Racing Time - a vignette 11/05/2021 07:25 AM CDT
Time. Time slipped by so fast.

Tugaroulu had spent the last week running from one end of Caligos to the other in a blind panic. She had approached many a boat's captain at the pier and unceremoniously pressed a squirming puppy into their arms, imploring them to take them to safety. She had even managed to bargain with the Warden to allow a pair of her precious charges to have passage aboard the arc, though most of the room on that particular ship was needed for the wildlife of the island.

Time. Where did the time go?

The end was coming; Tugaroulu could feel it. Stirrings were happening at the temple. The storm was beginning to surge. But she had one last puppy left to get off the island. Just one more.

Time. Time was against her.

Tugaroulu pressed the final puppy into the arms of an unsure captain that was standing outside one of the last boats moored at the pier. The area was a bustle of activity as many ships, their crew sensing the impending danger, were scrambling to cast off. "Fine," the captain's words were gruff but clipped, "... you want passage, too? Better hurry, I don't think there's much time."

Time. Time was nearly gone.

Tugaroulu hesitated for the briefest of seconds. As she had been rushing out of her home with the final puppy, she had opted to leave her other belongings behind. But now, at this last moment of decision ... she hesitated. Her years of work. Her notes. Could she let that all go?

Time. She thought she had time.

"I'll .. I ... I'll be back," Tugaroulu gasped out before turning on her heel and starting to run toward her former home. "Hey! Come back! I can't stay here and wait for you - the storm!" the captain's words follow her fleeing form, but the Giantwoman doesn't hesitate.

Time. Her footsteps thumped in time to the racing beat of her heart.

Tugaroulu paid little attention to the nearby temple and the eerie sounds emanating around her - her focus was getting to her home. She ran inside and, with a frenzy, began snatching up whatever papers she could find. They all got stuffed unceremoniously into her satchel with little care for order. Tugaroulu dug into every hidden crevice she may have stored some of her notebooks, breath coming fast and movements clumsy with haste.

Time. She was almost out of time.

Tugaroulu tore back across Caligos, barely noticing the increased vigor of the storm around her. Her destination was the pier. Surely she hadn't taken that long to grab her things? Her question was answered as she skidded to a stop to where the boats were. Only to see ... boats, several fathoms out to sea. An empty pier. She was too late.

Time. Time's up.

Tugaroulu stood frozen in shock, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. She couldn't hear the increased roar of the storm around her. She couldn't feel the stinging rain as it pelted against her face. She was oblivious to the wind whipping her sun-hued robes around her legs. She clutched her satchel to her chest as she stared out to sea, the faint image of a rising wave reflected in her eyes.

At least the puppies escaped on time.
Re: Racing Time - a vignette 11/05/2021 05:20 PM CDT
Nooo!!! :(


I knew we should've camped at her place and forced her to load up all them puppies in a cart or something and boat her to RR or other closest port.

Here is hoping something came and saved her! The nereid ghost, dolphin something...sighs.

- Isela (knows the puppies will miss her if she didn't live).
Re: Racing Time - a vignette 11/06/2021 10:43 AM CDT
Sadly have to wait until next year to see if she survived or what may have happened - but this is certainly not the end of puppies or anything. (Just in case anyone was worried overly much about that!)

Re: Racing Time - a vignette 11/06/2021 03:59 PM CDT
I will be looking for her...not sure if it will be me or another character next Ebon Gate (I like to rotate)...but the player will be looking for signs of Tugaroulu!

- Isela