Loreong Unlocking Points 10/14/2020 11:13 PM CDT

I'd like to request another look at the heavy requirements of Loresong Unlocking Points.

If I want to gather the points for an unlock - it seems the bardly thing to do - I find that I must:

1. Shirk hunting with others so that I can achieve the points for kills
2. Hunt so much I become grumpity
3. Hunt and hunt and hunt, regardless of mind state, JUST to reach the goal.

I have never played one of the other professions that have weekly goals for ... things, but it seems that bards have some of the most stringent requirements to achieve these points.

I much prefer hunting with people.
I much prefer not being grumpy
I much prefer a GemStone where I do not have to choose between a point and building my experience.

Thank you for your consideration.


;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
Lawronius: The stuff ... the TownCrier team does is incredible.
Re: Loreong Unlocking Points 10/14/2020 11:25 PM CDT
Loresong points should have been a free monthly thing bards get like rogues do. Put it behind bards having to master a certain number of instruments just like the rogues have to master a guild skill. But having to hunt for Loresong points is a greater chore than essence or necrotic energy or motes and provides ZERO mechanical benefit.

As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.

A squeaky halfling nearby asks, "Why you playing with orcs heads and troll rearends?!"

Re: Loreong Unlocking Points 10/15/2020 07:09 AM CDT
Ok, I don't play a bard and I'm glad I went and looked up how loresong unlocks work before responding.... cause my what I was gonna say would NOT have been fair.

I get that this was prolly meant for a way to earn silver doing services for other characters.... but seriously, the way earning LKPs work looks more frustrating then how either wizards or sorcerers earn their respective points and they're not even improving the items. They're just giving others the ability to see the properties on demand (something every other game I've ever played allows any character to see for free, btw).

I like the idea of giving bards a LKP point a month to unlock anything they want. Let them continue to bank up to 5 and don't hide it behind anything, just make it so once they reach level X it's a thing they can do.

Failing that, the idea of it being tied to hunting really doesn't make sense to me. Making it so every time they use a loresong or refresh their defensive loresongs they add a little bit into a bucket and once that bucket's full they earn an LKP. Heck, I'd even allow 1004 to contribute to the bucket.

All that said, I'd remind Luxie that it does look like you'll earn LKPs no matter how you hunt unless you just absolutely cannot contribute 50% hp loss to kills in group scenarios. I'd suggest dialing back your efforts to the point you enjoy playing again and just do unlocking as you can... this is a game we play to relax and have fun, not a job that pays our bills.

Starchitin, the OG

A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Loreong Unlocking Points 10/15/2020 11:37 AM CDT
The difference between hunting with people and solo is ... staggering. For a while, I asked my loresong permatizing clients to hunt alongside of me to help with the making of the point/s involved. I thought it would be a nice bit of RP to go with the service. And while it was always fun, it resulted in it taking much longer.

It feels like such a high and punative bar. I got over the irony of learning LORE points by hunting after a month or so. It would have been nice to learn LORE points by doing LORE, too, tho. I figure it was gated behind combat to exclude pocket loresingers.

And I do not mind the combat requirement, I simply struggle with the massive amounts of solo combat to accomplish this. If it worked like other combat-sharing-credit-things, where you could get credit for sharing in ALL 23 bandit kills, that would go down better. I am lucky to see credit on a bandit run for half the critters on my bounty. Lucky.

Enchanting and Ensorcelling bring in far more silvers, are in far higher demand, and have much larger game mechanics impact. I struggle to understand why the lore points are more difficult to come by than for those other two professions and their magicks.

RE: 50% of the hp loss ... maybe this is the root of my side of the issue. I use sonic disruption. It does not normally kill from hp loss. In fact, I believe damage is capped on it. So by the time my 30-80 damage hit (and potential crit that goes with it) adds together with other people's damage, I'm left on the short end of the 50% on the dead critter?

;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
Lawronius: The stuff ... the TownCrier team does is incredible.
Re: Loreong Unlocking Points 10/15/2020 04:02 PM CDT
Shifting it to exp based likes motes for monks would be ok IF it did not require the same amount of exp. I'd say 21,000 exp which is the triple lumnis bonus I think so it would go fairly quickly. This is essentially fluff as it does not contribute to combat at all. It's quality of life for the player and nothing more. I also think a capped bard should be able to unlock anything. The difficulty check on some items is far to high.

As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.

A squeaky halfling nearby asks, "Why you playing with orcs heads and troll rearends?!"
