Citizenship benefits 05/10/2018 11:17 AM CDT
So I recently noticed that I get zero benefit for being a citizen when it comes to selling gems or wands. It has been brought to my attention that this is the same for all the towns, however it has always been my understand since citizenship was released that it gave a benefit to both buying and selling. I'm not sure it has ever benefited selling things in rr. The wiki, and before it the kraki have certainly always claimed it provides benefits to both buying and selling items.

Any chance this can finally be fixed? I also don't think Aelotoi should be punished price was in rr since when helped open the portal that brought them to our world via the shaman Urutei.


Quote: "Jaynah says, "This is more fun than rolton tipping and blood eagle ridin combined.""
Re: Citizenship benefits 05/11/2018 07:08 AM CDT
The wiki is misleading you. I'm not sure there ever was a citizen benefit on selling outside of Mist Harbor, and that doesn't exist any more.