New Empath 02/17/2021 08:01 AM CST

Hello everyone, I’m looking into creating a new Empath. Currently I’m leaning towards a dwarf with plans on swinging a weapon for a little while - most likely a maul.

What I can’t decide is which society I want to join.. I was leaning towards GoS given the stamina regen of a dwarf. However I’m debating on volt for the simple fact of being able to bless my own weapon when I can’t find a cleric.

I’m not looking for a definitive go this or that but reasons as to why one might be favoured over the other.

as an aside - when I do go pure I will most likely go the bolting route as well.

Thanks in advance!
Re: New Empath 02/17/2021 09:57 AM CST
As a pure melee your bottle neck will be AS eventually. I recommend that third unnamed society for this reason. The great thing about empaths though is their versatility and hybrid nature.

I would not bother with blesses as you'll deal with the undead with the following:
1106 (You get a large -TD to target prior to level 30)

I wouldn't try to pump to many points into CMAN and shield use early on and instead make sure you are weapon skill, spell aiming, and empath base at level to maximize your AS and DS. You'll also want to rush 200s to 215 for bravery and heroism respectively and circle back for 219 eventually. Even without training, shield use gives you +20 for holding a shield and then the enchant of the shield on top of that so it can be very beneficial regardless of actual skill training.

I've greatly enjoyed playing a hybrid empath and feel it is one of the only pures that feels like a semi in regards to being able to accommodate all play styles.

As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.

A squeaky halfling nearby asks, "Why you playing with orcs heads and troll rearends?!"

Re: New Empath 02/17/2021 09:59 AM CST
Both are good.

In GoS, the equivalent to blessing a weapon is finding a war camp. You do not need a blessed weapon to defeat Grimswarm.

I am bringing along a cleric who for various reasons is not hunting undead. So far, the path to 55 trainings is easily done without needing to worry about it. That won't last, I know. But for now it is fine.

Re: New Empath 02/17/2021 05:51 PM CST
Melee Empaths are tailor made for GoS with their ability to both have lots of stamina from 2x or 3x PF and easily recover lots of stamina.

And it's hard to beat the crit padding from the GoS Sigils.