Altering guild sheaths 10/21/2017 09:41 PM CDT
Has anyone done it successfully, or had any experience trying? I just got turned down at EG. The GM couldn't get the sheath (a scabbard) to take a show description, though they could alter the base description, which was previously the plainest: "a leather scabbard" because I had intended to copy the look of another scabbard that I've had for a couple of decades. I wanted the mechanical benefits and didn't put much effort into the look since I planned to alter it.

I'm curious if the GM just didn't know how to do it, or if it can't be done with the coding as it is today.

I'll update the Wiki if it can't be done.


Re: Altering guild sheaths 10/21/2017 09:59 PM CDT
Yea it was always somewhat limited to alter due to the script.

I believe the show is hard coded but I had mine somewhat altered on the base or long. You'd probably have to create a new one to change it up somewhat and then can alter the long, mine was made:"a hefty veniom-bound bear hide axe scabbard secured with silver buckles".
Re: Altering guild sheaths 10/21/2017 10:35 PM CDT
I just had one altered this evening. I put the work in up front so it was literally a 'just one thing' type of alter:

Warrior sheath: a jade green leather arm sheath trimmed with vaalin
Altered to: a shimmering jade green leather arm sheath trimmed with vaalin (with appropriate shimmering dye additive being supplied to the merchant)

It might be more of a challenge going from a short to a long or making more substantial changes.

-- Robert

You see a fairly typical Lord Kai.
It appears to be in good shape.
Re: Altering guild sheaths 10/22/2017 12:14 AM CDT
It's not the base or long description that tanked, it was an attempt at a show. I was trying to duplicate an existing sheath but with WG properties. Even though all they had to do was copy the description the show wouldn't stick. The base description did though. If I wasn't copying something that has a lot of sentimental value to me I wouldn't care that much about a show, but in this case it matters. The irony is that it's a "warrior's guild sheath":

a tooled black leather scabbard


The finely crafted scabbard is sturdily constructed from well-oiled black leather, only slightly revealing its many years of faithful use. Tooled deep into the leather are the words "First in Nobility - Best in Tactics - Foremost in Bravery." A silver belt hook fashioned in the shape of a crossed sword and hammer insignia fastens the scabbard securely in place during rest or battle. Etched in script along one side of the belt hook is the name "Kerl Argonus."
