastery kmastery 3
Ki Focus kifocus 3
Inner Harmony iharmony 3

Available Combat Maneuver Points: 1

And to come back to the initial post: don't use anything else than robes (even if I know at least One monk that wears heavy armors. He was level 99 the last time I saw him), get 30 transformation ranks by your seventies.
Don't use weapons past your 10's
and of course join the great order of Voln !

Last Info: as I'm hunting mainly in European daylight time, so I'm hunting alone most of the time. If ever you group hunt, you'll see that the older you get, the safer you are in a group. I mean: I used to sometime (ok a lot.. maybe 2 hours a day) in a group until my 50's. Most of the time I was the only one without a wound at the end.
Re: Robes 04/19/2021 02:37 PM CDT

Did I say that I have no enhancive? .. even my own T2 tattoo is out of charge

The Monk's survival key is: lightness , lightness and lightness .. don't hunt while encumbered, your strength is your capacity to dodge ! (did I say that 30 or 40 of my deathes were caused by more than 20k in my pockets?)

Last advice: your training is what makes you strong .. not your race .. I'm only a human .. Choose the race that fits your desire.