a razor-sharp mithril katana 06/12/2012 09:17 PM CDT
Just found "a razor-sharp mithril katana" on a stone giant. Normal mithril (+5), katana weighting. Loresings as worth 100K, pawnshop will give me 25K, but I know some people are really big on katanas. Anyone want to offer more than the pawnshop?


"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"
Re: a razor-sharp mithril katana 06/13/2012 10:19 AM CDT
Considering that this folder has been dead for almost a month since my last post; it almost seems that no one is interested in THWs any more. How odd.

The bells of Hell
go ting-a-ling-a-ling
for you but not for me