Roll 308 into 318 Please, Update 308 to help Warclerics 08/31/2020 04:10 PM CDT
Had to rez someone today and thought it might be nice to ditch the 308 step of having to link with another player and go straight to the 318 part. I know with mystic tattoos, the monk executes the command and the recipient gets a prompt to tattoo accept. I reckon something similar could be done with RESURRECTION ACCEPT when another player attempts to rez you.

For players that use 308 to transfer spirit, this could be rolled into 318 via an EVOKE version with half the mana cost. Or make 318 resurrection a CHANNEL command and the spirit transfer a CAST command.

I'd like to see 308 do something for warclerics (clerics that use a melee weapon primarily to hunt). Clerics definitely lag far behind the warpath as empaths have access to intensity which adds +55 melee AS with 100 empath circle spell ranks. I'm not saying clerics needs +55 AS, but they definitely need something to assist this play style and 308 might be a good slot to do so.

As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.

A squeaky halfling nearby asks, "Why you playing with orcs heads and troll rearends?!"
