Looking for new gem cutter patterns 01/25/2013 07:50 PM CST
I am looking to expand on my current collection of gem cutter patterns. If you have any not listed below that you might be willing to part with (or know where they can be acquired) please send a message to my play.net!

Current collection:

a bar-cut red gold pattern
a brilliant-cut silvery ora pattern
a bunny-shaped bright yellow pattern
a cabochon-cut blue steel pattern
a cat-shaped red metal pattern
a coat-etched cyan mithglin pattern
a daisy-cut metal pattern
a fish-shaped orange-striped pattern
a hearth-shaped brown steel pattern
a heart-shaped magenta vultite pattern
a hedgehog-set russet vultite pattern
a lobster-cut ruby mithril pattern
a mitten-shaped pink mithril pattern
a mouse-shaped dark grey pattern
a mug-shaped black-dotted pattern
an orchid-cut whorled violet pattern
a pie-shaped golden mithglin pattern
a prism-cut polished silver pattern
a scarf-shaped green vultite pattern
a skull-shaped black iron pattern
a sled-shaped red imflass pattern
a snowflake-cut silvery imflass pattern
a tree-shaped emerald ora pattern
a trilliant-cut orange bronze pattern
a turtle-etched jade vultite pattern
a wolf-shaped white gold pattern


-- Robert