Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/15/2013 05:52 AM CST
>you may get a book

Criteria: you have to be able to spell it, without copy/paste.

Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/15/2013 07:53 AM CST
==Criteria: you have to be able to spell it, without copy/paste.

Yes, well that would certainly make for a fun process! The Elanthian spelling bee: Sorcerer's edition.

--Keatsr, the ghost of Nou the ridiculous
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/18/2013 07:06 PM CST
The following is the list of UNCOMMON runes I will be able to teach at these events:

Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/18/2013 08:28 PM CST

Why was it decided not to distribute demon specific verlok runes? I get Abyran'sa, since its always been "that demon", the one with the sanct breaking, the hardest to summon, etc.

But Verlok's only benefit is Verlok'ar with flaring pick-pocket defense. I myself was very much planning on recieving Verlok'cina, which isn't even the "best" one, yet Abyran'a is available. Please tell me this is just an oversight, and not an actual ruling that specific Verlok types are "auction quality".

>Barnom exclaims, "I smell delicious!"

>Barnom says, "Like sage and nutmeg."
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/18/2013 09:07 PM CST
Is more demon lore required for lorae'tyr-abyran'a than for lorae'tyr-abyran?
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/18/2013 09:11 PM CST
In theory, yes. It doesn't make much sense, but thats how the system works. I know there are a few people out there with abyran'a runes.
>Barnom exclaims, "I smell delicious!"

>Barnom says, "Like sage and nutmeg."
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/19/2013 10:44 AM CST
> I know there are a few people out there with abyran'a runes.

I know it...not that it is any better than an abyran rune....worse if you consider that you cannot get an abyran'sa from it.

Echo the sentiment about the verlok rune. Why can't we be taught archetype runes for demons other than the abyran class?

Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/19/2013 10:46 AM CST
I mean doesn't make sense. some people have dumped massive TPs into Demonlogy to be able to summon the exact demon they want. 725 is already lack-luster as is. no need to deny this ability too.

Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/19/2013 11:31 AM CST
<< shien'tyr-darkling
<< shien'tyr-shadowling
<< shien'tyr-shien >>

Along the same lines as my earlier question, is more demon lore required for the shien'tyr-darkling and shien'tyr-shadowling runes than for the shien'tyr-shien rune? I'm not aware of the darkling and shadowling runes having been offered in the past.
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/19/2013 01:25 PM CST
<<Whhhhaaaaaat? Why was it decided not to distribute demon specific verlok runes? I get Abyran'sa, since its always been "that demon", the one with the sanct breaking, the hardest to summon, etc.>>

First of all, it wasn't "decided".

Second of all, this is the list of the runes that are available. Have you ever seen a runestone with lorae'tyr-verlok'ar ? No, because it doesn't exist.

It has nothing to do with "auction quality" or what have you, it is just the way the system was originally coded. Believe me, if I could give you a runestone with the EXACT verlok type you want, I would, but I cannot.
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/19/2013 01:27 PM CST
<<Along the same lines as my earlier question, is more demon lore required for the shien'tyr-darkling and shien'tyr-shadowling runes than for the shien'tyr-shien rune? I'm not aware of the darkling and shadowling runes having been offered in the past.>>

darkling/shadowling/shien should all have the same increased demonology requirements. Why some valences were coded with specific sub-types and not others? That is something I cannot answer. However, I am willing to try my best to accommodate you with everything I have at my disposal.
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/19/2013 02:02 PM CST
Yea know, I'm a bit disappointed by the sorcerer profession. A GM finally goes out of their way to give us something a lot of folk have been asking for for a long time, they're doing it in an all inclusive way rather then a raffle or spinner, and they're trying to make it fun.

But instead of being thankful, all I see are folk complaining not enough is being done. Maybe this is why the profession rarely gets any love.

Thanks, Qortaz, I hope I can make it to one of the events.


A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/19/2013 02:52 PM CST
I'd generally agree with your sentiment, Star.

But -- there's a flip side, too. The profession suffers more than any other from 'unfinished business'. So, as a result, it's hard to meet any expectation. The runes are a good example of a great start. . . and that's what we have.

Quartz, thank you. I'm pretty sure all of us know you're stepping into this, and I certainly appreciate it. If I could ask a favor, can you just tell us you've communicated the sorcerers' desire to have a complete rune listing? That helps, greatly! I know you've got what you've got and I am very happy with how you're going about dealing with what you have.

But that extra little acknowledgement goes a hugely long way.

Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/19/2013 03:09 PM CST
>Yea know, I'm a bit disappointed by the sorcerer profession. A GM finally goes out of their way to give us something a lot of folk have been asking for for a long time, they're doing it in an all inclusive way rather then a raffle or spinner, and they're trying to make it fun.

>But instead of being thankful, all I see are folk complaining not enough is being done. Maybe this is why the profession rarely gets any love.

I don't think people are complaining so much as expressing frustration and confusion about the way some things are set up. For example, it was asked if we'd ever seen a verlok'ar rune. There have been so few opportunities for most people to even try to get a rune, complete with additional restrictions, that you can't expect everyone to know all the details regarding which are available and why. Without knowing which runes are available in the sense that the coding has been done to allow it, there was no way for anyone to know the difference between availability based on code and GM decision. The reality is that in the past, various runes haven't been available by choice of the GM doing the teaching. It's perfectly understandable that there is some misunderstanding, especially when you're following broken logic (we have abyran'a and 'sa, but no verlok'ar or 'cina).
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/19/2013 03:28 PM CST

<<Quartz, thank you. I'm pretty sure all of us know you're stepping into this, and I certainly appreciate it. If I could ask a favor, can you just tell us you've communicated the sorcerers' desire to have a complete rune listing? That helps, greatly! I know you've got what you've got and I am very happy with how you're going about dealing with what you have.>>

In a previous post, I let it be known that I was not the expert on runes and that I'd seek out someone who knew more than myself as to what exactly I could teach... runewise. I did just that. It was explained to me that these were the runes available. Furthermore, I asked why certain subtypes were available and some were not. This is how it was initially written. I also inquired if there was anything I could do personally in getting those out, however, as is a common theme, it is something beyond my paygrade.

Again, I'm doing my best with what I've got. Don't think that your concerns over the Sorcerer as a profession have somehow been ignored or marginalized, this is not the case.
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/19/2013 03:32 PM CST
>But instead of being thankful, all I see are folk complaining not enough is being done. Maybe this is why the profession rarely gets any love.

You have to understand; I really, really appreciate what he is doing here. Its the first major step taken towards alleviating a huge mistake that has been in place for almost a decade. I'm incredibly excited for these lectures, and I will attend all six.

But the world isn't black and white, and an every silver lining has its cloud. I have never been informed, or ever seen any evidence at all, that there are no verlok subtype runes. But the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence, and I don't naturally assume that because I've never seen what is, by nature, a rare, player-made demon rune, that it does not exist. Verlok is not the most common rune around.

So in other words, while incredibly excited for this event and very prepared to recieve a specific rune I've had in mind for years, I just realized that this runestone doesn't exist at all. Yet another oversight/flaw/lack of elegance has been revealed in a gameplay mechanic that is rife with them. Is this Qortaz's fault? Not at all. I even initially assumed that it had nothing to do with him, as he was consulting other GMs to see what is available (what I assumed was that it was their decision). But its still an issue, and honestly, should be remedied immediately, and I would hope, before the majority of these lectures occur. That it could not be finished by the 25th, I could understand, or even March 25th for the second lecture, but I see no reason why it could not be done for the second cycle of the lectures.

>Have you ever seen a runestone with lorae'tyr-verlok'ar? No, because it doesn't exist.

That doesn't really tell me anything. Have I ever seen a shien'tyr-darkling or shien'tyr-shadowling rune before? No, because they are incredibly rare. Why wouldn't I naturally assume that, with a system supporting sub-types for some of its demons, that all of the demons should be supported? Its not as if I have had personal time in the past to test this theory; a few sorcerers have the Verlok rune, and I wish one of them had shared this in the past. But I have never had access to a GM who was providing me a choice of runes, and no one ever came out and specifically warned us about this. So it leaves it until now, with this wonderful event which is much, much needed, for me to discover that the rune I want is not only unavailable (which could even be concievable, given the Abyran'sa) but does not exist at all. I want to say five steps forward, two steps back, but its been this way for a decade . . . so its more like five steps forward, and we just realized we were further away from our goal.

If some sadistic sorcerer wants to blow a rune lesson on a lorae'tyr-haar runestone, it should be an option in this system. Or they had some specific RP affinity for grik'tval (some sort of OCD obsessed with the number 4? Who knows), it should be available. On another day, in another mood, I would have petitioned that ALL the demons recieve a subtype (Imp, Aishan, Arashan, Grantris not having one), whether it had gameplay mechanics or not. But it turns out we only even have 2 of the 5 subtype demons available as it is, and one of them is not available because it is auction quality.

Now, I don't expect that there is anything you can do about this Qortaz; you are doing everything you can to give us what you have at your disposal. What I would ask is that the GMs in charge of coding these sorts of things take a look at the system and expand it to what it should have been in the first place. Honestly, now is the time to do it . . . so that it can be ready for at least a few of the lectures which, by the sounds of it, will release more demon runes than even exist in the game as-is.

I do want to thank you again for helping to set up this event, as well as everyone else contributing. I appreciate it, and it is much needed.

>Barnom exclaims, "I smell delicious!"

>Barnom says, "Like sage and nutmeg."
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/19/2013 03:35 PM CST

<<There have been so few opportunities for most people to even try to get a rune, complete with additional restrictions, that you can't expect everyone to know all the details regarding which are available and why.>>

One of the things I am trying to change with these events.
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/19/2013 03:59 PM CST
<<<One of the things I am trying to change with these events.>>>

And I, for one, could not be more tickled. Thank you! :-)

~ Heathyr
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/19/2013 05:54 PM CST
>One of the things I am trying to change with these events.

Yep, and even though I don't see myself in Prime again, I am glad to see this sort of thing being done. Rune distribution has been poorly handled overall which I've always felt was a shame.
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/22/2013 03:33 PM CST
>There have been so few opportunities for most people to even try to get a rune, complete with additional restrictions, that you can't expect everyone to know all the details regarding which are available and why. Without knowing which runes are available in the sense that the coding has been done to allow it, there was no way for anyone to know the difference between availability based on code and GM decision. The reality is that in the past, various runes haven't been available by choice of the GM doing the teaching. It's perfectly understandable that there is some misunderstanding, especially when you're following broken logic (we have abyran'a and 'sa, but no verlok'ar or 'cina).

very well worded.

yes, I am complaining, but not about this event. complaining about the "broken logic" and wishing I could interrogate the person who designed the system

Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/22/2013 04:45 PM CST
Since we have a GM looking at this folder, how about proposing the ages old proposal of granting an uncommon rune of choice with no teachings to those who have reached guildmaster status and mastered illusions?

Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/22/2013 07:07 PM CST
Listen, folks, I get it. One of the reasons I wanted to do this in the first place was because... I get it. But, please, let us keep this thread on the topic of the six rune teaching events and not spiral down the path of why can't we do this or that and why this is or isn't. Let me again remind everyone that anything outside of the construct of this event, I have ZERO say or influence as to what goes on in regards to professions.
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/22/2013 07:38 PM CST
>Since we have a GM looking at this folder, how about proposing the ages old proposal of granting an uncommon rune of choice with no teachings to those who have reached guildmaster status and mastered illusions?

The proposal Nilven said he'd be willing to consider was letting people choose a rune of choice if they reached 100 or 150 ranks of demonology...something high.

Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/22/2013 07:39 PM CST
and unless I misunderstand, it sounds like Qortaz is offering everyone a chance to choose a rune, no prerequisites.

Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/22/2013 09:07 PM CST
>and unless I misunderstand, it sounds like Qortaz is offering everyone a chance to choose a rune, no prerequisites.

yes, but this is only happening this year, and some people are never going to make any of the sessions (thinking international here). some sort of guaranteed system would keep the runes circulating as players came and went.

Why are we even put into this situation where we overwhelm any GM who gives us the slightest bit of attention? There is obviously an enthusiastic player base (customers) who crave more sorcerer development. Can we crowd source to hire a sorcerer development guru?
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/22/2013 09:29 PM CST
>Listen, folks, I get it. One of the reasons I wanted to do this in the first place was because... I get it. But, please, let us keep this thread on the topic of the six rune teaching events and not spiral down the path of why can't we do this or that and why this is or isn't. Let me again remind everyone that anything outside of the construct of this event, I have ZERO say or influence as to what goes on in regards to professions.

Okay, thats fair, I'll take it to the demonology folder. By the way, do you happen to know who is currently working on Sorcery stuff?

>Barnom exclaims, "I smell delicious!"

>Barnom says, "Like sage and nutmeg."
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/22/2013 09:48 PM CST
>Can we crowd source to hire a sorcerer development guru?

If you have positive ideas for development (in any area of the game), I invite you to consider this recent message from Mestys:

I should perhaps comment that I put in my own GameMaster application in large part because I thought that sufficient attention was not being devoted to aspects of the game which I considered important. If you (the general "you") feel similarly, the same option is available and might benefit everyone.
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/22/2013 10:02 PM CST
I hope you are getting to address those issues that inspired you, Finros. There is no guarantee that any of those GMs that apply will be allowed to work on sorcery. Issue upon issue comes up on these boards and we propose what seem like simple/reasonable solutions that go nowhere. How long did it take for us to get workshops in our guilds from the implementation of scroll infusion to late last year? And even then they're not noded. What's the deal with stuff like that?
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/23/2013 09:15 AM CST
Without getting in to all the banter, would this be an appropriate agent to convert pre-phase containers that resist magic into ones that can be phased?

I ask since a person skilled in Demonology might know subtle details of how to move items into another plane. The GM I'd discussed the topic with seemed to prefer that it was done by some appropriately skilled person. It's also something particular to sorcerers, so it might make sense.

~daid (player of Kaldonis)
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/23/2013 02:04 PM CST

<<Without getting in to all the banter, would this be an appropriate agent to convert pre-phase containers that resist magic into ones that can be phased?>>

As I stated above, outside of the context of teaching uncommon runes at these events, I am not able to address any concerns regarding professions.
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/23/2013 10:08 PM CST
>I hope you are getting to address those issues that inspired you, Finros. There is no guarantee that any of those GMs that apply will be allowed to work on sorcery.

There is never a "guarantee" that one will work on a particular project, no. But Dev GMs are expected to propose new project ideas in the normal course of their duties, and your position is a lot stronger when you can say "I will do this myself in the following manner" rather than "I want somebody else to do this for me." We aren't just handed a task list and told to go do it.

>Issue upon issue comes up on these boards and we propose what seem like simple/reasonable solutions that go nowhere. How long did it take for us to get workshops in our guilds from the implementation of scroll infusion to late last year? And even then they're not noded. What's the deal with stuff like that?

It is very simple: the Dev team is perpetually shorthanded and there's never enough time. This directly ties into what I said above. If one of us were to respond to every idea on the forums, at large number of answers would be "that isn't a bad idea, but I have a thousand other things to do already."

I don't want to derail Qortaz's event discussion any further, but feel free to ask further questions in the Help Wanted category, which you can find through Mesty's announcement.
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/24/2013 03:42 PM CST
>How long did it take for us to get workshops in our guilds from the implementation of scroll infusion to late last year? And even then they're not noded. What's the deal with stuff like that?

it probably took about half a year at least.

I didn't start bugging them about it until I was adding the guilds to the lich map database. then I started BUGging the rooms a lot and posting about it in the town folders. the towns handle the room stuff, not the sorcerer guru people. I think I added the guilds to the map database early 2012. dont remember when I posted in every town folder about the workshops not actually being workshops, but it was probably 2 months after that at least. much later when I realized my BUG reports were being ignored...

Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/24/2013 03:43 PM CST
I'd apply but I think my app would be rejected... o:)

Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/24/2013 07:15 PM CST

half a year? lol I was bugging those rooms 3 years ago before I last quit
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/24/2013 10:27 PM CST
reposting Gretchen's directions

>The embassies were just completed within the past year so there's a good chance they haven't made it to a map yet. However, there are directions. When you're standing outside the Lost Home, head northwest and then southwest. Go through the opening. Then you're in the area with the embassies. Head southeast and then southwest, then into the rotunda.

You also see an arrow-shaped alizarin sign pointing to the south arch.

it's go other curtained arch if you don't want to point and click.
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/25/2013 07:14 AM CST
For anybody who is still lost, here's how to get there from the Hanging Gardens (dais):

move out
move sw
move go bridge
move nw
move sw
move sw
move nw
move sw
move w
move s
move sw
move sw
move go opening
move se
move sw
move go rotunda
put read sign
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/25/2013 10:12 AM CST
I want to thank you SO much for running this event in Plat as well (despite the fact I'll be unable to make it this afternoon, as I live in Mountain time and 5 EST I'm still sitting here waiting to go home), but I hope very much to make it to the future ones!
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/25/2013 10:57 AM CST
<<I want to thank you SO much for running this event in Plat as well (despite the fact I'll be unable to make it this afternoon, as I live in Mountain time and 5 EST I'm still sitting here waiting to go home), but I hope very much to make it to the future ones!>>

It is my pleasure, really. If turnout is low for the Plat event (and, not knowing much about Plat sorcs, I really have no idea what low turnout would entail), for the next events I might query players if there are times better suited. Being an East Coast guy, I know I get frustrated sometimes when West Coast GMs do things I'm not around for (>punch Kenstrom). That is also the beauty of six events, hopefully you'll be able to make at least one!

~ Q
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/25/2013 11:51 AM CST
I will do my best to be there in Plat.

-Taakhooshi, and Me

For the Story of Taakhooshi:
Re: Lord Vathon Teaches Uncommon Runes 01/25/2013 03:38 PM CST

Thanks for posting the directions, I had visited the embassies upon release but in the time since that I had completely forgotten where they were located.

Looking forward to tonight's event.