QUEST NEXUS UPDATE: Troubled Waters 01/15/2020 02:28 PM CST
Hey everyone, Troubled Waters is now available in all instances in the Quest Nexus. You can access it with the same ORB/TOKEN you use to access the other NEXUS quests.

You can use QUEST STATUS to see if anyone is currently running a quest in the nexus.

Thanks to everyone who helped test on the test server and the final test in prime.

Retser, ASGM
Re: QUEST NEXUS UPDATE: Troubled Waters 01/15/2020 02:30 PM CST
There was a lot of stuff to update to get this one going. If something comes up I will need to turn it back off again.

Retser, ASGM
Re: QUEST NEXUS UPDATE: Troubled Waters 01/15/2020 03:52 PM CST

Interesting, looked this up on the Wiki to figure out what it was. Sounds like fun. One thing I didn't note, is the Blackscrip earned/used for the event the same as the Bloodscrip? Or are they two different currencies?
Re: QUEST NEXUS UPDATE: Troubled Waters 01/15/2020 09:03 PM CST
Those are different currencies.
Re: QUEST NEXUS UPDATE: Troubled Waters 01/15/2020 09:31 PM CST

You are my hero, Retser. THANK YOU!
Re: QUEST NEXUS UPDATE: Troubled Waters 01/16/2020 05:56 AM CST
Hi ALl,

Thanks Rester and co for your hard work to bring this quest live again.

I have a question about prizes.

Wondering if you can provide any information about Ko'nagg Runestaves: if they have brought back, or plan to bring back, or have discussed bringing back the 8x ko'nags? Reason i want to know is im considering to buy another, and would greatly affect the price i'm willing to pay now depending on if they may come back in the future or if they never will.
Re: QUEST NEXUS UPDATE: Troubled Waters 01/16/2020 07:30 AM CST

Will it be open forever or is there a date in which it will go away?
Re: QUEST NEXUS UPDATE: Troubled Waters 01/16/2020 08:35 AM CST

Thanks for the info and reply Haxus. :)
Re: QUEST NEXUS UPDATE: Troubled Waters 01/16/2020 06:58 PM CST

-- Robert

>channel my maul
You channel at a hefty mithril maul.
You make an astoundingly inept attempt! Success!