crimson salt crystals 01/14/2016 05:57 PM CST
and before you go off about this and that, yes I used 711(pain) to increase duration for corporeal dead animates, 711x4= dead sentry/defender, that should of been 20 seconds of rt at least with 100+ damage per end roll, so the critter shouldn't of despawned as soon as I spread crimson salt crystals on it

player of Aethor, Giantman Cleric, Player of Teclys Avellorian Dark Elf Sorcerer
Re: crimson salt crystals 01/14/2016 07:38 PM CST

>and before you go off about this and that, yes I used 711(pain) to increase duration for corporeal dead animates, 711x4= dead sentry/defender, that should of been 20 seconds of rt at least with 100+ damage per end roll, so the critter shouldn't of despawned as soon as I spread crimson salt crystals on it

Based on your training claims the other night, I cannot say I trust your numbers.

The spell was working on defenders on Sunday, when I hunted. So unless something changed with the duration update (I would be very upset about not being able to animate a defender) the change about preserving corpses LK-wise occurred last summer and did not affect the ability to animate sentries or defenders.
Re: crimson salt crystals 01/14/2016 09:30 PM CST
Right now...

[Ghorsa Isle, Under The Bridge - 1846]
It is cool and dark under the bridge, and the rushing river drowns out the sounds of the city above. Something twitches in the darkness, where the bare earth meets the stone. Off to one side, a small group of grimy, shabbily-dressed dwarves sits in a circle, mumbling quietly at one another. You also see an animated spectral triton defender.
Obvious paths: up
Re: crimson salt crystals 01/15/2016 08:03 AM CST
If you're 1x in necro and you get an end roll of 141+ 3 cast should kill anything and would get you about 15 seconds before any non corporeal despawned on you.

Saying that you cast it 4 times could mean you only just hit it with pain and yeilded no hard round time allowing it to despawn right away.

If you're a lich user try the script 711 it out puts how much rt each cast yields.
Re: crimson salt crystals 01/16/2016 10:06 AM CST

You're not supposed to be able to animate either of those. So... I think this thread is going to accomplish the exact opposite of what you had hoped.
Re: crimson salt crystals 01/17/2016 09:24 AM CST
Constructs, golems, elementals, and most non-corporeal undead creatures cannot be animated by this magic. Key word being most there.
Re: crimson salt crystals 01/17/2016 10:59 AM CST

No noncorporeal undead are supposed to be able to be animated. There are a few that are bugged.
Re: crimson salt crystals 01/17/2016 11:42 AM CST

There are different degrees of noncorp