Skills migration issue? 09/04/2012 02:32 AM CDT
I recently degraded 64 mental and 64 physical training points in my capped rogue before using my annual FIXSKILLS. I would like to point out that according to the SKILLS command, had I just waited via normal game time for these skills to fully degrade, it would have taken, and this is not a typo, over 5500 (fifty five hundred) days.

I appreciate that exchanging a total of 128 training points is a significant action and that the degrade time should be rather long. But over 15 years? Since FIXSKILLs is an annual option, I guess I don't see the point of having migrations lasting that long.

If someone wants the exact details as to what I did, let me know.

Re: Skills migration issue? 09/04/2012 02:39 AM CDT
I notice it is sometimes a little buggy on the initial calculation. It adjusts itself to proper times and then also changes as you migrate over the specific thresh holds in a month.

Player of Septimius
Re: Skills migration issue? 09/05/2012 10:17 AM CDT
I believe you can force the migration time to recalc by logging out and back in again.

Also, as Septimius said, it calculates based on your current rate of migration. So if you are currently in the slowest tier (you've already shifted a bunch of stuff around this month), your time will be quite lengthy. Once it kicks over to a new month and you've got the faster rate, your time will look better... until you switch tiers, at which point things will say they will take longer again.
Re: Skills migration issue? 09/06/2012 03:42 PM CDT
I had not degraded any skills in over a year.

Admittedly I did not think of logging out and then back in to see if that changed the indicated time.

Since the indicated time apparently does fix itself, I do not see a need to address the issue.
