More warpath stuff 06/20/2012 12:38 PM CDT
Ok, I switched my skills for the 5th time recently (yes, she has been around for 5 fixskills), going from pure caster back to physical warpath. She was for a while getting her butt kicked, because THWs do not add anything to DS vs hurled/missile weapons; it was seriously mana intensive to keep everything sympathetic, and she was down 100 total mana from when she was a pure caster. Hmmm, what to do?

The I found that with a white crtsyal, and otherwise only self spelled, she could cast 102 and still have her weapon AS at 404. That added DS has made a lot of difference, and if she binds the foe their DS drops a lot, so she can hit them hard even with 102 in effect.

The bells of Hell
go ting-a-ling-a-ling
for you but not for me