Ranger ebow from uska 02/27/2012 07:53 PM CST
Looking trade my poison bow and a generous amount of silvers for one of uska's ranger ebows. I know Paul sold the lightning longbow a few months ago and if whoever has that wishes to move it, please let me know. I'd be happy if one of the short or composites were available as well. Hell, if someone felt the need to move a Banthis bow or spirit bow I'm listening.
Re: Ranger ebow from uska 02/27/2012 08:09 PM CST
>>or spirit bow

For the longbow variant, not presently, and truthfully not in the foreseeable future. But asking periodically doesn't hurt. :)

Re: Ranger ebow from uska 02/28/2012 12:29 AM CST

Yeah that's all I can do. I figure the uska ranger bows are reasonable and the Banthis and spirit bows are longshots. Would be happy with any of the ranger bows and would pay a bit extra for the lightning longbow.