Update to Empathy: Pushback 07/10/2021 03:39 AM CDT
When the Empath channels the spell, it will find the soulfulness of the foe in order to focus their empathic powers. By behaving in an empathic and healing way with a hostile the Empath gains advantage over the initiative of the target (if successful in a warding attempt) which in turn creates a reaction by the path when assaulted. Thus, when a critter who has recently been effected by a channeled Empath attacks, they will find themselves up against a powerful spiritual force which has both a knock-down and injurious effect. The Pushback by the Empath is most effective with an Offensive stance, high spirit and with physical attacks. When the Empath is attacked with a spell, the spellcasting of the critter may be disrupted or even backfire.

Dragons r Real