Mechanics issue with the Spider Temple 04/17/2015 10:35 AM CDT
I have an issue with the webbing mechanic for all creatures in the spider temple. This includes major spiders and mammoth arachnids maneuver based webbing and the CS based webbing done by Priests, Priestesses, and so on.

The webbing lasts waaay too long to ever be survivable. It makes getting webbed a guaranteed death in the Spider Temple and makes hunting there very frustrating. It seems that perhaps the GM who set the webbing length up did it intentionally, but particularly as a square, there is no way to survive being webbed (Aside from not being webbed at all) and when you are webbed it can last up past the minute mark, and the spider/priest/priestess is very likely to web you multiple times, increasing the amount of time you're webbed.

I hope someone can look into this and tweak the webbing mechanics in the temple appropriately, to at least give you a fighting chance to survive. =)

Thaisis's player
Re: Mechanics issue with the Spider Temple 04/17/2015 11:11 AM CDT
I won't attempt to dissuade on the mechanics review, but I have a question:

Is this an experience from hunting in groups / with comrades?

Re: Mechanics issue with the Spider Temple 04/18/2015 09:32 PM CDT
No, it's solo-hunting with my alt. He hasn't made many friends yet. =)
Re: Mechanics issue with the Spider Temple 04/18/2015 09:56 PM CDT
I see. While waiting on the review, I would like to encourage you to try it with a comrade or two. It will be an entirely different experience, and friendships are forged in shared challenges.
