Registrar - ask about other registrants 10/17/2012 09:56 AM CDT
I seem to recall that there is a way to ask the town registrar if an item is registered to another player. Am I misremembering? If not - how the heck do I do that?
Re: Registrar - ask about other registrants 10/17/2012 03:06 PM CDT
It'S register item inquire or something...
Re: Registrar - ask about other registrants 10/17/2012 03:57 PM CDT
Hmm that's either not quite right or the registrar in Illistim isn't set up to use it.


register item inquire (in case you were being literal)
register longsword inquire
register inquire item
register inquire longsword
Re: Registrar - ask about other registrants 10/17/2012 04:59 PM CDT

Register info