CMANs: Surge? SHIELD: wut? 03/22/2017 11:53 AM CDT
I'm 52 now, and I'm looking at my CMAN and SHIELD choices and wondering where to go next. So suggestions would be nice. A caveat: I understand most Paladins go with Tower Shields, I like large ones as it fits my idea of the character better, sometime far in the future, I may train dodge, and I really REALLY like the sanctified shield I have :D

Feint is great, and I like it, Specialization is nice for the bonus to CMANs, but I don't know how much I'm getting out of it. I've yet to use disarm at all, and took it initially as just a defensive choice. So wspec and disarm I'm not married to, and if anyone has a suggestion for better choices, I'm all ears.

CMAN Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Disarm Weapon disarm 1
Feint feint 5
Specialization I wspec1 2

I use strike a lot actually, it's a free flare attempt and possible knock down with an attack. I was toying with saving up 30 points for mastery as another attack and potential flair seems like it may be nice, but I'm a long way from there. So far, I like what I have chosen, and am more looking for next choices (more focus?), or a strong reason to change what I have.

SHIELD Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Large Shield Focus lfocus 3
Shield Bash bash 5
Shield Forward forward 3
Shield Strike strike 5

Thanks all!
Re: CMANs: Surge? SHIELD: wut? 03/22/2017 02:05 PM CDT

- I like wspec1 for the bonus AS as well. Not really NEEDED for a paladin but why not pile it on? I have that trained to 5 ranks for my pally.
- Similar to wspec1 / surge provides some extra AS and carrying capacity for those times where you might need it. I presently have 2 ranks in this with no plans to go to rank 5 as I mostly use this 'as needed', usually towards the end of a hunt when I picked up one box too many.
- Combat Toughness - For 9 points you can pick up an extra 15 health. Might be a good deal for your pally or maybe you never run out? I mostly die to crits when I die but I grabbed the extra health anyway.
- I recently had my bonded weapon ensorcelled to T5 and am having a lot of fun with that. As such I'm saving up the 30 points required for Tainted Bond. Might be something worth looking into as well.
- Combat Focus: For 3 points pick up an extra +2 TD.
- I tried Truehand but really couldn't get into it / stopped using it after a bit. It seems really cool but was lacking for me.

- You have my two of my four favorites already: Shield Bash and Shield Forward.
- Shield Spike Focus / Spike Mastery: I have no end of fun with this combination of shield skills. It's way too much fun watching critters impale themselves on your shield and having a spike on your shield is a nice compliment to Shield Bash.
- Block the Elements: I found this incredibly useful at 2 ranks when hunting fire mages. It is situational based on what you are hunting but really nice when it kicks in. I don't know that a 3rd rank is really needed though.
- Prop Up is worth looking at for a couple ranks and you are still eligible using a large shield.
- Shield Push: Take 1 rank for 2 points and have fun pushing lower level foes around! (I do!)

-- Robert

A powerful whirlpool is suddenly overtaken by a windy vortex!