Spells & Harness Power 12/11/2015 07:43 PM CST
Hi all...been away for awhile and just came back to my premium account. I've been reading up everything I can on the monk and as far as my training goes for spells I figured on .3x (with goals of 20 mental and 13 minor putting me on my way for 120 post cap). Few questions about this... 1. Is the .3x strategy a viable enough one; 2. About how much harness is going to be enough? Not sure exactly how i'd be hunting the higher I get and not sure how mana dependent monks are at upper levels. Currently with the .3x spells i'm .5x harness.
Re: Spells & Harness Power 12/11/2015 08:51 PM CST
Mid 50s I only have 15 harness and 1220/107...I just need enough to put up my defensive spells and occasionally use force projection.
Re: Spells & Harness Power 12/11/2015 09:06 PM CST

Right on then. I'm assuming its just one of them take until you don't need it..pick it back up if you do kinda skills. Thanks for the response..I was guessing somewhere in the area of 20 ranks.
Re: Spells & Harness Power 12/11/2015 10:51 PM CST

Speaking on HP, it helps to have a good amount of mana at later levels, primarily for dispeling. At near cap, and even a bit lower, creatues will enter a room with a spell prepped. As a monk, this can wreck you, quite easily, so dispelling really makes the field manageable. So while at 50 lower mana pools might be okay, but you may want to pick up more down the road. Happy huntings!