What a great day yesterday was! 11/09/2016 09:21 AM CST
Not only did I finally re-connect my 4K television properly to the laptop, so now I have a ginormous computer monitor...

...but I also found out that Elizabeth Moon had recently (in KrakiiTimeā„¢--like 2010 or so) written not just one or two, but FIVE sequel books to the Paksenarrion trilogy!

I mean, how much better does it get?!?!



Oh. Right.

Apparently there was some sort of 'election' thing yesterday, too. <dismiss>
Re: What a great day yesterday was! 11/09/2016 10:44 AM CST
Oh. Right.
Apparently there was some sort of 'election' thing yesterday, too. <dismiss>

My 8 year old daughter asked me who I thought would win the election.

I told her it would be someone that's not earned the right to actually hold the presidential seat at the White House.

She thought about my answer for a moment and said, "Well, I guess that's a good reason why people shouldn't vote for either."

Not only did I finally re-connect my 4K television properly to the laptop, so now I have a ginormous computer monitor...

What took you so long?
I mean, it only took me about a year to finally get around to putting my new PSU into my computer....but I figured since the wife had me rearranging the furniture and I had to move my computer desk that I would stop being lazy and swap out the almost 6 year old PSU I was using with my new one.
What was your excuse?

Re: What a great day yesterday was! 11/09/2016 12:57 PM CST
Only 11 months for me, so you got me beat on the six-year front.

My brother & I moved Mom in with us at the end of last year, so I shifted from the Master BR down to the re-done storage room (I handle both chill [of basement] and stairs [of basement] better than either of them), he moved from 2nd BR to Master, and she moved entirely from apartment to 2nd BR.
My computer setup moved from office-now-the-Media-Room down to storage-room-now-my-room.

I had managed to get it to connect, regularly, at 1080p/1920x1200. But I couldn't get it to recognize the DisplayPort-converted-to-HDMI output without the bottom half of the screen flashing. So this was unacceptable.
Now that I've got the HDMI-trunk-now-with-added-USB-auxiliary-branch cable installed, it can handle all the signal that the DisplayPort is pushing, so I now have 4K at 24fps.
Which, honestly, is plenty to play a text-based game. :)


<election viewpoint of the daughter>

Yesterday afternoon still here at the office, overhearing co-workers discussing both sides, I had serious flashbacks to the old Richard Pryor movie, and voting for "None of the Above". :(