Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/09/2018 08:34 PM CST
So ever since the change to max creature spawning in Reim, our Hand of the Arkati MHO runs have noticed an issue with getting tag credit. We've verified ALL attendees are capped or at least 96+. A rare will spawn in and although someone hits the creature 2-3 times with actual damage done to the creature, they do not get flagged as being able to progress to the next area. Is there any way we can get some assistance to see if there is an issue/bug or if there is something we aren't aware of that would be causing these hit rares to not give clear credit for those that landed hits. Thanks.
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/10/2018 08:39 AM CST
Are they doing enough damage, though?
Just touching it for a couple of points may not suffice; you have to (I believe the wording used was) "significantly contribute to the kill". (Although I cannot find a citation for that, and may be conflating it with the treasure system workings.)
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/10/2018 09:27 AM CST
Yes. In multiple cases they've gotten the kill shot or hit for over 100 points and still not cleared to the next area.


The flamepoint sand kitten hisses at a patchwork flesh monstrosity.
... 9 points of damage!
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/10/2018 11:40 AM CST
Then I agree, that sounds like a problem. :(
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/10/2018 11:52 AM CST
And even then, people who are doing 512 water soaking, plain 410 ewave, or 709 arm grabbing that does NO DMG get tag credit. So the dealing "significantly contribute to the kill" is quite questionable in terms of what is causing tag credit.
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/10/2018 12:26 PM CST
It does sound like there's a cap on how many get tag credit. My experience is that anything but feint will give it.
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/12/2018 09:23 AM CST
We're wondering the same thing if there's a hard cap on how many people can get "tag" credit on a mob. If this is the case, we'd love to know for sure that hey, creatures do have a limit on who is flagged to have "tagged" and would be even greater to know what that limit is. We're trying to notice if there is a pattern to the madness and we'll start checking to see when in the order of hitting the rare mobs the ones that get no credit land.
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/12/2018 08:21 PM CST
Well, was watching our rares and tags tonight. One of our guys hit 10th out of 19 players. EVERYONE else got tag credit but him. So not sure on hard cap, cause he was definitely able to hit it before others should of gotten credit. So not sure, would love to see if Retser or another GM could assist or possibly come on a run with us to see what may be going on. Definitely odd.
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/14/2018 11:17 AM CST
Nothing was changed to my knowledge in terms of the number of people who can tag.

The main thing that will make someone NOT get credit is if there is a large level difference. The other is the method of tag.

Retser, ASGM
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/14/2018 07:53 PM CST
If that's the case then there has to be a bug somewhere. We've had plenty of nights where EVERYONE is lvl 100. That people do actual damage to a rare spawned and yet do not get progression credit. Yet people who use other methods such as 410/709/symbol of sleep who do NO damage still earn their tag credit.
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/14/2018 09:08 PM CST
Save some logs of your entire combat with the rare when this happens.

What spell or attack method did the people use who did not get credit? What level was the potential contributor and what level did the creature spawn at? You can tell this by seeing who the "Rare" rushes at when it spawns in the messaging.

I have not heard any other reports of this yet.

Reim looks at another system to see who "contributed" to the kill.

Retser, ASGM
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/14/2018 10:12 PM CST
Ask and you shall receive.

In the above txt log, we're in the Visitor wing. That wave is the first rare spawn for ALL of us in the group. Everyone in the group is level 100 of course. Everyone but Wolfstarr received credit for tagging the Knight Captain. Excerpt from the log of Wolfstarr's attack (using 635 I believe):

Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits the Knight Captain!
... 23 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
Quick blow to the head.
Swirls of vapor dance around the Knight Captain's head.
... 15 points of damage!
Left ankle stung!
The Knight Captain stamps in silent annoyance.
... 10 points of damage!

So definitely hit the rare and did "significant" damage to it. I can pull additional logs of other instances as well. We've had it where two rares have spawned in a wave and a person hit both of them and still didn't get credit. So definitely something odd.
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/14/2018 10:15 PM CST
I forgot that on that area we had Morgahan miss as well, his excerpt from same log:

Morgahan exhales a virulent green mist toward the Knight Captain, instantly infecting her. The Knight Captain convulses violently!
... 20 points of damage!
Quick blow to the belly causes the Knight Captain to drift backwards slightly.

Another rare did spawn and Morgahan & Wolfstarr hit that one as well, but Wolfstarr still did not get credit. We had to wait for a 3rd rare to spawn. I can provide those logs as well, but I feel you get the idea already.
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/14/2018 10:20 PM CST
I also missed Morgahan's 709 cast for that wave:
Morgahan traces a burning rune into the air, melding the spiritual and elemental powers by sheer force of will.
Morgahan gestures.
Numerous grotesque limbs in varying states of decay suddenly burst out of the floor! With startling speed and ferocity, the arms grab at whatever they can!
The arms snatch viciously at an unworldly guest and pin him to the floor!
The arms snatch viciously at an unworldly guest and pin her to the floor!
The arms snatch viciously at an unworldly guest and pin him to the floor!
The arms snatch viciously at the Knight Captain and drag her down to the floor!
The arms snatch viciously at an unworldly visitor and pin her to the floor!
The arms snatch viciously at an unworldly guest and pin him to the floor!
The arms snatch viciously at an unworldly noble and pin her to the floor!
The arms snatch viciously at an unworldly guest and pin her to the floor!
The arms snatch viciously at an unworldly noble and pin her to the floor!
The arms snatch viciously at an unworldly royal guard and pin him to the floor!
The arms snatch viciously at an unworldly royal guard and pin her to the floor!
The arms snatch viciously at an unworldly noble and pin him to the floor!
The arms snatch viciously at an unworldly royal knight and pin her to the floor!
The arms snatch viciously at an unworldly visitor and pin him to the floor!
The arms snatch viciously at an unworldly visitor and pin him to the floor!
The arms snatch viciously at an unworldly noble and pin her to the floor!

So hit with pestilence and grasp with no tag credit.
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/14/2018 10:33 PM CST
And for posterity, here's the 2nd rare wave that spawned. Morgahan got credit here but Wolfstarr (who casted 635 and hit the rare) did not get credit.

Excerpt of Wolfstarr's 635 that hit the Knight Captain
The surroundings advance upon the Knight Captain with relentless fury!
Warding failed!
The Knight Captain is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 23 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
A weak slap on the wrist.
That's not going to reform a soul.
... 10 points of damage!
Glancing blow to the right arm leaves a trail of vapor in its wake.
... 5 points of damage!
Right ankle stung!
The Knight Captain stamps in silent annoyance.
... 5 points of damage!
Glancing blow to the right arm leaves a trail of vapor in its wake.

Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/15/2018 08:31 AM CST
Isn't pestilence reactive, though? I wouldn't think it would count...
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/15/2018 09:30 AM CST
Isn't pestilence reactive, though? I wouldn't think it would count...

It's damage, so it counts.

GameMaster Estild
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/15/2018 10:43 AM CST
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/15/2018 01:43 PM CST
Lets get a few more samplings from your next few runs to see if we can find a common thread.

If it is just a problem with one player, I vote you no longer bring that player. Problem solved.

Retser, ASGM
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/15/2018 02:02 PM CST
Voted off the island! Castle. Floating castle island thingy.

Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/15/2018 02:05 PM CST
As much as that would be fun to go "You are the weakest link, goodbye!" unfortunately it's not the same person. It changes and there's no rhyme or reason to it. I'll try to gather a few more logs from the next few nights we run progression.
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/15/2018 02:28 PM CST
Silly thought, but is it reliably the person at PositionX? (You mentioned 10th of 19 to strike.)
Either numerically (always #10) or positionally (center of the pack/7th of 13, 5th of 9, whatever)?

Never know what the computer has taken it into its head to do... :)
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/15/2018 02:46 PM CST
Well in the first log I posted, Morgahan didn't get credit and technically he hit FIRST with his pestilence, then FIFTH with his 709 graspy arms. So no, don't think it's anything to do with position that I can tell.
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/15/2018 02:50 PM CST
And Wolfstarr looks to have hit 17 out of I believe 18 people we had that night.
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/23/2018 10:02 PM CST
Ok, been busy over past few nights so haven't had a chance to really get another log. But did tonight. We were in the last area (Royal Wing) and Melivn, Hoodtralfeck and Ktovashy didn't get credit or missed previous rare credit from prior wave. On this wave Ktovashy & Hoodtralfeck both got credit but Melivn did not. Melivn landed a 709 grasp of the grave on the Royal Princess, followed by several casts of 705 and even landed the killing blow on the Royal Empress. Something is definitely up. Not sure what though at this time of the night I believe we had 19 people in the group, but don't quote me on that number. It could be 18. EVERYONE in the group this evening was level 100 as well.

Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/23/2018 10:03 PM CST
That should say Royal Princess not Empress... it's been a long day.
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/31/2018 10:10 AM CST
I'll have to find some time to get on when you're next running to gather more data from my side.

Retser, ASGM
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/31/2018 01:46 PM CST
Every night (except Wed & Sat as that's our farm night) we're in the plaza from 830-9pm EST. We then start to progress after. Feel free to come on out.

Sorry I break all your things.
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 01/31/2018 02:10 PM CST
Also, Melivn made the following image chart to help in case you need further assistance. It's stickied in our discord for our members to also reference.
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 03/29/2018 01:19 PM CDT
Any chance we could get you (Retser) to tag along with us on a Tuesday night right? Being it's one of the officially calendared runs, it tends to draw the larger crowds. Which then causes the ugly bug to rear it's head more often. We try to progress by 9pm. Would be great if we could get you to show up as it's happening. I know the last time you arrived we were all pretty much clear to the throne room so didn't have enough to really give you any details to help. Thanks.
Re: Reim Creature Tag Credit 04/03/2018 12:53 PM CDT
Katie's has been affected a fair amount by this bug in the past few weeks. There was one night last week where she hit five rares in the village with an assortment of minor spirit and clerical spells and did not clear. It's gotten bad enough that the last run I did, when I hit two rares and didn't clear, I left the group and went and cleared to the road on my own before the group progressed.

I can find logs of this if it would be helpful, let me know.

For Katie, the village is the spot that really gets her; the other areas are generally not too bad.