Diving Champion Titles 11/08/2021 11:09 PM CST
Just thought I'd drop a line here and ask about the custom titles for "Caligos Diving Champion" for those of on the scoreboard at the end.

Didn't want it to get lost in the eel fogs.


~Player of Fulmen Soulforge, Hammer of Eonak.
Re: Diving Champion Titles 11/09/2021 07:29 AM CST
I dunno if it's that it gets forgotten, takes a bit more then players realize to get done, or is just low on the list of loose ends to wrap up post-EG, but it took a couple weeks for them to award the title last year. Never hurts to remind, but I wouldn't worry too much that it hasn't been received yet.

Starchitin, the OG

A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Diving Champion Titles 11/10/2021 12:45 AM CST

Just came through. Thanks a bunch!

~Player of Fulmen Soulforge, Hammer of Eonak.