necromancy benefit 09/22/2012 11:50 PM CDT
I am wondering how many spells that require no components benefit from necromancy ranks.

I know that your first rank will get blood back using blood burst but other than that I feel unclear.

If there were a new spell that utilized this lore without components it may offer reason to train for the non animators.
Re: necromancy benefit 09/23/2012 12:13 AM CDT
By all appearances, its 3 spells:

Blood Burst
Limb Disruption

708's benefit is nice and cool, but not entirely reliable or powerful. Blood Burst is a great utility feature, but highly functional with only 1 rank, and additional training isn't really necessary. Pain is where it really gets nice, though being fully 1xed isn't entirely necessary. Anywhere from .3x-.8x would be quite sufficient.

I would expect that, in due time, Disease and hopefully Disintegrate will have Necromancy benefits as well.
Re: necromancy benefit 09/28/2012 07:10 PM CDT

Could be a neat effect if 730 was modified, perhaps with lore, to allow you to animate a dead PC for rescue purposes only, keeping the salts requirement for critter animates that can fight for you...or come up with a rank tier that would allow animating below your level without crystals...
Re: necromancy benefit 09/28/2012 11:10 PM CDT
>>to allow you to animate a dead PC for rescue purposes only,

You mean get rid of the need for crystals and gem for this part and make it lore only?
Re: necromancy benefit 09/29/2012 12:33 AM CDT
>You mean get rid of the need for crystals and gem for this part and make it lore only?

For rescues? Yeah. I think thats fair.
Re: necromancy benefit 09/29/2012 03:54 AM CDT
>>Yeah. I think thats fair.

Me too, I am just trying to clarify his point.
Re: necromancy benefit 09/29/2012 09:34 AM CDT

Why limit it to rescues?

Make 730 prep cast with no componentry for a flat 5 or 10 minute duration, dead critter or dead PC.

Keep salt/gem requirements for longer durations.

Allow corpses to be reanimated using salt/gem as well, why should we be limited to one animation run per corpse? It is a silly restriction.
Re: necromancy benefit 09/29/2012 08:17 PM CDT
I would do a lot more rescues in a lot more places I wouldn't normally to take advantage of the fact you don't enter RT for dragging and the corpses can pass a few more natural barriers (places you can't drag over, the runes of the misty chamber, the rift, etc)
Re: necromancy benefit 09/30/2012 12:35 AM CDT
Erm, you can already animate PCs with 730 and have them walk to town.... or did you just mean remove the salts for this?


A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: necromancy benefit 09/30/2012 12:46 AM CDT
>Erm, you can already animate PCs with 730 and have them walk to town.... or did you just mean remove the salts for this?

Basically, that. Its not just salts, its the gem as well, though you can just fog back to town if you need to if short duration is necessary. Even so, thats a net requirement of a 4 components required for a simple rescue enhancer.
Re: necromancy benefit 09/30/2012 07:33 AM CDT
>Its not just salts, its the gem as well,

but mainly the salts. I've almost always got some sapphire/moonstone/ruby on me that'll work for long enough to get the to towm. But then I have to spend another ~5 minutes making salts. Granted, when it comes to places like the Rift, and to some extent OTF...Accept no substitute.

If it has to require the salts too, we should at least be able to make the PC swing their weapon like an animated critter. Why is one meat puppet any different from another if the same steps are followed?

Re: necromancy benefit 09/30/2012 12:25 PM CDT
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I like the salt component. Yes, it's a hassle. But one of the things I love about sorcery is it's...well, sorcery. It's not easy, and it's not meant to be. It's dark and complex. While a fair argument could be made that we shouldn't be the ONLY ones burdened, I'd rather see complexity added to other classes rather than taken away from ours. Using crimson salts to preserve and prepare the body is logical (in a twisted, dark fantasy sense).

Having said that, there's no reason complexity must equal tedium. Tedium is appropriate for guild work, but not for class features. For example, why is the process of collecting salt water so convoluted? We should be able to take a flask, dip it in the water and be good to go. It's flippin' salt water, not liquid mercury. I could see the extra step for collecting troll's blood, although I'm sure nobody would complain if that was simplified, as well.

What I'd like to see changed is not the process, but the result. Animate Dead has way too little bang for all the effort.

There are three main reasons I hardly ever animate creatures for hunting. One, with 21 ranks of necromancy I can't get creatures suitably powerful enough to hunt where I hunt. Two, even if I manage to animate something that can be of some use to me, the DURATION is too short to justify all the trouble. Finally, for some creatures to be vaguely useful in combat, I need to carry around a big extra weapon to hand them. That's fine, I can keep it phased...but because of the aforementioned issues, I risk LOSING that weapon when the critter is killed or the duration runs out. Overall, it's just one more hassle to contend with.

I realize my necromancy ranks are not up to snuff...but aren't lores supposed to be a BONUS to our spells, not a requirement? I can still use Animate Dead to rescue bodies. That's great. I've used the spell many times for this, and will continue to do so. But was it intended for sorcerers to become "rescuers" via Animate Dead? It suits my character fine. But for many others, this is yet another aspect of 730 that may hardly ever be used.

The either/or choice of Demonology or Necromancy essentially divides sorcerers into two distinct classes. The problem is, there's so little advantage in choosing Necromancy. I keep my 21 ranks mainly for one spell: Pain. I also like to play with Animate Dead, once in a blue moon (although I can't remember the last time I tried). I prefer to make my own crystals, and use them on the odd rescue. But even this is much more rare now that other classes can just rub a crystal and POOF the body home (often leaving me scratching my head looking for a body that isn't there). Ppht. Why bother?

The trend in GSIV seems to be to make sure every class has the same abilities. If you give Sorcerers the ability to blow things up, you have to give it to empaths, too. If you give them the ability to rescue bodies from places nobody else can get them out of, you have to give clerics those little gems that do exactly that. If you give sorcerers the ability to travel anywhere at any time, you have to give it to everybody, only much safer and cheaper.

That was a rant, obviously. But it's not far from the truth. It used to be there was clear separation between the classes. Now almost everybody's got pets. Almost everybody's got travel spells. Almost everybody's got at least one good CS attack spell, one good bolt spell, one good area spell, etc. Bleh. The only ones who don't are squares, and they make up for it with CMANS and cheap physical skills. In the meantime, everything that's supposed to make Sorcerer's unique has been farmed out to empaths and clerics and bards and rangers.

We can charge scrolls. That's pretty neat. I use this skill a lot, for myself and all my characters. But is that it for us? Is that our single defining ability nobody else has? I think we can do better than that. Honestly, what else do you go to a sorcerer for? Death and destruction? Nope, not anymore. We've become the creepy, new age nerds of the world, crouched over a lab bench in some dank basement, practicing ridiculous arcane rituals that are completely unnecessary for normal people and will never really work right, anyway.

All of this basically boils down to this: How about making 730 actually, you know, work? I mean, in a practical, useful sense? Make it a little easier to animate creatures closer to our level. Increase the duration, or at least make it refreshable (not forever, but at least once or twice to get through a couple hunts). All you'd have to do is tweak the numbers a bit on making crystals, maybe cut the lore requirement in half. I don't know, something. Anything.

Don't take away our complexities. Just make them worth the effort. Make sorcery respectable again.

~ Heathyr and friends
Re: necromancy benefit 09/30/2012 12:32 PM CDT
>>Make sorcery respectable again.

Good post. +1

Re: necromancy benefit 09/30/2012 05:05 PM CDT
>The problem is, there's so little advantage in choosing Necromancy.

Heh, I remember when the same thing was said about Demonology. Of course, that was before Phase-able containers, Balefire, and Planar Shifting, but . . . there was certainly a time when people took Demonology "for flavor", and Necromancy for combat benefits.

That said, I don't think its quite so either-or as people make it out to be, but I'm referring to high level characters. MAL evens out at 70 ranks, and you can 100% summon Abyran'sa from chamber at 125 ranks, leaving 5 free ranks to put where you will. Someone who wants a higher MAL and better Pain thresholds can EASILY drop that last 25 ranks to 100 (still allowing 100% success in chamber with every other runestone except Abyran'sa) and get 100% ranks for a MAL of about +6, if I am correct.

I think an issue I find stranger is that Demonology is usually tier-based, while Necromancy is usually ranks-per-level based.

With 50 ranks of Demonology, you get: Maximum success with Cloak Retribution, Maximum benefit for Torment, 2 passengers for 740, the auto-cast feature for 740, numerous tiers for Phase, and 100% out of chamber summoning for valence specific. Those 50 ranks are exactly the same at level 25 or level 100. 50 is 50 is 50.

Not so with Necromancy, where things are either based on a 1-202 scale, or are based on a ranks per level system. Blood Burst and Animate Dead never "stop" providing benefits, while Pain and Limb Disruption are based on ranks per level, meaning if you want full benefit, you MUST continue training at least 1x in Necromancy. A Demonologist can get away with getting the requisite number of ranks for whatever tier is their goal and call it a day, but Necromancy requires 1x devotion for life. I hope that any Disintegrate and Disease lore implementations will be either tier or 1-202 scale, not ranks per level.
Re: necromancy benefit 10/01/2012 07:39 PM CDT
>A Demonologist can get away with getting the requisite number of ranks for whatever tier is their goal and call it a day, but Necromancy requires 1x devotion for life

Thanks for reminding me. I really need to rethink my current training. I'm at 125 necro and 77 demon. At the time I set this path I was well pre-cap and wanted to be sure I could animate anything walking. at this point I need to decide if it makes sense to go 100 necro and 102 demonology.

The difference ends up being zero failure for demons I rarely summon and 2 more pounds phasable at a cost of 5 MAL and some minor duration associated with crystal quality, and maybe a few less limbs coming to life. I can't imagine the impact on pain to be significant but perhaps someone can dispute that one. It might also take 2 casts instead of 1 to maximize return on blood burst.

It'll also change my failure % on shifting by a couple percent. Though I've never had a problem shifting except 2 times when I did it with over 1m coins on me. I know that NIR have told us that encumberance isn't factored into success, but those coincidences have kept me from trying to shift cross realms when that heavily encumbered.

Re: necromancy benefit 10/01/2012 10:57 PM CDT
<<<Though I've never had a problem shifting except 2 times when I did it with over 1m coins on me>>>

LOL -- Honestly, the only thing you should be successful at while carrying a million coins is lying flat on your back looking pitiful. ;)

~ Heathyr
Re: necromancy benefit 10/02/2012 02:04 PM CDT
>Thanks for reminding me. I really need to rethink my current training. I'm at 125 necro and 77 demon. At the time I set this path I was well pre-cap and wanted to be sure I could animate anything walking. at this point I need to decide if it makes sense to go 100 necro and 102 demonology.

>The difference ends up being zero failure for demons I rarely summon and 2 more pounds phasable at a cost of 5 MAL and some minor duration associated with crystal quality, and maybe a few less limbs coming to life. I can't imagine the impact on pain to be significant but perhaps someone can dispute that one. It might also take 2 casts instead of 1 to maximize return on blood burst.

>It'll also change my failure % on shifting by a couple percent. Though I've never had a problem shifting except 2 times when I did it with over 1m coins on me. I know that NIR have told us that encumberance isn't factored into success, but those coincidences have kept me from trying to shift cross realms when that heavily encumbered.

For starters, it shouldn't hurt Pain at all. Pain's benefits max out at 1x, so with 100 ranks, you will still have a perfect Pain. Even dropping to 90 ranks would cause a trivial difference in Pain (maximum damage would require a 142 endroll instead of a 141 endroll, big deal, thats like getting 1 phantom CS for Pain only for the cost of 120 MTPs).

As for Phase, its nice to know that each seed tier offers 2 pounds, so you'd see an increase of 4 pounds total, which is nice. I know MOST of my boxes that I cannot Phase are in the 31-34 range, and being at 30 pounds myself at the moment, those last 4 pounds are crucial.

Blood Burst would lose some health stealing, but it wouldn't take any more or less casts. Necromancy lore only influences the % of health that is stolen, and offers 0 benefit to endroll or bleed rate. So if it takes 1 cast to take them to full bleed now, it will still do the same with 25 less ranks (I'd guesstimate that you get 30%ish back now, and would get 25%ish back with 100 ranks).

So really, MAL would be your biggest loss. 5 phantom levels would put you at MAL +6, so you could still animate basically anything except Liches and some Grizzled high end enemies. With the new system of Planar Shifting, it would not be likely to change your success rates. The inter-realm shifting formula is now identical to the intra-realm formula, and under that formula, the average sorcerer reached proficiency at around level 60-70. Now, the formula takes Demonology into account, but being capped, you already have the maximum 99% success rate, so the Demonology ranks (77 to 102) will simply afford you up to 5 passengers instead of 3 with same realm shifting.

I would say that as it currently stands, 70 ranks of Necromancy and 75 ranks of Demonology are really good goals (0 MAL and archetype specific summoning in chamber), and any distribution of the remaining 60 points will be fine, either better demons or better MAL.
Re: necromancy benefit 10/02/2012 02:50 PM CDT
<<<I would say that as it currently stands, 70 ranks of Necromancy and 75 ranks of Demonology are really good goals (0 MAL and archetype specific summoning in chamber), and any distribution of the remaining 60 points will be fine, either better demons or better MAL.>>>

That sounds reasonable, roughly what I was thinking. Thanks for the info, especially on Necromancy ranks. It would be nice simply to get to 0 MAL, eventually.

~ Heathyr
Re: necromancy benefit 10/02/2012 08:09 PM CDT
So really, MAL would be your biggest loss. 5 phantom levels would put you at MAL +6, so you could still animate basically anything except Liches and some Grizzled high end enemies.

Thank you, I forgot about grizzled. Now that I think about it, this was part of the reason I pushed necro so high, but the problem is, once i find my grizzled critter, kill it, animate it, run to town, wait to get to somewhere south of numbed, the critter is almost used up even with a pure diamond/emerald/sunstone.

I'm definately thinking the change makes sense with the current state of 730. Then I just have to find a nice sorcerer themed VLA back worn container for all the extra boxes I'll be able to lug around.
