Shan 2.0 (Solhaven) 08/05/2014 11:52 AM CDT
I posted this in the Solhaven folder, then I remembered this folder existed, which seems like it would be a better place.

The shan area was always one of the coolest hunting areas in the game, in my opinion. I was kind of depressed when I graduated from that area.

I think it would be pretty awesome if a capped/post cap shan area were added to Solhaven.

Solhaven could use some high level love as it is. I hate that this town has been mostly dead for several years. :(

~ Methais
Re: Shan 2.0 (Solhaven) 08/30/2014 05:10 PM CDT
It would be nice to have something in the West that's not isolated (Teras) and not as inconvenient as the rift (plus my friends don't want to hunt there).

As much as I love Illistim (our town guru is too busy for us), I'd rather be closer to the action, RP, and population that is centered around Wehnimer's/'Mule/Sol.

As for fond memories of Solhaven -- I've always thought Bonespear was awesome. I always had a lot of fun, there.

~Brian, Sepher's player
Re: Shan 2.0 (Solhaven) 08/30/2014 06:32 PM CDT
Shan, and later Bonespear, was a fun time for me too down there.