2 requests 01/08/2015 06:48 AM CST

first in the Landing there are 2 sites that are holy sites to the Huntress that are not listed on the GSWIKI

Bleeds room inside Twilight Hall
(Utilizing your familiarity with the divine, you sense the distinct presence of The Huntress's influence in the room.)

[Twilight Hall, Bleeds' Room]
Walls of gleaming obsidian arch seamlessly into the ceiling of this room to form a smooth, black dome. Thousands of shiny silver points glimmer in the firmament above, all of them dwarfed in size by a large, eight-pointed star which shines at the zenith. A web of filigreed silver emanates from the larger star to touch each of the smaller ones in turn, giving the appearance of a large spider's web arching protectively over the heavens. You also see some black pillows, a small obsidian altar, an obsidian statue and some deep red leather armor.
Obvious exits: none


In vipershroud
(Utilizing your familiarity with the divine, you sense the distinct presence of The Huntress's influence in the area.)

[Vipershroud, Shrine]
A single, giant, petrified redwood stands amongst lesser pines and firs. A deep black, onyx tablet displaying an eight-pointed star of pure silver is firmly imbedded in the tree, and a row of small stones, carefully placed end-to-end, encircles the tree. A large bouquet of trumpet flowers and the carcass of a woodchuck have been laid at the tree's base. Interestingly, both offerings seem to be fresh.
Obvious paths: up

also I have a greater Iasha weapon that when attended is supposed to take you to your diety's local shrine, but in the landing area it always takes me to the generic holy place at the temple in town. can this be fixed?

thank you
Lord Nottinghamm Sthol, The Guardian(of The Huntress)
Re: 2 requests 01/10/2015 03:01 AM CST
<<first in the Landing there are 2 sites that are holy sites to the Huntress that are not listed on the GSWIKI>>

I fixed the first problem.

Xorus' player

The gypsy fortuneteller smiles at you and whispers, "I know many things unseen."

>ask fortuneteller about things unseen

The fortuneteller gives you a strange look.