Quill Pen a Pain in my hand. 06/20/2011 06:02 PM CDT
Not sure where this came from. I'm pretty sure it is from a previous event.

I have this darn Quill pen that won't leave me alone.

Can someone please let me know what I'm suppose to do to finish this or even if it is possible?


I know this is out of topic.

What am I suppose to do with all the truffles that pop up in the Lower Dragonclaw? I kept seeing them while fighting in the Troll war.
The visions are interesting when eating one.

Thank you

Re: Quill Pen a Pain in my hand. 06/20/2011 06:13 PM CDT
Your quill pen is STILL poking you? Wow! That is .. what .. three years old form the first year Velathae map quest? Not that I have any help for you, just find that interesting

Re: Quill Pen a Pain in my hand. 06/20/2011 11:07 PM CDT
* Your post here *

The truffles are part of the katana quest. It's been a few years since I completed the quest, but I believe that since the truffles are still popping up the quest must still be doable. I remember people battling to the death over truffles back when the quest first started.
Re: Quill Pen a Pain in my hand. 06/20/2011 11:45 PM CDT
As Sereh right says, the crow feather quills were part of the quest in the lead up to the Ebon Gate festival a few years. Completing the quest gave you a map to Velathae. Sadly, the quest can no longer be completed and Velathae no longer exists.

The katana quest is definitely still doable in either the Landing or Ta'Vaalor. Collect up the different truffles and see if you can't find somewhere to put them.

We need more quests like these!
Re: Quill Pen a Pain in my hand. 06/21/2011 12:33 PM CDT
Before you toss that painful quill, you might think of putting it up for sale. There are quest/momento collectors out there who might like to have one.

Re: Quill Pen a Pain in my hand. 06/21/2011 01:29 PM CDT
"Collect up the different truffles and see if you can't find somewhere to put them."

Collect them? Not eat them for the visions? Interesting. I'll see what I can do. I wouldn't mind having a Katana.


Re: Quill Pen a Pain in my hand. 06/21/2011 01:30 PM CDT
Thank you all for your help.

Re: Quill Pen a Pain in my hand. 06/30/2011 10:35 PM CDT

Um Telsas family plays a game with that quill pen. I forget which memembers got stuck with it, I think Fremie still even carries his. I gave two other ways to other family memerbers whose job is to pass it on to the next unsuspecting victem.

Lots of fun to share.