Phase (704) Demonology Lore bonus in 1 lbs steps 11/20/2017 12:43 PM CST
As far as I can tell, the bonus to Phase (704) for weightlessness has tiers that are actually at 1 pound thresholds, but only the 2 pound thresholds were released / officially tabulated. It seems that one just interpolates between the two-pound thresholds and rounds the requirement up.

Assuming I copied it right we normally have ( ):

Ranks Pounds
0 10
3 12
7 14
12 16
18 18
25 20
33 22
42 24
52 26
63 28
75 30
88 32
102 34
117 36
133 38
150 40
168 42
187 44
207 46
228 48
250 50

I have only tested the point at 82 ranks just now (I think I checked at 69 but am too lazy to check logs). I calculated it should look like the following table if it follows regular rules. This assumes I didn't make too many mistakes in mental math / typos.

Ranks Pounds
0 10
2 11
3 12
5 13
7 14
10 15
12 16
15 17
18 18
22 19
25 20
29 21
33 22
38 23
42 24
47 25
52 26
58 27
63 28
69 29
75 30
82 31
88 32
95 33
102 34
110 35
117 36
125 37
133 38
142 39
150 40
159 41
168 42
178 43
187 44
197 45
207 46
218 47
228 48
239 49
250 50

NIR want to confirm this and I'll get a corrected version on gswiki...