Permalurking - a how to (or a what NOT to do) 11/17/2017 05:52 PM CST
I've been told this is a better place to post my cautionary tale of woe.....and or tale of how to entertain yourself for 30-40 minutes.....

So I made a nifty discovery the other night. Was killed in SoS with a spirit servant up. It immediately kept me, because they are sweet like that. However the real adventure began when I was then turned into a lurk. This is when I discovered that, try as I might, I just could not unlink from my keep so that I could depart!

So if you are looking to kill like 40 minutes of your life, and be the entertainment of the hour for all your late night GS pals....please - feel free to try this out. Great fun.

But, for real. I am hoping this is an error and not a feature. Hopefully it can be looked into? My spirit servants are so adorable, and helpful in holding items to keep me slightly less weighed down, however might not be worth the 40 minutes of wandering around as a lurk......

DEAD>unlink confirm
Your body does not respond to your mental commands.
DEAD>depart confirm
Your soul has been magically bound to your corpse. You cannot yet leave.

<same messaging was received when typing unlink without confirm as well>
