Missed June Run 06/20/2012 12:45 AM CDT
Darn it!

Work has been a bit of a female dog this month and continues to be so. Totally missed heckling at June's runs. Am suffering from Droughtman withdrawal symptoms already. Will we have more runs next year?

Crumbly Items

I appreciate tha you can't please everyone. I got a dress at my run for heavens sake, and as beautifully stylish and perfectly crafted these dresses are, the just do not go with my dwarven warrior persona. (that being said I will get it altered I to a Droughtman wedding dress just to bug the hell out of that marriage shy dwarf!! It's a lemon/lemonade thing.) But I'm digressing.

As a general principle I dont think we should have any crumbly items won. A crumbly Nalea gown would probably be the exception. 40 rubs and it falls off? (Ummm. Tempted now Droughtman?... Haha)


I want to echo my thanks for these runs. Participating as a heckler has provided hunting distraction, good entertainment and incredily amusing moments. (Plus any event with a minimum of two types of ale is onto a good start with me!!)

I love the more direct interactions with Droughtman during two of the three months I was able to atttend. The comments had me roaring with laughter!!

More of the same next year please. And yes, I will be going for more runs when they occur - next month, next year, whenever!

Bremerial - Chair of the 'Bring the Highman Games to Kharam-Dzu' Committee


Warrior Interviews - Have you been interviewed yet? - http://www.assessrisk.com/personal/gs4_30.htm

AIM: warriorbremerial
Re: Missed June Run 06/20/2012 12:51 AM CDT
<<I want to echo my thanks for these runs.

I meant to say that I wanted to extend my thanks and echo others. Not echo my own thanks, which would be a little too self absorbed. Hehe

Bremerial - Chair of the 'Bring the Highman Games to Kharam-Dzu' Committee


Warrior Interviews - Have you been interviewed yet? - http://www.assessrisk.com/personal/gs4_30.htm

AIM: warriorbremerial