3 thumbs up! 10/13/2014 05:50 AM CDT

Not matter how many times I master GoS(9x now), I am always in awe of the final task. Never fails to freak me out, but in a good way. TBH the implementaion of this society was probably the main thing that kept me playing this silly game. So my thanks to those that created it. Now all we need is a big ole area full of nothing but grim.

Warcamps need better lootz though
Re: 3 thumbs up! 10/31/2014 03:41 AM CDT
I was coming here to post my two cents on GoS, but Beltane basically said what I had in mind.

Razing warcamps and the associated quests are an extremely fun challenge compared to hunting. I really enjoy most everything about the society so far. As a Dwarf Empath, also, I'm really looking forward to moving up the ranks.

However, the rewards are nowhere near commensurate to the risks of going into a Warcamp. I razed my first Warcamp down to 2 critters and sat on the chest and looted it until I couldn't find anything else. After killing over 150 Grimswarm, completing many tasks, and killing a shaman over a day and a half at 8 trainings, all I had to show for it was 5 chests, and handful of wands, and loose change. Maybe several thousand silver. Just sitting on the great burrow orcs over the same period of time would have probably netted me a few times as much money, and nearly the same amount of recognition.

Suffice it to say, Warcamps and the Grimswarm in them need to drop better loot to make up for the danger incurred. Otherwise, once I've achieved rank 15 and razed my 5 Warcamps, I'll be extremely unlikely to bother to go back inside them. It may be fun, but the loot is just too insignificant in relation to the risk.

Adahr and Thrunn
Re: 3 thumbs up! 11/03/2014 12:14 PM CST
>>once I've achieved rank 15 and razed my 5 Warcamps, I'll be extremely unlikely to bother to go back inside them<<

You overlook one of the advantages of GoS; being able to generate your own like level hunting ground. A nice perk when you are near or post cap.

"For the female of the species
is more deadly than the male."
Re: 3 thumbs up! 11/03/2014 12:23 PM CST

I did the same thing with warcamps for years. Never bothered after i got the required amount. It wasnt until way later that i realized how much i enjoy them with a good group of people. Get 5 people you really like to hang out with and a large camp and enjoy the mass semi controlled chaos.
Re: 3 thumbs up! 11/08/2014 06:08 PM CST
Not so much that I overlooked the high level hunting ground benefit, but instead that I won't really need to be looking at that for about 10 to 12 months, minimum.

I still feel like the reward should be more commensurate to the risk incurred, but I agree that much later on, that may be a benefit I'll enjoy.
Re: 3 thumbs up! 11/08/2014 07:23 PM CST
<I still feel like the reward should be more commensurate to the risk incurred, but I agree that much later on, that may be a benefit I'll enjoy.

I can almost guarantee you'll enjoy it. I converted from Voln as soon as I stopped being able to gain experience in the bowels. I'm a Landing based hunter and I don't like the existing permanent capped hunting grounds so GoS has been fantastic for me.

Radeek Andoran
General, Drakes Vanguard
Defender of Wehnimer's Landing
Black Raider of the Mir'Sheq

Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato