A series of events 12/15/2017 07:43 PM CST
Between the WPS lies about being more available and now the fusion Nerf, I have been consistently disappointed in the development direction.
Its amazingly clear that any real development time is spent on Simucoin gambling/slot machine games and nerfing down mechanics to move people to spend money on simucoin shop items and buying into events. Combined with subscription fees that would make a AAA publisher blush while delivering indie level or less when it comes to mechanics.
Its a real shame, the world building and lore/fluff has been amazing but is overshadowed by the development and mechanical choices recently.
The straw that broke the camels back is that between a GM asking people to email service and then just ignoring emails (they never seem to get them, no one else has trouble, this one does) and being unable to make an item just work.
The things I value most, the custom stuff, is the most important, and after a year of wrestling with it I still have trouble. I go to make a cup of tea in a brand new seperate container because the original holder doesnt even work anymore and no one can figure it out, and i put it in the infuser and i get bland tasteless water.
GOod stuff
Im glad im paying so much money for this.

One account canceled.
Re: A series of events 12/15/2017 08:27 PM CST
I understand what you're saying, and I'm not sure I understand the thing about the email service, but sometimes it takes more than a few weeks to iron out the wrinkles in a new system. I very much doubt that a year from now, people are still going to be complaining the same way about WPS. It just takes regularity and consistency. And, maybe I'm an optimist, but I suspect fusion will still be great as soon as people start to see what kind of items and orbs will be made available in the new system. Complicated scripts are bound to break over time, and if the script is in a unique item you own, you are the only person in the game that can report the issue. I enjoy watching these things in-game, and interacting with them, but I'd hate to own them. They break, and when they break, how many players in the game can report the problem? How many GMs can fix it?
Re: A series of events 12/15/2017 08:59 PM CST
Sure, if it was some highly custom thing, then yes, there'd be a lot more understanding. It's a custom tea flavor. The case it came it broke and never got fixed. Then I go and use it with an infuser and it doesn't work. Theres how many other custom teas in the system from CHE and MHO. It's not something new.

And how many GMs can fix it, well, frankly, I dont agree with the whole system of GMs taking ownership of things and only that GM being able to fix it. That whole system is just terrible for the end users, going back to "why am I paying so much for so little"
Re: A series of events 12/15/2017 09:06 PM CST

This is a situation where I encouraged the original poster to reach out to Wyrom in email and explain the situation. I'm sure its incredibly frustrating. Wyrom, can you reach out to the poster here to try to help get his tea case fixed that has been an ongoing issue for probably a year now? Without pointing blame or accusing anyone, I know things happen, some GMs can't do this or that, they get distracted, the world takes ahold. But I don't think his request is unreasonable, and it shouldn't have taken a year to fix a (what seems like) simple issue? I don't want more forum Drama. Just asking Wyrom to reach out to the OP to discuss the issue. I think that could go a long way.
Re: A series of events 12/15/2017 10:18 PM CST
There is really no need for that.

Thank you for the intention but its unwarranted and unwanted.

Adding to the list of killing fun and interesting events like BMC in exchange for more cash grabs.
The never arriving scripted item from Simucon event (seems to be anything that isnt directly related to simucoin gambling/grabs doesn't get priority)
Re: A series of events 12/15/2017 10:25 PM CST
Hi there,

I am the one who was working with you on your tea case. I am not the script creator and cannot make the fixes. I did e-mail the script owner and passed on information to you. I issued the unlimited canister of tea back in June that you could use in the meantime. I will send you a note and hopefully we can get it fixed up. I am not sure why it is not working now.

~ Valyrka ~
Dark Elves
Re: A series of events 12/16/2017 01:09 AM CST

>I am not the script creator and cannot make the fixes.

when will senior staff realize that this will always be a garbage answer and change the rules?
Re: A series of events 12/16/2017 02:10 AM CST

> I am not the script creator and cannot make the fixes

Look, not trying to fan the flames or anything here, but why is this the rule?

This isn't the first time i've heard a GM say this.

I mean, let's face it, it's probably the reason we're never going to get a revamped broken lands.

I mean, if someone wrote broken code, and someone else can fix it, why can't they just fix it?

I really don't get this. I never did. But this is probably part of the reason why the Broken Lands will never be revamped and updated. or fixed.
Re: A series of events 12/16/2017 06:34 AM CST
Valryka reached out to me but Im not interested in tracking down all the different GMs involved in working on this and the items involved.
I'm also not interested in spending any time sitting around on this character and account waiting for it to be worked on.
This is more about the state and direction of Development then it is tea.
The tea is just the shame that made this the final decision that its less and less fun to play and costing more and more.
Re: A series of events 12/16/2017 07:13 AM CST
>I am not the script creator and cannot make the fixes.

when will senior staff realize that this will always be a garbage answer and change the rules?

We do help out and make fixes to code where we can, but I should have been clearer. I am not an expert coder, this item is more than my skills can work with. If I had created it, I would have a better understanding of how it works, but I did not. I do not have the ability to make the fixes. I came up with a way for him to use the tea until the case issue could be resolved because it was important. He wrote some awesome flavor messaging. I am not sure why it is not working now, but have no issue taking the time to figure it out.

I know you said you do not want to waste time on it, but I am here if you change your mind.

I am sorry you have decided to go.

~ Valyrka ~
Dark Elves
Re: A series of events 12/18/2017 06:32 PM CST
I would like to unpack part of this post, since there is a large misunderstanding here.

>>Between the WPS lies about being more available and now the fusion Nerf, I have been consistently disappointed in the development direction.

WPS has been offered a lot more since the update. Prior to the update, it was offered maybe once or twice a year. Since the update, it has been offered 5 times.

>>Its amazingly clear that any real development time is spent on Simucoin gambling/slot machine games and nerfing down mechanics to move people to spend money on simucoin shop items and buying into events.

The Development team does not spend a lot of time on events. Senior staff does spend some time in the approval stages and some of the backbone mechanics, but the majority of the team works directly on further development of the mechanical aspects of the game. The Events team is the only dedicated team for events.

Wyrom, PM
Re: A series of events 12/18/2017 07:05 PM CST
1:1 it may have been "offered" more but it comes really close to if not actually is less total "points" that have gone out with the removal of Heavy options in duskruin and events. The new system is a joke and not with expectations considering the scaling costs COMBINED with the ultra rarity. Again, its gate after gate after gate.

Wyrom says, "Ordim is the reason savants won't be coded as well."