Celerity (506) 01/15/2016 01:52 PM CST
A new spell, Celerity, has been implemented in spell slot 506. This replaces the old Haste spell.

Celerity reduces the stamina cost, possibly to zero, for all Quickstrike actions that reduce combat RoundTimes (see QUICKSTRIKE HELP for a full listing). It has a non-stackable 60 second duration. If not natively self-cast, there is a four minute period starting at the time of first application during which Celerity may not be re-applied to the same target. There is no such delay when the spell is natively self-cast. At 50 ranks of Elemental Lore: Air training, the caster may EVOKE a group version of the spell.

The stamina cost for Quickstrike actions is modified to use the following formula: (((original_cost - 30 - (1 per rank of Elemental Lore: Air)) * percentage_reduction) / 100), where percentage_reduction = (50 - (0.5 per known Major Elemental spell)) and has a lower bound of 20. Spell rank benefits are capped at level. The caster's Elemental Lore: Air ranks and known Major Elemental spells are used in this calculation even when cast on a third party.

All offensive combat actions automatically apply the lowest RoundTime possible whether or not the Quickstrike ability is explicitly invoked. Users of Celerity need not use Quickstrike to gain the maximum zero-stamina RoundTime reduction, or may use Quickstrike to gain additional RoundTime reduction at a lesser stamina cost than would otherwise be the case.

Celerity also reduces the RoundTime of the following utility actions: DISARM (traps), FORAGE, HIDE, PICKLOCK, SEARCH, TEND. The cost per second of RoundTime reduction is calculated as (10 + action_speed), and the total amount of RoundTime removal is calculated by ((30 + (1 per rank of Elemental Lore: Air)) / cost_per_second). Action speeds are: 20 (HIDE), 15 (SEARCH, FORAGE), 10 (DISARM, PICKLOCK), 5 (TEND).

This message was originally posted in Wizards, Wizard Spells. To discuss the above, follow the link below.
