Looking to buy 3 dice set. 11/22/2011 11:15 PM CST

Hi, I saw one of these a long while ago, and the guy just would not part with them. It's basicly dice, only there's three of them, which would let me play more gambling games with people... at least i'm reasonably sure. I don't think it was on dragonrealms but it might've been.

Anyone have a set of these?
Re: Looking to buy 3 dice set. 11/23/2011 02:07 PM CST

I have:

a trio of twelve-sided dice with bejeweled pips for sale for a bazillion silvers, or, you know.. for free. Whichever you prefer. IM serehhealer
Re: Looking to buy 3 dice set. 11/27/2011 10:00 AM CST
Ahh, thank you for offering. However, the ones I need, are six sided. There's just three instead of two. I have a couple two dice sets, and a couple games I can play with them, but I need a three dice 6 pip set to play seelow. I just won a bunch of money gambling on that IRL and I thought 'man, this would be fun in gemstone... and I remember seeing someone with a 3-die set before! I must try and acquire one...'

~T..he gambler
Re: Looking to buy 3 dice set. 12/29/2011 09:11 PM CST

still looking months later