Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/18/2020 09:28 PM CDT
Hey everyone, I've made some changes that are live effective immediately.

These changes have a few goals in mind. The first and foremost is an attempt to help with the lag at peak times and during large group runs.
Next, I wanted to adjust each instance (level groupings) and assess individual group sizes for spawns a little more precisely.
Finally, I wanted to reduce the potential time it takes to "flag" for people to progress.


Creature Spawn Rate
All 4 instances had a creature spawn rate of 40 to 55 seconds.

Creature Spawn Limits
All 4 instances had a creature spawn limit of 20 per room (21). The logic made creatures spawn 100% of the time scaling down with the limit.


The new changes have adjusted that across the board.

Creature Spawn Rate
For the low, medium, and high instances we're now going to be spawning creatures once every 30-40 seconds.
The capped instance will be spawning creatures once every 20 to 25 seconds.

Creature Spawn Limits
We are now going to evaluate individual group sizes. For groups over 10, the limit will be 10 spawns in the room.
For group sizes 5-9, the spawn limit will be 8.
For group sizes of 2-4, the spawn limit will be 4.
For solo players, the spawn limit will be 2.

The weighting for this generally will evaluate if no creatures are present, it will spawn 100% of the time. If you have approximately half of the maximum creatures present it will reduce the "Weighting" by half. This proceeds down to a 0% chance when at the limit.

I hope these changes help from top to bottom!

Retser, SGM
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/18/2020 11:55 PM CDT
I added in a few more additional changes.

Prior you would have a 1%-3% chance PER spawn added on to your random chance of spawning a rare. (1 in 100)
I've changed this to be a 2%-4% chance per spawn added.

I've also adjusted it for if a player in the group already has or had a rare spawned for them, they can still spawn a rare for others gathered if they have not killed a rare yet.

This is to help with just in case a player missed the initial kill.

Retser, SGM
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/19/2020 05:47 AM CDT
It sounds like this will also speed things up for solo runners. I think that's a step in the right direction.

Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain,
And the stream that falls from the hill to plain.
Better than rain or rippling brook,
Is a mug of beer inside this Took.
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/19/2020 08:27 AM CDT
To be clear...

"For solo players, the spawn limit will be 2." -- Retser
- If a solo player is in a room with 2 creatures, NO additional creatures will be spawned at the timer?
- Does this have any effect on the creation of mini-swarms-on-move, and if so, what is the effect? (Do they cap at Spawn Limit for group size? My solo Bard would see 4-5 creatures pop when he's trying to walk from room to room, will this now hard-cap at two [2]?)

Does this mean that people can mitigate against timed spawns by opening a box and hoping for a creature to pop out, filling the room to Spawn Limit?


"I've changed this to be a 2%-4% chance [for Rare] per spawn added." -- ibid
- Do the mini-swarms count as ONE spawn (for the entire swarm), or one-spawn-per-creature-in-the-swarm?
- Do creatures in boxes count? (I suspect they do not.)
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/19/2020 11:43 AM CDT

So... what happens is SOLO player is in the room and an actual GROUP of people show up in said room?

- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night

You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!

* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/19/2020 12:19 PM CDT
The solo [wizard | bard | sorcerer ] apologizes for [blasting | melting | vaporizing] the party, and then quietly moves on. But killing the group off has 0% chance of genning a rare.

Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/19/2020 12:48 PM CDT

You need to do this in the Sanctum.
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/19/2020 01:45 PM CDT
>So... what happens is SOLO player is in the room and an actual GROUP of people show up in said room?


Not sure on the spawn number. Beyond that, the group (since they are all running fully automated scripts) will spam ewaves, grasp of the grave and AOE until the solo person is incapacitated or dead. They will then move off without saying a word.

Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain,
And the stream that falls from the hill to plain.
Better than rain or rippling brook,
Is a mug of beer inside this Took.
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/19/2020 03:59 PM CDT
The limits will be respected by the total people in the room, regardless of group size.
If you're in the same room, you will not get more than 2 creatures spawned.

Traps and mini invasions are still as is.

Retser, SGM
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/19/2020 09:03 PM CDT
Okay! My initial thoughts after an HOA reim progression... We had ~50 people join us, so we split into two groups of 20+ each.

1. Lag seems greatly reduced - so this appears to be a win.

2. The rare spawn rates are greatly improved and this was noticeable - this also appears to be a win.

3. The waves are very fast, resulting in my rogue blowing his muscles several times due to mstrike cooldown not clearing. This is more of a me problem, but it's certainly a notable change to behavior and rather annoying for physical combat folks.

4. With the wave speeds this fast, it's also rather hard to progress without encountering another wave on your way to the next area (especially when you try to park in an off-the-path area to avoid another capped group intercepting you.

5. Despite waiting well over two minutes, two people in my 20 person group were able to clear the final bosses without hitting them. Aleyi and Dayzed both got Saturated in the throne room despite having hit nothing. That seems to be a bug.

Overall, this appears to be a very good change - but it's one we're gonna have to adapt to. Please let me know if you need any additional detail. Thanks, Retser!
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/19/2020 09:24 PM CDT
> "4. With the wave speeds this fast, it's also rather hard to progress without encountering another wave on your way to the next area (especially when you try to park in an off-the-path area to avoid another capped group intercepting you." -- HebrewToYou

Yeah, the wave speed creates a situation where there's no opportunity to breathe.

> "5. Despite waiting well over two minutes, two people in my 20 person group were able to clear the final bosses without hitting them. Aleyi and Dayzed both got Saturated in the throne room despite having hit nothing. That seems to be a bug." -- HebrewToYou

I checked my log too and can confirm that we waited 2 minutes, and Aleyi (I didn't check Dayzed) didn't do anything.
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/28/2020 07:57 AM CDT
While it sounds like these changes work well for large groups of capped players, I can tell you from experience it does not work for 2 level 83 characters.

With 2 level 83 players in a room, we can not kill the spawns fast enough before more spawn and we end up with lots of mobs in the room and have to run away. If there is a limit of how many should be able to be in the room at one time, it isn't working. 2 to 4 spawn every 20 to 30 second with no regard to how many are currently in the room.

My friend and I enjoy Reim but now all we do is stay near the entrance and run out when we start getting over run.

Or am I misunderstanding the definition of room here.
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/28/2020 08:40 AM CDT
Can either of you cast--or get imbeds for--things that can slow them down?
EWave, area Web, Tremors, Grasp of the Grave, Maelstrom, Divine Wrath, and those are just the first few that spring to mind.

If you are purely weapon-swing builds, you might do open-MStrike (just to get a stun laid on several of them) rather than single-target (going for the kill).
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/28/2020 08:46 AM CDT
"For solo players, the spawn limit will be 2." -- Retser

Over the weekend, I know that I saw a mini-swarm (the kind that get generated when you're moving from room to room) of at least four (4) creatures; I kind of think I saw a five (5) but don't recall for certain.

Are the mini-swarms specifically excluded from the Spawn Limit logic?
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/28/2020 03:09 PM CDT

I think I saw him say the mini swarms were the same.

Soloing it is an little harder now but I like it.
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/29/2020 04:14 AM CDT
If you run away, they run after you, and aren't stopped by the spawn cap. You won't see more normal spawns when the room is at its cap, but ones you ran away from will keep coming in. The "invasion" mechanic isn't stopped either so you can also have an invasion dropped on you when normal spawns are blocked by the room cap.

>If you are purely weapon-swing builds, you might do open-MStrike (just to get a stun laid on several of them) rather than single-target (going for the kill).

Open mstrike doesn't kill them fast enough and gets you RT-locked because it doesn't stun the squares. Open mstrike a swarm of squares, and it may well be a minute or two before you get another action and if there are ones you ran away from earlier piling in as well, you may well be sitting there for 15 minutes until they finally bleed you out with gkicks. 3 squares is on the edge of infinite RT lock for me, if I don't run away from an invasion the very first action I get, I may not get another action till after I die 15 minutes later.

>Can either of you cast--or get imbeds for--things that can slow them down?

You need to permanently disable, temporary isn't good enough for a profession without strong AoE.

Smite, remove leg, remove right arm, let it lie there. As long as you don't finish it off, nothing spawns to replace it. Solo or small group, I find this is now a required tactic.
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/30/2020 07:07 AM CDT
Reim spawns seem totally out of control today, the messaging looks like its still spawning when past the room cap, not just roamers walking in. I sym returned out of rooms with half a dozen and still spawning 3 times before abandoning GS for the day. Maybe there's a group in the Plaze and everyone is being given their room cap? I couldn't actually get far enough into Reim to tell if the plaza was occupied or not, but there was a duo in the mist that had decided it the numbers were impossible for them as well as me finding it impossible solo.
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/30/2020 09:49 AM CDT
Before the change was announced, normally I would be able to kill whatever was there and still have time to wander around a bit before the next one showed. (Unless I got hammered by consecutive high-RT, see previous rants.)

The first couple of days after the change was announced, my observation was that the speed seemed "the same but faster" in the capped bracket. Very much like what Retser described, basically. Maybe only a handful of seconds between doing in the previous one and the new one showing up.

More recently--I think I last ran through mid-week some time?--they seemed to be popping a LOT faster than that. They would be walking in while I was still polishing off the previous. I think I never even had time to move away from the mist at the entry, because everything showed up so quickly after the one before it.


Other than that, one thing that I have been pleased by is the overall faster appearance of the Rares. I think it's only happened once so far, but when the FIRST thing that pops in a section is the Rare and its buddy... that makes for a pretty fast section. :)
Re: Reim - Spawn Rates, Creature Caps, and Rares 05/31/2020 07:19 AM CDT
>Other than that, one thing that I have been pleased by is the overall faster appearance of the Rares. I think it's only happened once so far, but when the FIRST thing that pops in a section is the Rare and its buddy... that makes for a pretty fast section. :)

They were the first or second thing that spawned on me every time yesterday. It was one reason the room filled up so fast was that they appeared and bellowed me while I was still in RT from attacking the first critter, and while 3 isn't impossible to deal with after waiting out the all the RT from their arrival and continuing stacking of it, when its up to 6 and still spawning and you haven't had an action for over a minute, there's nothing to do but spam sym return and hope.

The room cap isn't being applied as advertised. It should stop spawning at 2 critters on a solo character but it was still spawning at 6. Big group, majorly deadly AoE spells, or don't go in Reim any more.