Returning after 8ish years 01/15/2016 03:21 PM CST
Looks like I last played in 2007 and my main is a cleric. Here's my info. Any advice, training tips or suggestions appreciated.

Race: Sylvankind

Profession: Cleric

Shown: No

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Expr: 3237318

Level: 57

Norm.(Bon.) / Enh.(Bon.)

STR: 73 (11) / 73 (11)

CON: 74 (12) / 74 (12)

DEX: 94 (32) / 94 (32)

AGI: 83 (21) / 83 (21)

DIS: 87 (13) / 87 (13)

AUR: 94 (27) / 96 (28)

LOG: 84 (17) / 84 (17)

INT: 100 (25) / 100 (25)

WIS: 100 (25) / 100 (25)

INF: 61 (5) / 61 (5)

Mana: 179

at level 57), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:

Armor Use........................| 130 35

Physical Fitness.................| 105 25

Arcane Symbols...................| 140 40

Magic Item Use...................| 140 40

Spell Aiming.....................| 218 118

Harness Power....................| 157 57

Spirit Mana Control..............| 150 50

Spiritual Lore - Blessings.......| 70 15

Spiritual Lore - Religion........| 140 40

Spiritual Lore - Summoning.......| 90 20

Perception.......................| 120 30

Climbing.........................| 105 25

Swimming.........................| 70 15


Spell Lists

Major Spiritual....................| 40


Spell Lists

Minor Spiritual....................| 40


Spell Lists

Cleric.............................| 65
Re: Returning after 8ish years 01/15/2016 08:24 PM CST
I'm not qualified to answer the cleric questions, but welcome back!!

-The mind behind Rowmi's eyes.
Re: Returning after 8ish years 01/15/2016 09:45 PM CST
Pures of all stripes are now encouraged to train 1x in PF for life, to help resist offensive maneuvers.
Re: Returning after 8ish years 01/16/2016 06:12 AM CST
I'd regard your spells (the 100s and 200s in particular) as relatively high (considering you are spell aim trained) and overall lore level as relatively high. I'd regard perception and PF as low, particularly if you fancied bandits. Basically solid and if you wanted to diversify away a bit from combat skills or beef up your manoever defense you could afford the points to do so.

There are quite a few new spells. 319 allows radically different tactics, and you should make sure you get a symbol that works with 340 if you don't have one already. Read up on 314 and 335 too. 350 might be new to you as well. and the others are linked from there.
Re: Returning after 8ish years 01/17/2016 04:06 PM CST
thanks for the help folks, here he is now. I think i used to hunt both hands open inf offensive and channel for full damage but don't know if that is still an option. I dropped the bolting in favor of more cleric spells and and pf. Been soloing troll kings with mild success so far. They've killed me once out of about 10 trips so far better than anticipated. I can not do the full offensive both hand open channel with them but figure that's due to the uphunting. Any hands free channelers at cap care to share their training/tactics?

(at level 57), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 130 35
Brawling...........................| 5 1
Physical Fitness...................| 159 59
Arcane Symbols.....................| 140 40
Magic Item Use.....................| 140 40
Harness Power......................| 159 59
Spirit Mana Control................| 159 59
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 70 15
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 140 40
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 90 20
Perception.........................| 120 30
Climbing...........................| 105 25
Swimming...........................| 70 15

Spell Lists
Major Spiritual....................| 40

Spell Lists
Minor Spiritual....................| 40

Spell Lists
Cleric.............................| 78
(Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)
Re: Returning after 8ish years 01/17/2016 05:01 PM CST
I never found that the extra damage from two open hands and offensive channeling to be worth the risk. OK, maybe it took me an extra cast to kill something. Big hairy deal; that's far preferable to being eaten by a Troll King. One hand open and channeling from guarded is the way to go.
Re: Returning after 8ish years 01/18/2016 05:58 AM CST
Control from guarded plus staff casts, kill from open hands offensive channels. If you aren't seeing much extra damage from open hands offensive (+40 to effective warding margin) you wont see any from one hand guarded channeling (+5). Might as well have the option to run in soft RT.

You might find a rank of TWC worth having if you reckon a rank of brawl is worth while. I'm not sure if 1 rank brawl is enough to activate it, but TWC helps open handed defense too these days.

Its probably the froth rather than the uphunting that gets you smacked by MTKs. You need to stop them swinging, because any swing might be a froth and a froth can go straight through you.